Sentences with phrase «more school resource»

It puts nearly $ 400 million toward mental health counseling, hiring more school resource officers, adding metal detectors and bullet - resistant windows in schools and increasing child welfare investigators.
Providing more school resource officers will not just ensure more security but will help restore peace of mind for kids and their families.
The recurring money includes $ 100 million to fund mental health programs in schools, and another $ 75 million would go to school safety programs, including more school resource officers.
I'm angry that everyone thinks the solution to this is having more school resource officers.
A House panel called Wednesday for more school resource officers and additional planning and training to beef up security at North Carolina schools.
To facilitate those relationships, the panel suggested increasing the numbers of school counselors and mental health professionals who serve students; freeing those professionals from other administrative responsibilities so that they can focus on the core functions of their jobs; placing more school resource officers in schools; and training educators to create healthy school climates, use positive behavioral intervention and supports, and promote students» social and emotional skills.
«If we really want to do something, spend money on adding more school resource officers and law enforcement officers out there,» said Runcie.
The bill also provides funding to put more school resource officers in schools, train school employees to become guardians and «harden» school grounds.
At the Feb. 21 School Board meeting, Avossa highlighted the county's school safety, but said it is not perfect and they will be lobbying Tallahassee for more school resource officers.
Because many large school districts won't sign up for the program, Scott said he'd urge lawmakers to use the unused money for more school resource officers, an option that wouldn't be available if he vetoed the funding.
But, unfortunately, evidence from both the United States and other countries shows that more school resources and smaller classes do not have much of an effect on how much a student learns in school, as measured by tests of achievement.
More power to these noble loud - mouths, and may they make headway in their against - the - tide quest for better pay and working conditions, more school resources and (gasp!)
Reports of Smith's speech say, «He was critical of perennial and generic requests for more school resources and the «same old tired statistic» that Utah ranks last in the nation in per - student education funding.»
Looking toward the future, there will likely be talks about needing to find funds to have more school resource officers in schools and having more training exercises, Simonton said.
Hundreds of teachers and public education advocates traveled from Eastern North Carolina yesterday to state capital, where they joined thousands of others demanding higher teacher pay and more school resources.
The superintendent of Johnston County Public Schools in North Carolina issued a letter last week saying the system has applied for a grant to place 12 more school resource officers in schools throughout the district.
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