Sentences with phrase «more radical reduction»

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Laszlo maintains that a pure skepticism must bracket the physical world completely, using the phenomenological reduction in an even more radical manner than Husserl.
The Social Liberal Forum believes that recovery from this crisis will require a flexible approach to deficit reduction and far more radical reform to the financial sector than showering existing banks with extra liquidity — the LDV survey suggests that the Lib Dem membership agrees.
Speakman theorizes that the efficiency of the mitochondria is more important than their total output: Mice on calorie - restricted diets seem to show the same mitochondria - mediated reduction in free radicals as do animals with high metabolisms.
Rockenschaub's works in animation, painting, sculpture, and site - specific installation use radical reduction and concentration to push the formal vocabulary of the abstract avant - garde, but never strays into the color palette of more staid academia.
Such radical reductions would require revolutionary new technologies to become available (a strategy that is not guaranteed), and would likely be much more expensive.
The Heathrow protesters» running battles with the police might give the impression that the protest was radical, and its aims at odds with the establishment, but Climate Camp's ultimate goal of 90 per cent reductions in UK CO2 emissions by 2050 is only 10 per cent more than the Conservative party has pledged.
Pointing out and questioning this attitude can only be good for science, but it may make it more difficult for radical emissions reduction policies to be implemented.
All major energy forecasts — even the most technologically optimistic — agree that much more will be needed to yield the «radical» emissions reductions that we need.
The alternative, possibly rather too radical, proposition of making the Bar Professional Training Course more difficult to pass — which would probably achieve the same reduction of numbers objective, give all students a fair chance to take the exam and benefit the general public onto which the thrusting young barrister is unleashed — does not appear to have survived the bacon slicer thinking behind the BCAT creation process.
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