Sentences with phrase «more substantial raises»

Horn also questioned whether teachers would prefer smaller, annual pay increases or more substantial raises every few years.

Not exact matches

Schools raise substantial dollars from selling competitive foods; 30 percent of high schools raised more than $ 125,000 annually.
The necessity of forcing Republican incumbants to expend resources long before they normally would, and already being at a substantial cash disadvantage in a majority of competitive races and also the RCCC trailing the DCCC in national fundraising, will cause many campaigns to run out of money at the end of the race of expend more energy in fund raising instead of vote getting.
This was less to do with any decline in union generosity, and more to do with Labour's ability to raise substantial income from other sources.
I can't say the judge missed the forest for the trees or ignored the far more substantial issue raised by plaintiffs, that an independently elected watchdog is no watchdog at all if he or she is subject to the whims — or ire — of those the office is supposed to be monitoring.
Sex could commit a woman to a substantial, life - altering investment: pregnancy, nursing, and more than a decade of child raising.
Specifically, some previous research has shown that wading bird nesting colonies could provide substantial food for alligators in the form of dropped chicks, which are chicks ejected from the nest when a bird lays more eggs than they can raise.
Science funders and investors have put substantial funds into the firm; it has raised more than $ 87 million from the Wellcome Trust charity, Goldman Sachs, and Bill Gates personally.
Even if they succeed in getting more funding for public education, there is a good chance that it will not result in substantial pay raises for teachers.
But because the money to build most schools came from property taxes, wealthier districts could more easily raise the substantial amount of funding needed to build and renovate school facilities.
When one co-owner faces significant debts, enough to consider filing for bankruptcy, this raises substantial concerns with other owners about keeping the cottage «in... Read more»
Carbon pricing can, however, play a critical role in meeting in the most efficient and effective way the commitments that countries are now entering into; it can also raise substantial revenues that can be used to reduce other, more distorting taxes.
Poorer populations have been shown in other studies to be more vulnerable to shifts in climate generally, consistent with findings that such shifts raise the risk of violence among them in a more substantial way.
I don't know if maintenance of such dams is more difficult than equivalent power generating sources although the possibility of a collapse raises concerns about not just losing hydro electric but substantial risks to population and land.
Thguidance document calls for the Asia - Pacific region to work together to raise and channel more substantial financial resources to invest in the social sector, infrastructure development and efforts to tackle climate change in order to ensure a transformative change to bring about inclusive growth and sustainable development.
The neuropsychologist, contrary to the opinions of the psychiatrist and neurologist instructed, raised the issue of vulnerability and that due to pre-existing emotional vulnerability, together with her perceived disability, social isolation and problems in executive functioning since the SAH, Ms D was even more vulnerable to being exploited and manipulated by others and at high risk that she would allow the substantial damages she was to receive to be gambled away by her partner in order to appease and placate him.
Raising one with special needs typically requires a substantial amount more.
A married couple raising a family in a house or condominium might have quite a bit more substantial personal belongings.
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