Sentences with phrase «more sly»

Whether it's Sanzaru or Sucker Punch returning to the helm, I just want more Sly!
I'm a little antsy to play more Sly and to dive into my PS3 version of Fallout 3, but that's what the Christmas break is for.
In essence, they've become more sly and stealthy because of their belled collars!
If you're trying to be more sly about it, you could face a wide range of charges from wire and securities fraud, to tax evasion, to racketeering.
It's both a plea from a studio's PR department and one of the more sly moments in John Francis Daley and Jonathan Goldstein's unnecessary but not entirely unfunny new film.
Shaun was more sly and more poignant, in the end: Zombieland has no time for cunning or the gentler emotions when there's the walking — and frequently running — undead to be dispatched posthaste, and with accompanying wisecracking (though some of that does ripple with surprising undercurrents of gentleness).
Wenger has had his moments of anger, kicking bottles, rowing with Ferguson, Pardew, Allardyce and even Mourinho himself, but they seem to be moments of passion, Mourinho is much more sly.
Our boss has a great understanding of language and is an all round clever dude, I know he could manipulate and coyly play with words if he really tried to and I for one would like to see a more sly side to his personality on the big occasions.
Look, I'm obviously not a big fan of the softer rules, but players just have to be more sly with their fouls.
For those of us who detest dates and their even more sly cousins, the raisin, is there a good substitution / alternative to the dates?

