Sentences with phrase «more schedule flexibility»

While smaller companies may offer more schedule flexibility and autonomy, they often can't compete when it comes to hard perks like the ones listed above.
I also wanted more scheduling flexibility.

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More flexibility with your schedule.
In many companies, more workers are demanding more flexibility with their schedules, which means they have to play «catch up» after hours, she explains.
We show our appreciation through flexibility in scheduling times, we are more relaxed with allocated time, and even offer small discounts when it best serves the relationship at hand.
We chose the latter and went to about 21 employees so we could offer them more flexibility in scheduling.
«Millennials tend to work only the minimum time expected — and will push for flexibility and a reduced work schedule to create more time for other pursuits.»
What's more, those 9 - to - 5 schedules aren't a smart strategy: Employees with flexibility in their workday report higher levels of job satisfaction and reduced levels of burnout and psychological stress, according to a study conducted over 12 months at a Fortune 500 company with 700 employees and published in the February issue of American Sociological Review.
Roth says that according to a survey conducted by LinkedIn, «nearly half of American workers would forgo the corner office job and a high salary to gain more flexibility in their schedules
«Squeezing five days of 10 - hour - a-day work into a compressed 40 - hour schedule can create more rigidity and reduced flexibility for families and children,» he claims.
We're starting to see companies put more emphasis on employee wellness and work / life balance — whether it's providing designated «nap rooms» for employees, encouraging them to take advantage of their vacation time or simply giving them more flexibility in their work schedules
But, when hourly employees are given more control and flexibility over their work schedules, they're more likely to understand that their employers value their time.
In theory, you can run a successful business out of your home and have the flexibility to be there for your family, spending more time with your children or arranging your work schedule around your family's needs.
However, when hourly employees are given more control and flexibility over their work schedules, they're more likely to understand that their employers value their time.
I like work flexibility as it allows me to be in more control of my schedule and my work environment.
It is not surprising that more than half of Fortune's best companies for women offer part - time, telecommute, freelance, flexible schedule, or other forms of work flexibility.
While being self - employed has many benefits such as having more flexibility or freedom to choose your own schedules, working as much or as little as you want, etc., there are downsides to being self - employed as well.
However, the employee is allowed much more flexibility in deciding his contribution schedule and amount.
With 35 percent of people saying that they would consider switching jobs for a job that allowed them to work remotely, according to Gallup, companies need to consider incorporating more flexibility into their scheduling as a way to retain and attract top - level employees.
A friend of ours will be here from Canada on Monday and stay for a couple weeks, so I'm planning on reducing my posting schedule a bit while he's here to have some more flexibility to spend time with him and Graham.
If you have any flexibility in your work schedule, consider working from home one day a week or more.
When coordinating swimming lessons, nursing and napping schedules for more than one child, we must have the flexibility to nurse (when our baby needs to nurse) at the same time we provide for the needs of our older children.
Yes, I have a ton of flexibility in my schedule, and yes, I get to spend more time with my son than I would if I had a more traditional office job.
For moms who need a little more flexibility in their schedules or who plan to work outside the home, breast pumps are an essential purchase.
But you have more flexibility than with a strictly parent - led schedule, and you look more to your baby's cues when deciding what to do next.
You also have more flexibility with your schedule.
Since the girls are off of school, we had a lot more flexibility in our schedule this week.
One implication, say the authors, is that despite existing recommendations that drivers take 8 hours between shifts, the trucking industry may need to allow more flexibility in sleeping and driving schedules.
Whether you need to keep your current schedule or you're looking for more flexibility, online learning has many positives.
Looking back to those days (almost 1.5 years ago), I would take some time to analyze what I'm feeling and deal with it the best way possible (instead of shoving it deeper and self - medicating with food), set a schedule where I am getting enough time for work, play, and rest; surround myself with supportive, positive people; and follow a nutrition and exercise plan that has more flexibility and will not add stress to my life until I can do my regular schedule.
Pun intended — Most private Yoga teachers have much more flexibility with their schedule, which is great news for you.
College academic schedules typically allow students to have more flexibility and free time during the day.
Since the girls are off of school, we had a lot more flexibility in our schedule this week.
The approach marries a Groupon - like schedule with the convenience, along with more flexibility and privacy.
Where to stay for the night Actually, camping has been more and more popular among bikers who are on motorcycle touring, which allows great flexibility in terms of the route, schedule and budget.
This includes flexibility over calendars, schedules, personnel, and more.
He responded that he'd like more flexibility with his schedule and more time outside of the curriculum to work on this project.
Technology - aided learning programs allow employees to work on a more flexible schedule as they provide the flexibility of time and...
Technology - aided learning programs allow employees to work on a more flexible schedule as they provide the flexibility of time and location.
In «The Logic of Interdisciplinary Studies,» a research report by Sandra Mathison and Melissa Freeman presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association in 1997, the authors wrote, «Interdisciplinary, integrated, and integrative studies represent an opportunity to have more meaningful relations with students; teach cognitive skills associated with «real life» (e.g., cooperation, problem solving, ability to see connections); motivate students; increase student achievement; promote positive attitudes toward subject matter; create more curricular flexibility; diminish scheduling problems; and integrate new and rapidly changing information with increased time efficiency.»
What implications does mobile learning have on the ability to offer more flexibility in school time scheduling?
They are typically outside local collective bargaining agreements and therefore have more flexibility than traditional public schools in staffing, compensation, and scheduling.
Modified block scheduling allows students to take seven classes instead of the traditional six, allowing more flexibility and options and selecting courses.
Local school systems need more flexibility to design a schedule that works for their students.
The bill, which includes other changes intended to give more flexibility to school districts, was scheduled for Tuesday's Assembly session, but on Wednesday morning was bundled along with other bills into a special order expected to be taken up Thursday.
She added that VS teachers have much more flexibility with their schedule because technology is readily available.
Rationale: District wants more educational days before state testing, to evenly distribute number of days in first and second semesters and to improve district attendance and student success through schedule flexibility.
As a result, they have more freedom and flexibility to make decisions about curriculum, scheduling, and teacher selection to meet the needs of their students.
The bottom line is that a virtual education allows me to tailor that classroom experience to the student in front of me — the advanced learner, the child who needs more attention than what's received in a local classroom, the child who needs flexibility to fit a professional sports or entertainment schedule, and the child who simply needs a quiet place to work without the distractions of a classroom.
This method calls for school and parental flexibility and may lead to logistical problems such as scheduling and transportation, but is often more satisfactory than grade skipping because the child associates at least part of the time with age peers.
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