Sentences with phrase «more soybeans»

«If we see our U.S. soybeans facing a larger tariff going to China, which is a large market for us, we're probably going to have to crush more domestic soybeans here in the U.S., which means we're going to get more soybean meal and soybean oil than otherwise,» Brown explains.
«More soybean meal will help U.S. pork producers.
Even less is it true that when, for example, U.S. livestock producers buy more soybeans from Brazil, the result is less food for Brazilians.
Some of the new plants produce more soybeans per plant than Dwight, and some have higher protein content than Dwight.
China has contributed somewhat to tighter markets in recent years by importing more soybeans and cutting back on grain exports to build up its stocks, which should serve as a warning to policy makers for the future.
Because tamari is made from more soybeans (and I like to think, less «filler») I find that it has a bolder, stronger flavor than soy sauce.
The state of Iowa, for instance, produces more grain than Canada and more soybeans than China.
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