Sentences with phrase «more socialist»

Touching on the efforts to repeal Obamacare, Summers noted that the Affordable Care Act (ACA) was built on a conservative approach to providing universal health coverage rather than the more socialist models in effect in countries like Great Britain and Canada.
«What's more socialist than American taxpayers subsidizing the fossil industry while they fleece our wallets?
Taller passengers will still demand a more socialist distribution of resources, with front occupants sliding forward.
This means that China, for example, isn't more a socialist country and not a country of mixed economy.
The country is seen as steeped in queasy Communist kitsch, more socialist saccharine than socialist re... more
The country is seen as steeped in queasy Communist kitsch, more socialist saccharine than socialist re...
He added, «Freedom of education, by means of vouchers for parents so they can choose how and where education dollars should be spent, is a prime example of a powerful conservative solution to both fiscal and social ills directly related to outdated liberal social experiments that are more socialist than American.»
Most first world countries are moving more socialist every year.
It looks like more socialist review panels and just plain old NYS business as usual.
Dr. J of blog The Gormogons wrote:» [I] thought we were safe, from more socialist pap but then along came Frankie and June, a couple raising their family, along with the rest of their clan, in council housing.»
In the run - up to the conference, Roy Hattersley told me that the Labour Party was much more socialist under Ed Miliband, but that the party shouldn't be afraid to embrace the»S» word.
The Liberal Democrats and Plaid Cymru are fighting to be more socialist than Labour and the route is clear for a pragmatic centre - right Conservative Party to establish themselves as a strong opposition.
The problem is not that they are upper working class but that most are right wingers and now the left is about gone the fact is Thatcher looks more socialist then the labour party.
As such, despite her more conservative social views, Smith follows in the Central Scotland tradition of a more socialist Labour Party ideology.
Cantor says WFP would happily support more socialist candidates (in addition to Bernie).
This is effectively happening today, making the US and European societies ever more socialist.
I'm not sure if there are more socialist states that weren't dictatorships.
They're certainly more socialist than Labour have been over recent years.
The more Socialist theories claim to be «scientific,» the more transitory they are.
Precisely because they want to prevent more socialist governments in the world, conservatives should lead the attack on economic injustice.
What happens when we become more socialist what is left, who has the largest and most organized power base.
I have also heard from Comrades at our Communist News Network (CNN) and TASS (the AP), they along with the Revolutionaries at More Socialist Nonsense Broadcast Continually (MSNBC) have collected many rubles from the front and are building a statue of your likeness which will be place in the Gulag that will house the enemies of the state who watch FOX news, read Drudge and listen to the evil Capitalist propaganda on Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beckl.
I'm optimistic that the crisis will be serious enough to break up the eurozone and create a new, more socialist order in which debts are written down — and with them, the «bad savings» of the financial elites that are seeking to do to Europe what the Roman Empire did when it reduced Western Europe to feudalism.
The neo-conservatives were concerned about the «socialist Tony Blair and the rest of us - more socialists, or better socialists - behind him,» Mr Straw said.

Not exact matches

But during the 2016 campaign, Petersen highly criticized then - candidate Trump, calling him more of a socialist compared to Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton and tweeting that his supporters were «losers.»
He wrote it to steer the socialist government towards more business - friendly policies, and wrote it with Prime Minister Manuel Valls.
The arrests follow a purge that has seen more than 80 executives at PDVSA and its suppliers jailed for alleged corruption as the state firm's new chief, Major General Manuel Quevedo, has sought to stamp his authority on the sector - the financial lifeblood of Venezuela's unraveling socialist government.
Mainly the socialist social programs of the U.S. will (more) rapidly bankrupt the country if the U.S. government can't continue to print dollars to inflate it's way out of it's incredible mountain of debt.
True to form of 2006/07, program expenditures came in under budget, at $ 197.1 billion compared to $ 199.6 billion in the budget â $ «thereby preventing the Canadian Taxpayers Federation from issuing a press release decrying more than $ 200 billion in socialist waste.
In August 1972, more than a year before the military coup, the CIA funded a 300 - page economic blueprint which it supplied to the country's military and some of the most ambitious business families in an effort to hasten the overthrow of Salvador Allende's socialist government, which had been elected by a small plurality in 1970.
In the recent parliamentary elections, rightfully fed - up Venezuelans responded by ousting members of Hugo Chavez's United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), giving the opposition party, the more - centrist Democratic Unity Roundtable (MUD), a supermajority that could challenge President Nicolás Maduro.
The other people supplying the money in Alberta are finding it increasingly more difficult to create that wealth the government needs to create their socialist utopia.
In recent issues of The McAlvany Intelligence Advisor I've covered the U.S. government's ongoing «War on Cash»... how our government is trying to take over the Internet with the latest push for «net neutrality»... the risks and advantages of digital currency like bitcoin... how U.S. banks are preparing for «bail - ins» during the next financial crisis... how the U.S. government is using Common Core to indoctrinate children so they'll submit to the coming socialist society... and much, much more.
Tocqueville's aristocratic age, however, did not have political parties of this sort in it; the affiliations he had in mind were more or less inherited ones that pertained to family name and rank... There are still echoes of that... however, the mid-twentieth-century socialist revolutions that occurred throughout the region... dismantled much of that old order, but without firmly establishing the individual in its place.
The capitalist system is not perfect — but you have to admit that more different peoples see hope in the US than the socialist countries of Europe or Latin America...
Therefore, the vote of a socialist in Iowa or a racist in South Carolina in February carries significantly more sway than a moderate in California or a Christian in New Jersey in June.
As America becomes more secular, socialist, atheist and immoral so will economic melt downs and natural disasters increase in direct proportion to it.
The idea of the people being compelled, essentially the point of a gun by the government, to surrender their property so it can be redistributed to people the government has deemed more deserving is socialist / communist not Christian.
Occasionally liberation theologians suggest that injustice is a function of capitalism and would be overcome more or less automatically in a socialist society.
In the 1960's, America's great corporations behaved more like socialist republics than like cutthroat capitalist enterprises, and top executives behaved more like public - spirited bureaucrats than like captains of industry.
A highly valid argument coming from a socialist; but today it is gospel truth for a great many Christians, indeed for the best and most serious Christians — those who think of Christianity as something more than words and kind sentiments.
Many socialists have been and continue to be more modest and pragmatic.
Concentration camps, racism (and black racism is no more excusable than white racism), torture of enemies, extermination of whole populations — these are used by all regimes today, whether of the right or the left, whether capitalist or socialist.
In this respect, the Hitlerites were more honest than our modern socialists, anticolonialists, etc..
Expecting him to embrace an interpretation of Genesis more in line with biblical scholars like John Walton or Bruce Waltke would be a bit like expecting Donald Trump to become a socialist!
It is hoped that the socialist society, as visualized by Marx, gives people more social justice and security, more human dignity, more free time, better standards of living etc..
I have read some comments that economic meltdowns and natural disasters will increase because America is becoming more secular, atheist and socialist.
He WAS a socialist seems more accurate, but now he seems at least somewhat ideologically adrift.
«As a plain matter of fact, he has done more to start the nation toward a socialist order than all the agitation carried on by all the avowedly socialist agents in our national history» (March 22, 1933).
He was more like a socialist.
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