Sentences with phrase «more sensitive children»

Although some rides in the dark could be uncomfortable for more sensitive children, this definitely is the least frightening of any of the Disneyland dark rides.
In fact, the way you respond may be even more important with more sensitive children... but that doesn't mean that the right parenting will end the crying.
Disney might be a little overwhelming for a more sensitive child — you're the best judge of what your tot can handle.
There are other examples from my family, but I'm just trying to say that it's entirely possible for an introverted child to be born into a family of extroverts, or an extroverted child to be born into a family of introverts, or a more sensitive child to be born to a parent who's in the «stiff upper lip» camp.
An easygoing baby may take blaring sounds in stride, while a more sensitive child may cry at the slightest whisper.
The more sensitive child is likely to be emotionally crushed by his parents» strict, harsh approach, and will become overly compliant, anxious and develop a low sense of self - worth.

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• Women who enjoy the full support of their partners are more closely bonded to their children, and more responsive and sensitive to their needs (Feiring, 1976).
Then a team of Russian and American researchers trained the staff at one particular orphanage, where most children were under the age of two, in a new model of more sensitive caregiving.
I was a little more apprehensive this time around as I have a lot of time sensitive commitments with the older children that just don't allow me to sit and feed a baby for as long as he might need, but I wanted to give it a go.
First, know that highly sensitive children need more lead time for new experiences, so be prepared to build in that extra time as you plan for the transition.
In terms of temperament, I bring that up because I also followed some very well thought - out theories in my child - rearing and I can tell you from both personal experience and familiarity with various studies that some children may just be born more sensitive than others.
While I would tend to agree (on gut instinct, not any medical science) that 5 minutes of crying isn't going to harm a child who after a night or two of this goes right to sleep, most parents who are «resorting» to some form of CIO probably have more intense / sensitive / callitwhateveryoulike babies... which means that parent is looking at many nights of this.
Your child's ear is much more sensitive than an adult's, so when your child is immersed in a noisy environment or playing with a noisy toy she is much more susceptible to noise - induced hearing loss, which can lead to permanent hearing damage.
To improve the child's health and development by helping parents to provide more sensitive and competent care of the child
Some children are much more sensitive to motion sickness than others.
Teens are more sensitive to other people than are younger children or adults, and could benefit from more skills for handling their greater depth of feeling.
AP parents should be more sensitive to those who are responding sensitively to their children and following their cues.
Today more than 1 in 150 children (with the numbers growing by 10 % to 17 % yearly) have sensory processing disorders that cause them to be more sensitive to the clothing they wear than children without this problem.
Being sensitive to my children's emotions works in helping them have more peaceful interactions with others.
Realize that the stresses of dealing with a special needs child may cause family members to be more volatile or more sensitive than they would otherwise be.
It is fairly common knowledge that babies and younger children tend to have more sensitive skin.
Plus, there are so many things in our environment today that add stress, particularly for a child who has a later developing nervous system or maybe is a little more sensitive.
Instead, there are many more fathers today who are vulnerable — not in the sensitive guy kind of way, but in their ability to be present and provide for their children.
Raising Your Spirited Child: A Guide for Parents Whose Child Is More Intense, Sensitive, Perceptive, Persistent, and Energetic by Mary Sheedy Kurcinka
Psychologists have long agreed «that children who have responsive, sensitive, accessible parents are much more likely to be happier later in life.
When parents show themselves to be caring and dependable — sensitive and responsive to their children's needs — children are more likely to develop secure attachment relationships.
To read more about the effects of parenting on a child's developing stress response system, see my Parenting Science article, «The health benefits of sensitive, responsive parenting» as well as my blog posts, «Positive parenting protects kids from brain - shrinking stress?»
You may have noticed that these tips are not much different from how I recommend disciplining every child, and that is because, while some children are more emotionally and physically sensitive than others, all children have sensitive hearts that deserve to be treated gently.
* Being an attached parent will help your child be more sensitive and giving in life.
Although a child left in a wet or soiled diaper for too long is more likely to develop diaper rash, any child with sensitive skin can get a rash, even if you're diligent about diaper changes.
In studies tracking children over the long term, such babies have ended up with better outcomes than their more laid - back peers — if they were raised by sensitive, responsive parents (Stright et al 2008; Pluess and Belsky 2010).
Children who have ultra sensitive skin are even more sensitive to bedwetting.
Sometimes when a child is more sensitive skin, it is important to be more vigilant about changing their diaper because the irritation can more quickly lead to a painful diaper rash.
Occasionally a child may be sensitive to more than one thing in their diet and detective work becomes more crucial.
In her preschool classroom, she is the one... [Read more...] about 5 Tips For Parenting a Strong - Willed, Sensitive Child
With countless techniques to calm strong - willed, sensitive children, there is something for every difficult or challenging emotion.We were on week two of our three - week stay at my parents» house and tensions were running high.Because we live across the country, when we fly back to see my... [Read more...] about 10 + Powerful Strategies That Will Calm Your Angry Child
The children may offer it, and become enmeshed in their parent's emotional world and more sensitive to emotional distress.
Older children may be more sensitive to family conflict and feel more pressure to intervene, which could increase their risk for problems, but they also have more emotional resources to help them cope, which could decrease their risk.
However, they are more sensitive to their children's needs and desires.
You should always want what's best for your baby, and newborns are a little bit more sensitive to potential issues than older children are.
Or the same child may have more sensitive days than others.
They are normal children who are more intense, persistent, sensitive, perceptive, and uncomfortable with change than other children.
More intense, persistent, sensitive, perceptive, and uncomfortable with change than the average child.
AP is not the answer to preventing mental health issues in adults, it's not the answer to having a more peaceful and sensitive world and it's not the answer to having happier children.
Just be sure to check with your pediatrician before you use an essential oil on your toddler's skin, as some children may be more sensitive than others or have a medical condition that could make certain essential oils dangerous.
While some kids might be more sensitive to some media content than others — what's scary or upsetting for one child might have no affect on another — it's a good idea to know what might upset your child, limit violent media content, and stick to age - appropriate movies, books, video games, and other media.
But more importantly, our high - touch, sensitive children require close connections at home to help them maintain their stability.
That's especially true if your child has a shy, anxious, or timid temperament, since she may be more sensitive to separations.
These children had been determined «peanut - sensitive» by standard allergy testing, but only 7 had actual allergies by the standards of more extensive testing.
It is our self - understanding that allows us to be more sensitive and connected to our children.
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