Sentences with phrase «more sulfur»

While it is true there was only one major volcanic episode, the anthropogenic component was more coal, less oil (hence more sulfur dioxide), plus emission controls were nil in that period.
A Pinatubo approach to geoengineering would involve the deliberate spraying of more sulfur dioxide, or an alternative aerosol, at high altitudes.
If you find you're generally consuming large amounts of either of these minerals, cut back and add foods containing more sulfur and zinc.
The standard American diet may have five or six times more sulfur than a diet centered on unprocessed plant foods.
The standard American diet may have five or six times more sulfur than a diet centered around unprocessed plant foods.
Onions - The more potent and stronger the smell and effect (think eyes watering), the more sulfur they contain!
That's about 225 mg magnesium per day and a bit more sulfur.
So you have to know that when you live in a strong solar environment, you wan na have a little bit more sulfur in your diet.
Phase 2 is more sulfur amino acid induced.
Animal products contain more sulfur based amino acids than plant protein which puts more of an acid load on the body.
That might suggest that the city - dwellers have a more varied diet from different soils, and probably consume more sulfur - containing foods, while taxing their bodies less with strenuous exercise, which increases protein and calorie requirements.
Later that year, in October, Ronald Reagan commented on the eruption, suggesting that «one little mountain out there [Mt. St. Helens], in these last several months, has probably released more sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere than has been released in the last ten years of automobile driving or things of that kind.»
Experimentally, the researchers found that many more sulfur atoms are lost than molybdenum atoms, because the sulfur is on the surfaces and the molybdenum is protected in the middle.
Heavier fractions contain more sulfur, and too much renders the petroleum useless.
«We don't think there are actual sulfur deficiencies yet, but clearly more sulfur is coming out of the soil and water than what is going in,» says U of I biogeochemist Mark David.
Breakfast: Option 1: Protein shake with almond milk, berries and bone broth protein — you could also put an avocado in this to make it thicker and creamier and add more sulfur compounds.

