Sentences with phrase «more sequels»

There are even more sequels in video games than in movies, and they have an even bigger challenge.
We will be left with more and more sequels of popular franchises, and new developers will never be able to bring their creative ideas to fruition out of fear of bankruptcy.
I really hope this entry surpass by far this milestone then we can have more sequels soon.
This dynamic certainly adds a fresh dose of excitement to the franchise and will lay the groundwork for several more sequels over the years.
There seems to be little point in picking a winner when the best games are just more sequels.
Every three months we hear comments about how each season is filled with more sequels, and about the lack of originality and how anime is just going Meet moe - moe - Kotomine Beautiful Words.
Later, when asked if he wants to make more sequels after Halloween returns, Dunstan, says, «I want to make The Dark Knight.»
A couple more sequels followed, but TIE Fighter is considered the best of the bunch, and still one of the franchise's top games.
There's also enough of a resolution to the story of Patrick Wilson's character that I could see more sequels without needing them to be involved.
It was later collected with many more sequels in the PSP exclusive Gradius Collection.
Yes, Inside Out is a return to form for the studio, although with the troubled The Good Dinosaur on the way followed by more sequels, I don't know if the studio will keep playing at this level.
It feels like Rodriguez is both presenting a sequel and laying the foundation for even more sequels, which will be welcome as long as he can keep up the quality.
It was more hype than quality, but somehow James Cameron has managed to get three more sequels on the table.
If there is anything that can generate more sequels than the Star Wars franchise, it's the saga of Walt Disney's CEO succession.
We've got on our plate one or two or maybe more sequels to Avatar, which was the biggest film in history.
Now that almost every single film critic in the country has published their top ten list, we can sit back, relax and think about the upcoming year, a year which will bring forth more sequels than ever before and an industry that — supposedly — keeps shrinking in ideas and creative freedom.
Plus, of all the franchises with way more sequels than they deserve, I would say that the Halloween movies are among the best of the horror franchises.
It was followed by two more sequels titled Dragon Ball GT which aired from 1996 - 1997 and Dragon Ball Super which started to air in 2015 to the present.
I look forward to more sequels from the case files of the Warrens, as both Conjuring entries have managed to entertain the classic horror enthusiast in me.
And so the plans for three more sequels remained immobilized in Hollywood carbonite.
If only more sequels sang a similar tune.
As more sequels emerged, the franchise's mythology grew increasingly convoluted — tales of clones, telekinesis and corporate intrigue were introduced.
Alas, though, the ending of Resurrection promises more sequels.
And generally, discounting for free will result in more sequel sales, reviews, and revenue than discounting to 99 cents.
They still had far more sequels to N64 games than they did new franchises of their own.
It's a little like watching The Fellowship of the Ring if you weren't already aware there were going to be more sequels coming.
An increase in sales can only convince Capcom to develop more sequels, which is bound to please fans, both new and old.
Over the next several years, Epic developed 3 more sequels until Microsoft purchased the gritty war - themed third - person shooter series in January of 2014.
During the THQ investor call today, CEO Brian Farrell continued listing off upcoming games after outing a new Red Faction title and Homefront for release during fiscal year 2011, with three more sequels planned for release during fiscal year 2012, which runs from April of 2011 to March of the following year.
The title screen music is the same composition as M.U.S.H.A. «s, and the gameplay is similar enough, I suppose, but the Power Strike / Aleste games are really more sequels to the Compile's earlier MSX game, Zanac, though their plots tie together just as tenuously as they do to the M.U.S.H.A. timeline.
Dragon Quest continued to proliferate in Japan, with two more sequels released for the Super Famicom, both of which added greater narrative and character customization.
Tom Cruise is on action movie roll and is returning to make more sequels to his franchises fans love most, from more Mission: Impossible sequels to followups of Edge of Tomorrow and Jack Reacher.
After John Carpenter's Halloween and Halloween II were followed by four more sequels of varying quality, writers wiped the slate clean and set this sequel 20 years after the events of first two films.
This year I'm seeing more sequels than any New IPS on all systems.
Like Paranormal Activity, it's likely The Conjuring will be followed by many more sequels.
Even though we're still a little under two weeks away from seeing Alien: Covenant on the big screen, critics have already seen the next chapter of the Alien prequel series that began with Prometheus and will supposedly continue with even more sequels that will take us back to the events of the original Alien from 1979.
And with two more sequels in Japan, I have a feeling it won't be long until I'm warped back into the world of Yo - kai soon.
Two more sequels followed on the NES, and all three of the games are worth playing, though they don't differ much in terms of gameplay.
While the Rogue One news was expected, there hasn't been any word on whether or not 2018's Han Solo movie will be kicking off a series or standing on its own; for that film, Disney is undoubtedly dealing with more sequel - friendly content.
Suffice it to say, the story leaves room for more sequels.
With big publishers increasingly avoiding risks and therefore pumping out more sequels, it's up to the smaller developers to continue moving the art form forward.
Great movie, great cast, and keep bringing us more sequels.
More a sequel to Avengers: Age of Ultron than a continuation of the Captain America Saga.
I really like the character and the film opens itself up to more sequels, but the question, where else in the world can the President get himself in trouble?
The movie and its characters became so popular, it spun off three more sequels and even a fourteen minute short film.
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