Sentences with phrase «more research needed before»

Not to mention how much it reads (on the surface) like the typical Bush line of «more research needed before we take any action.»

Not exact matches

Nevertheless, as the study is the largest and longest study of its kind, more research is likely needed before we reach any definitive conclusions about how well it works — or doesn't.
Customers are walking into stores armed with more research than ever before, so sales people need to change tactics
Much more research will need to be done, with results compared to women who haven't had the procedure, before whatever benefits AUGMENT may have are clearly seen.
Make sure you take the time to research the best options, estimate your new monthly payment and talk to an expert if you need more help before selecting a plan that works for you.
Bill Nye needs to do more research on the history of Chrisitanity before he generalizes.
Tom, you are a dork... comparing witnessing an auto accident and witnesses to the bible is absurd... OMG... I can't believe you dim wits actually say this in a forum that is widely read... in plain english, Tom... you need to do more reading and research before making such statements... your ignorance is showing...
I think you need to do a little more research before making an ignorant comment like that.
I probably need to do some more research in this area before I reach any conclusions.
YOu need to do some more research before spouting off buddy.
Much more ecological research needs to be done before we are in a position to know the nature of the real threats to these cycles.
It is apparent that much more research is needed before the size of the total audience of religious programs and its breakdown into categories of programs can be accurately evaluated.
I think more research needs to be done before we decide coconut cream or sugar is «healthy.»
Now i decided to make a Holiday but before i need a bit more research but seem to be perfect.
Regardless, I think ad companies and their clients need to do much more research before releasing ads about such topics.
However, more research is needed before any of these claims can be proven one way or another.
Maybe you need to do more research on his before spouting off!!
NAPERVILLE — More wetland research is needed before Naperville Park District commissioners can decide if the 193 - acre DuPage River Park would be suitable for the district's third golf course.
I conclude by admitting that, there are more things to consider when buying a jogging stroller its good though the features are designed according to your needs and taste, to suit you perfectly, there are benefits when you research before you purchase, enjoy your shopping.
Though we found some rigorous studies that after controlling for certain variables showed positive results of the AP program, especially in the sciences, we believe more research needs to be done before we can verify the broad claim that taking AP classes makes students more likely to succeed in college.
Scientists were quick to point out that more research is needed in this area before they're able to apply their findings to new developments or treatments.
More research on this topic is needed before any recommendations on policy or rule changes can be made.»
Shulman and others caution that much more research is needed before babies are routinely given probiotics.
However, given the statistical issues with this model, more research would be needed before drawing any firm conclusions on this point.
More research is needed before conclusions can be made about the efficacy of these programs.
Studies are not clear whether pacifiers always contribute to weaning (2) and more research is needed before drawing any conclusions.
More research is needed before we can say that laptops definitely have a negative effect on male fertility.
You need to do more research before you go pumping sugar into your helpless little baby!
STEIN: Shulman and others caution that much more research is needed before anyone really knows for sure that they can help - and which probiotics really work, if they do.
But officials from neighboring communities and environmental advocates say more research is needed before any expansion plan is approved.
«While the small - scale study suggests that beta - blockers may reduce the risk of breast cancer returning, more research is needed in this area to determine the effectiveness and safety of the treatment before it can be routinely offered to breast cancer patients.
The reliability of the technology remains «a bit tenuous,» Tucker said, adding that much more research, development and testing would be needed before cops could trust the weapons with lives on the line.
However, lots more research is needed before this approach could ever be used in humans.
Dr. Tamashiro reinforced that more research is needed before extending these findings to humans.
These findings hint that such synchronization lets signals flow easily between two brains, though Leong says that much more research needs to be done before scientists understand synchronization's relevance to babies» communication and learning.
Author Zanna Clay said that the findings show that «more research needs to be done on our great ape relatives before we can make conclusions about human uniqueness.
«So far, the drug has only been tested in mice, and while some research in human genetics suggests this approach could work in people too, we need more research before we know how relevant this could be for people with type 2 diabetes.»
Many more years of research will be needed before getting to this point.
While these results suggest that boosting autophagy in the gut is generally beneficial, Hansen cautions that further research is needed: «Before we can consider regulating autophagy to manage disease, we need to learn a lot more about how the process works both in a single cell as well as in the whole organism.»
But of course, we need much more research before we can actually replace the DSM diagnosis of depression with something else.»
Much more research is needed before the nutrition rule book can be rewritten.
«More research is needed before we reach that point though, but as ironic as it may seem, we are using the yellow fever virus, once arguably the most feared pestilence in the Western Hemisphere, to help us defeat the Zika virus and quite possibly others as well.»
Until then, clinicians should be alert to the possibility that preeclampsia may increase the risk of heart defects in fetuses, although more research is needed in other settings to confirm our findings before modification of clinical practice.»
Although these results are an important step forward in understanding the mechanisms of tumour progression, more research is needed before this treatment can be applied to clinical practice.
But much more research is needed before we could draw that conclusion.»
Terry Dwyer, director of the centre, says that more research will be needed before the jump in lung cancer in women under 45 can be blamed primarily on smoking.
«More research is needed before we can be sure, but so far all experiments support our model,» says Martin Enge, assistant professor at Karolinska Institutet.
Whatever the rights and wrongs of this argument, and more considered research is needed before the jury can bring in a verdict, this volume is essential reading for all space enthusiasts and historians.
This underlines the overwhelming criticism of DSM — we need more research to distinguish correctly between normal and abnormal states before it is clinically justified to add a new diagnosis like this.
But a lot of basic research will be needed before any cloning attempt, since far more is known about cows, sheep, and mice than about canine reproductive biology.
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