Sentences with phrase «more sorrow»

But there would have been many more sorrows for Mary along the way: when her son left home to travel and teach, when he nearly killed himself fasting for forty days in the wilderness, when whatever happened to Joseph happened to Joseph, when Jesus responded to the announcement of his mother's presence by saying to his disciples «Who are my mother and my brothers?
FRANKFURT, GERMANY — The 1993 Frankfurt International Motor Show, which opened last week, showcased more sorrow than cars.
Harrelson plays the hard - ass chief with more sorrow than anger, and John Hawkes, as Mildred's ex-husband, has a sinewy arrogance that expresses the desperation he's covering.
If we do not recognize this, there will be many more sorrows to be consoled, here and there.
The 1993 Frankfurt International Motor Show, which opened last week, showcased more sorrow than cars.Only seven new production models were unveiled at Europe's biggest and most prestigious show, among them Audi's A8 luxury car and Mazda's competing Xedos 9.
I'm thankful that God promises to one day put an end to evil so there will be no more sorrow and suffering.
I don't recall anywhere in the scriptures that claim there will be no more physical pain (though I am no theologian) but it does say there will be no more sorrow and no more toil.
When Christ returns and sets all things right and heaven is established on earth, there will be no more tears, no more sorrows, no more good - byes.
If parting is more sorrow than sweet for your little one, you'll want to find ways to ease the pain that's caused by toddler separation anxiety.
Fiber, The New Wolves, Why I came West, Colter: The True Story Of The Best Dog I Ever Had, & In Home There Is No More Sorrow: Ten Days in Rwanda
«Maybe tomorrow a new romance, no more sorrow, but that's the chance you've got to take, if your lonely heart breaks,»
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