Sentences with phrase «more rights»

Learn about their hiring policies, pay, benefits, home time, equipment, and so much more right here.
We're very excited to talk about it, but we can't say much more right now.
The lower returns from fixed income means they have to plan to save much more right from the beginning.
You really can't get more right on than that.
New research shows that among older voters, women are more right wing than men, but in younger cohorts, women are more to the left.
Because the service is guaranteed by law, it may give consumers more rights in the event that fraud happens after a freeze is put in place.
If that is not enough for you to live on, then you need to save even more right now, to keep your lifestyle in retirement.
There was far more right about her performance than wrong with it.
Also, the organization provides emergency aid in war, natural disasters, and other conflicts, and promotes policy changes in order to gain more rights for young people.
She made clear that she believes men accused of sexual assault have been improperly treated by institutions of higher education, and need more rights of their own.
Well, we ran out of granola... And normally I would make more right away, but we ran out of honey, too!
These Agreements set out in detail how the child is going to be cared for without inserting any terms which gives more rights to one party over another.
That means you can do a lot more right from the scanner, although it wasn't a huge advantage.
This sleek and simple sporty smartwatch allows you to do it all — send and receive texts, calendar notifications, news updates, and more right on your wrist.
With this app, you'll be able to find parking, compare fuel prices, schedule service, and so much more right from the palm of your hand.
You are so right about living on the moment but what you're even more right about is taking our own advice!
Go out once more right before you go to bed.
This thing does more right than anything else we found.
Humans killing each other would be no more right or wrong than being kind to each other.
And nowhere in the team is that lack of spending felt more right now than at the back.
My husband said I need to make more right after I made the first pint!
My parenting style isn't more right or wrong than yours.
So I'd like to help encourage the kind of service recognized by this award, about which you can learn more right here.
I know what you're all thinking: it's hard to imagine anything the world needs more right now than a new 32 - team international club football competition.
There is nothing we love more right now than coral and turquoise.
This reflects the serious nature of the offence; however, it also affords the accused with more rights during trial.
Why is one set of brain waves more right than another?
I probably wouldn't even mind adding more myself right now.
Although federal law provides limited rights to stop payment, financial institutions may offer more rights or state laws may require them.
So when you click on «Read more...» or «Read more right here...» you'll see it in action.
Investing success comes from making more right decisions than wrong ones over a long period of time.
Russian women had not really fought for their rights - the government has always been clear that the women is power, and they have been received more rights than their Western sisters.
Bottom line still is tenants have many more rights and you often have to pay them to leave.
It was right when he said it, and it's even more right today.
I found a few towns a little further north that I like more right now.
As a matter of fact, I think I am going to order more right now!
His vision has been proven more right than wrong by the many outstanding black scholars, educators, entrepreneurs, musicians, and community leaders.
They have (and had) allies, but the movements were necessarily and appropriately led by those seeking more rights for themselves.
Find vacation rental homes, beach houses and more right near the most exciting events in the world.
The good news is that there are far more right ways of writing resumes!
It seems people are really wanting to connect with their families more right now, I think, because of the economic downturn.
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