Sentences with phrase «more surprises»

The phrase "more surprises" means that there are additional unexpected events or revelations yet to be revealed. Full definition
You may be even more surprised in how little you need «good credit» to obtain the possessions and necessities of life you need to live comfortably.
This immediately creates the expectation of more surprises to come, generates a warm feeling towards the brand, and keeps people coming back.
This is even more surprising in view of the fact that media consumption has always been inherently social.
Its even more surprising when said racing game is also one of the best games and exclusives available on a console.
This was made even more surprising by the system's aggressive power draw.
Even more surprising for many parents is that these studies also show that teens want to hear about what their parents have to say about sex and relationships.
Perhaps more surprising, 26 percent of the 500 senior executives polled said they actually knew about immoral behavior going on in the work place.
However, you could expect a few more surprises in their diaper too!
This is even more surprising given that a personalized cover letter is a major recommendation from career experts and recruiters.
But more surprising things have surely happened... so steer clear or making this particular kid promise.
In continuation to this, 2017 is expected to be even bigger with more surprises coming our way.
After she explained the recipe to me, I was even more surprised at how easy it is to make at home.
Which is even more surprising considering this is another aging smartphone.
Some may seem obvious, others a little more surprising.
The real culprit was far more surprising: The mice that didn't feel pain had been handled by male students.
What's a bit more surprising, however, is the drastic line movement in the other direction.
And for more surprises about your furry friend, check out the 15 Secrets Your Veterinarian Won't Tell You!
More surprising still is who likely won't be there.
Well, it seems there are even more surprising benefits to drinking green tea.
There was one more surprising result in the white paper.
«It would have been a much more surprising and exciting result if we had found that this wasn't happening,» she said.
This is even more surprising as we don't even know exactly how the production version will look like.
Based on the models, we don't know exactly what to expect - but we're certainly prepared for more surprises on that front.
This study reveals that if you want to spread your ideas far and wide, some languages are much better — and slightly more surprising — than others.
Under the microscope, the tissue held more surprises, revealing structures that looked like blood vessels and bone cells.
Dark chocolate will surprise you in that it's a good source of fiber, magnesium, iron, copper magnesium, and more surprises like selenium.
We also use the controller in more surprising ways too!
The scientists also discovered a second, more surprising aspect of the syndrome.
Moving on to another earnings story that's actually probably more surprising.
This is just a beginning, expect more surprises from your baby.
Take more risks and offer more surprises in your cover letter.
RS: The editing is not radically different from your previous film, but there are maybe more surprising, even disturbing cuts.
For a list of included services, see our amenities below with more surprises awaiting you during your stay.
Although, when I got back from winter break, I had more surprises waiting for me on the dining table.
And likely with a whole lot more surprises in store.
There will be more surprising revelations to come, that's for sure.
The list of wines benefits is long — and getting more surprising all the time.
It may be safe to say that fathers experience more surprises after the birth of their baby than their female counterparts.
What's possibly more surprising is how she came to be on the show this week and who she was representing.
On this particular day though, she couldn't have been more surprised during the final stretch of class!
And while it is most pronounced in cold northern regions, it is also happening in more surprising places.
But the healthy = expensive theory had an even more surprising effect.
And that's just to get the supplies to the lab; Once they've arrived, there are often more surprises in store.
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