Sentences with phrase «more rods»

Cat eyes also have six to eight times more rod cells than humans.
Your cat's eyes have six to eight times more rod cells than yours and a 200 - degree field of peripheral vision.
The lack of color sense is balanced by the dog having many more rods, light - sensitive cells on the retina, than people do.
Not surprisingly, dogs have more rods in their retinas than humans.
More rods means they detect movement and light better.
Dogs have retinas that have fewer cones but more rods compared to humans.
Before I start spouting more Rod Stewart lyrics, let's get this train back on track by explaining that this year's PES offering will feature the new «Heart» system, which makes player motivation and personality a key part of the game.
They tested it in a rat model of ADRP and found that after 2 to 3 months, eyes that had been injected with the virus - ribozyme combo contained 30 to 40 % more rod cells than eyes that received a dummy injection.
Humans have more cones while cats have more rods, and here's how this has resulted in Puss's vision being worlds apart from ours.
Cats can see well in one - sixth the light we can because their eyes have more rods than ours, which allow them to detect more light, and because they have a layer of tissue in their eyes called the tapetum lucidum.
Compared to humans, dogs and cats have more rods and less cones.
Because dogs have more rods that cones in their retinas, they don't see colors that well.
Elephant seals have large circular eyes that have more rods than cones to help them see in low light conditions when they are diving.
The rainbow colors on the collar give songbirds — who have more rods and cones to see bright colors than humans do — enough time to recognize a predator and fly away.
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