Not exact matches

Switching from coal to natural gas would reduce sulfur dioxide emissions by more than 90 percent and nitrogen oxide emissions by more than 60 percent.
Indeed, it now seems that major volcanic eruptions 4 billion years ago would have created an even more diverse atmosphere than Miller used, including carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrogen (N2), hydrogen sulfide (H2S), and sulfur dioxide (SO2).
• Organic wine and wine made from organic grapes are more often associated with input issues (no sulfur dioxide, no synthetic pesticides or fertilizers, non-GMO).
These provide more anti-oxidants, sulfur containing amino acids and beneficial phyonutrients.
A study from 2001 found that the stools of formula - fed babies contained a lot more odor - causing sulfur gases than breast milk poop.
A pound of dioxin from chlorine bleaching in a pulp mill is far more dangerous than a pound of sulfur dioxide from a coal - burning power plant that runs a washing machine.
In cases of more severe or persistent cases, you may want to ask your pediatrician about medicated shampoos or lotions that contain sulfur or 2 % salicylic acid.
The new hydrogen plant, which will allow the company to increase fuel production, will remain, as well as equipment to more efficiently handle higher sulfur - content crude oil.
A compound of hydrogen and sulfur, when crushed at more than a million times Earth's standard atmospheric pressure, appears to whisk electrical current along without resistance at temperatures up to 203 kelvins.
Prior to an eruption, gases — water vapor, carbon dioxide, and sulfur dioxide — bubble out of the magma as it rises, adding more pressure to the volcanic system, she explains.
Krotkov and his team now are able to more accurately detect smaller sulfur dioxide concentrations, including those emitted by human - made sources such as oil - related activities and medium - size power plants.
Researchers at the U.S. Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) have demonstrated in the laboratory a lithium - sulfur (Li / S) battery that has more than twice the specific energy of lithium - ion batteries, and that lasts for more than 1,500 cycles of charge - discharge with minimal decay of the battery's capacity.
The presence of oxygen, added by the pore - inducing potassium hydroxide, was far more relevant to the results than either nitrogen or sulfur, they found.
But unlike pollutants that break down quickly, such as the sulfur compounds that cause acid rain, atmospheric chlorine can persist for more than 50 years.
Some batches were enhanced with nitrogen and some with sulfur; these have been studied as additives to make materials more adsorbent.
Such technology could cut acid rain — causing sulfur dioxide emissions by more than 90 percent, smog - forming nitrogen oxides by 75 percent, and — ultimately — capture more than 80 percent of the CO2 normally produced by combustion, storing it in nearby depleted oil fields by 2015.
In 1995, the first year of the new rules, sulfur emissions from power plants dropped by 19 % to 11.9 million tons, more than 3 million tons below allowable limits.
By using an intensified management system that included increased plant population, transgenic (Bt trait) insect resistance, strobilurin - containing fungicide, balanced crop nutrition (phosphorus - sulfur - zinc), and supplemental side - dressed nitrogen, the researchers saw a yield increase of 28 percent more corn grain compared to that of a standard management system.
By looking at the chemistry of rocks deposited during that time period, specifically coupled carbon and sulfur isotope data, a research team led by University of California, Riverside biogeochemists reports that oxygen - free and hydrogen sulfide - rich waters extended across roughly five percent of the global ocean during this major climatic perturbation — far more than the modern ocean's 0.1 percent but much less than previous estimates for this event.
Fuels derived from natural gas burn more cleanly than those derived from crude oil because they don't contain components like nitrogen, sulfur, or carbon arranged in rings, which are notorious air pollutants.
It probably consists of iron or a more easily melted mix of iron and sulfur.
A new study suggests that the iron - and - sulfur clusters at the heart of many life - critical enzymes could have been floating around Earth's primordial seas some 4 billion years ago, produced by nothing more than primitive biomolecules, iron salts, and a previously unknown ingredient — ultraviolet (UV) light.
Despite its smaller ash cloud, El Chichn emitted more than 40 times the volume of sulfur - rich gases produced by Mt. St. Helens, which revealed that the formation of atmospheric sulfur aerosols has a more substantial effect on global temperatures than simply the volume of ash produced during an eruption.
In addition to millions of tons of ash, the force of the eruption threw 55 million tons of sulfur - dioxide gas more than twenty miles into the air, into the stratosphere.
The team then tested more than 30 other potential compounds under different conditions, and found that the reactions also worked with simpler sulfur - containing molecules.
There, the sulfur dioxide rapidly combined with readily available hydroxide gas — which, in liquid form, is commonly known as hydrogen peroxide — to form more than 100 million tons of sulfuric acid.
Another measure, the federal Cross-State Air Pollution Rule, will require still more expensive controls on coal plants in the Midwest and South to reduce sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide emissions that travel across state lines, creating ozone and fine particle pollution downwind.
Ultimately, he found that, while volcanic eruptions would have spewed huge quantities of both sulfur dioxide and hydrogen sulfide into the atmosphere, it was the former that dissolved more easily in shallow waters, producing large concentrations of sulfidic anions, in the form of sulfites and bisulfites.
According to a World Bank report on environmental conditions in 21st - century China, a resident of Beijing is subjected to about seven times more particulates than a resident of Los Angeles and about eight times as much sulfur dioxide.
The findings, published June 17 in Nature Communications, could help remove a major barrier to developing lithium - sulfur and lithium - air batteries, promising future technologies that could store up to 10 times more energy per weight than batteries now used in consumer electronics and electric cars.
The company, located in Sparks, Nev., claims its process can both snap loose sulfur atoms and lighten the crude, resulting in 30 to 50 percent less sulfur and about one third more diesel and kerosene.
Providing hydrogen for the process is expensive, and as oils get more sour, higher pressures and more stable catalysts are needed to break the sulfur bonds.
These bonds complement existing interactions such as conventional hydrogen bonds or the more recent chalcogen bonds with sulfur.
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