Sentences with phrase «more stimulation»

We also know now that cats need more stimulation from their environment than we may have originally thought, especially indoor cats.
And you can provide more stimulation during the day by playing with him.
If one breast gets more stimulation than the other, it will produce more milk and grow larger than the other one.
Skills as a baby progresses into a toddler can be learned faster with more stimulation.
And, adding more stimulation at the breast is a natural way to increase the amount of breast milk that your body makes.
I found from 3 months on my babies stopped sleeping so much during the day and needed a lot more stimulation.
A tiny baby gets tired just being alive, but older babies need a bit more stimulation and play during their wake times in order to be tired enough to sleep.
Things change faster, and there is MUCH more stimulation of all types.
While alternating pumping offer more stimulation than single pumping, these pumps are still not as efficient at pumping as double simultaneous pumps.
At around 4 - 6 months, many babies seem to want more stimulation.
As she gets older, she'll be able to handle more stimulation and even calm herself sometimes.
This gives your baby's tongue more stimulation to suck.
Should we soothe our babies with a quiet touch, or do babies prefer more stimulation — like eye contact, rocking, and talk?
Your breasts work by supply and demand, so if the demand is gone, meaning no more stimulation, then your milk supply will dry up.
This is not necessarily an indictment of your care — simply that some cats, as in humans, require a great deal more stimulation.
The solution is more stimulation in the form of cat furniture, scratching posts and climbing toys.
You just want to be sure to alternate the breast you start breastfeeding on each time you feed your baby since the first breast usually gets more stimulation.
At first maybe only a couple of drops of breastmilk will appear but gradually with more stimulation your milk will flow more freely.
There was another post about older babies needing more stimulation.
Some things to try are add more stimulation to his activities.
They get so much more stimulation than my oldest did.
Also, there are instances that the pictures in a printed book offer more stimulation than the digital format.
When placed on a hard surface, the wood stacking toy can be rocked on its round base to provide even more stimulation for your baby.
Pumping actually increases supply as it gives more stimulation to your breasts it does not decrease supply and will not decrease your discomfort in the long run.
It's natural to assume that all that hard work they put into this goal has to translate itself into real strength, and a massive bodybuilder that always lifts heavier and heavier weights will be strong because his muscles get adapted quickly and require more stimulation.
Extraverts have a low level of arousability — in other words, it takes more stimulation for them to be at an optimum level of arousal.
but I would guess that he either needs less waketime and / or less stimulation or longer waketimes and / or more stimulation during play.
On the other hand, there are babies who want to experience more stimulations and immersions to the world.
Keep in mind that when your hands are far apart, your outer pecs receive more stimulation, and the inner pecs get more work when your hands are positioned closer together.
I want more stimulation out of my life and... any topic including what is considered taboo in today's world.
We wanted Gia to be more active and have more stimulation around the house.
If you're worried about your cats health and think that your feline could use a bit more stimulation when lounging around the house, there is a wealth of improvements you can consider that will make a lasting difference for your furry friend.
Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Yeah, you're getting a lot more stimulation so I think walking is great, then once you plateau on it, doing a walk, sprint, walk, sprint, even if it's a few minute walking followed by a 10 - second sprint, that is a phenomenal way to go.
Each squirrel has a squeaker inside to provide more stimulation for your puppy.
The shoulder, triceps, and pecs get more stimulation than what you would doing a regular push up.
If we allow, the social media machines will infiltrate our lives with more stimulation than we can possibly process, and our connections to ourselves and those around us will be left with mere shadows and caricatures of who and what they once were.
Performing exercises such a dumbbell chest press on a stability ball rather than a flat, unmoveable bench can provide much more stimulation for the entire core, from your glutes all the way to your abs.
Your muscles need more stimulation than that.
The instability of the BOSU ball combined with the raised center of gravity requires that you use much less weight so your legs, the target body part in a squat, receive less and not more stimulation.
Translation: they require MORE stimulation to become «un-bored»
Some dogs counter very easily, some take more stimulation.
Put a birdfeeder outside close to the enclosure to create even more stimulation.
The swaddle reminds them of the womb and offers resistance to their movements in a way that is comforting without adding more stimulation to their already frazzled system.
While I'm content to just sit on the beach and build castles all day, my active 4 year old needs a lot more stimulation.
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