Not exact matches

Mayor Sly James has announced Launch KC, a city - sponsored initiative to attract more startups with such enticements as cheap office space and equipment subsidies.
For a long time, non-profits sat back and let the business community dictate the terms of its philanthropy, which often amounts to no more than a sly PR campaign.
«When Sly Fox was founded back in 1995, we didn't really anticipate being anything more than a single - location brewpub,» Giannopoulos says.
It be a great start, he'd replace Cazorla but he has more bite about him and sly tricks of which we lack.
Though Se √ ± or rarely rewards anyone with more than a sly and conspiratorial smile or a little small talk, no one seems to go away disappointed.
SEE MORE: Video: Alex Oxlade - Chamberlain films close - up of girlfriend's «peachy» bum on the sly as Liverpool star and WAG Perrie Edwards enjoy date night
Yvonne Murray, who had passed Sly on the last lap in Rome to finish seventh to her teammate's eighth, was more confident in Japan as European champion and sprinted into the lead 550m out but paid for her bold move by fading to 10th.
More, even, than a sly dig at the size of Adebayor's appendage.
It's an empty cliche that strategically keeps women in the home through the sly insistence that motherhood is much more valuable than any job that women could have in the public sphere.»
The reality is that you're more likely to find a swan and unicorn pasty in your local Greggs shop than see the attitude of Cameron's government be anything other than sly and vindictive when it comes to people on low incomes.
The objective: to see if a cell that registers for Sly fires more slowly as the photo gradually morphs into Arnie or just abruptly falls silent.
I'm featuring the same brands, Moussy and SLY, but introducing different silhouettes for a more romantic yet casual feel.
Throw in Neil Patrick Harris — once again playing the Bizarro World version of himself — shattered and reinforced redneck stereotypes and a delightful take on Dubya [here, he may not speak real good English, but he's slyer, smarter and mellower than we are expecting] and the result is a solidly funny movie that Says Something more by highlighting the characters of Harold and Kumar than by the political jokes.
Paymer's sly, subtle portrayal of the conniving producer in «Quiz Show,» directed by Robert Redford, ultimately led to more edgy and textured characters in such movies as «Get Shorty,» directed by Barry Sonnenfeld, «Nixon,» directed by Oliver Stone, and «The American President,» directed by Rob Reiner.
The handheld camerawork and bleached - out color palette suggest something more akin to combat footage, and candid moments recorded on the sly give Bloody Sunday a chilling realism.
The body count is rising, Sly's pecs are blowing up, and Rambo himself is becoming more of a brand - name than a character, a mascot for masochism and murderous self - assertion.
It may lack Nick Park as one of its writers, but it has more than just some quick shots of his bunnies from «THE CURSE OF THE WEREREABBIT, it also has his sensibility that is at once sweet and sly.
Traces of character substance and sly, playful humor are more than welcome when sprinkled in between the fights and explosions, which are functional but often staged with a numbing, unimaginative sameness.
He's a sly one, and, despite not being a saint, he deserves his chance to do what he has to in order to make the grim situation of the Depression more tolerable.
While Disney's cheaply made Tinkerbell films have none of the cultural cachet of more lavish animated features, they're getting slyer and more interesting on their own terms.
Even though this time Sly is more oriented towards a younger audience, Thieves in Time retains all the positive elements from previous games and delivers a solid experience.
It's more playful and comic, with a reluctant hero who has a motley crew of buddies and a mentor with a sly sense of humor as well as justice, and while the stakes a big (stopping a tech giant from weaponizing experimental technology and it to the bad guys), it's not the world - shaking battleground of The Avengers or Thor or Iron Man movies.
Staying true to the franchise's signature gampelay style of blending stealth, thievery, exploration, and combat, Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time will take players on a thrilling journey around the world filled with epic boss battles, action - packed missions, engaging puzzle elements, new stealth moves and much more.
The screening began with a legally required title card acknowledging that the festival premiere did not in any way prejudice Branco's rights in any ongoing action, followed by some sly introductory text («And now... after more than 25 years in the making... and unmaking...»).
Alice Winocour's «Disorder» is a tightly wound spring of a movie, a tour de force of sound design and sly editing that implies much more than it shows.
Everything clicks and sly fox Hitch slides more sexual innuendo and erotic flirtation into the film than most R rated films accomplish, while the breezy smoothness hides an undercurrent of tension and a complete mistrust of authority.
He reluctantly gives ex-Union Army major Warren, a slyer, more diabolical Django, a ride in his privately hired stagecoach.
The Cabin In The Woods deals with all these issues and more while fitting in some sly commentary about why we enjoy the spectacle of characters — particularly young, nubile ones — getting slaughtered onscreen.
Craig's always been a craggier Bond, more solid and serious than Sean Connery, who initially gave James a sly, wry elegance, a tone that was largely continued by the Bonds that would follow.
PS exclusives are more interesting to me, especially the Sly Cooper series.
This sophistication heightens every scene with the Warlock, especially the more gruesome scenes, including his sly grin and devilish laugh right before he murders a small boy.
The movie's stylistic flair doesn't quite overcome some of its more familiar devices, from its sly subversion of the «Beauty And The Beast» fairy tale to its too - obvious themes of duality.
Tilly's tart mother, Molly (Judy Davis), a sly fox who sees and feels a lot more than she likes to let on, is complex enough to be intriguing, and Winston gives Tilly an appealing down - to - earth warmth and capability that, paired with bouts of crippling self - doubt, makes the character relatable.
Casting rakish rising star Jean - Paul Belmondo as a hoodlum on the run from the law and American ingenue Jean Seberg as the sly, pixieish girlfriend who ultimately betrays him, Godard was riffing on the American gangster picture, but with its revelatory handheld camerawork and frenetic jump cuts, Breathless is clearly more than homage: it launched a New Wave, rewrote the rules of cinema, and along the way became the definition of cool.
Hal Holbrook, Michael Stuhlbarg, Gloria Reuben, S. Epatha Merkerson and many more turn up for a scene or two, sometimes three, and while there's a Shakespearean history - play component to «Lincoln,» the individual scenes, rich in detail and sly revelations of character, allow the flesh and blood to emerge from the debating.
Neeson has taken to his new role as chief action man (of a certain age) with aplomb and in addition offers the sort of gravitas and acting ability that a lot of his more established contemporaries such as Arnold and Sly, either don't have, or have long since lost the ability to deliver.
While my gut feeling is that Chuck Traynor was more than likely a lowlife, he also likely possessed some kind of skulking magnetism or sly charm.
In 1899, Javier seems to be less the sly (and slightly manic) gunman we saw in RDR1, and more of a brooding, stoic young man - though that's not his only trait.
As her Agent Susan Cooper assumes various identities and becomes more confident in her role as a badass, the film lands some sly shots at the sexist barbs often thrown McCarthy's way.
Director Todd Haynes may have made his name with a series of sly, sublime, and pop - savvy New Queer Cinema profiteroles like Poison, Velvet Goldmine, and Superstar: The Karen Carpenter Story, but in recent years he's resurrected the forgotten genre of what Old Hollywood called «women's pictures»: lachrymose melodramas in which glamorous ladies struggle... read more
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