Sentences with phrase «more sworn testimonies»

Update: This story was updated to include additional information from two more sworn testimonies Waymo has filed as part of the injunction.

Not exact matches

Here they are in brief, but check out the post for lots more details as well as testimony from bosses who swear by the benefits of reading fiction:
Redstone's battle with the IRS would drag on for more than two and a half years, culminating in days of sworn testimony in Boston and Los Angeles.
Not only does the EPA study verify what the fracking industry has known for more than 60 years — that fracking is safe for nearby drinking water supplies — it also confirms sworn testimony given before Congress by Lisa Jackson when she was the EPA's administrator, that there have been «no proven cases where the fracking process itself has affected water.»
@AdamZerner: Yes, the protection [which exists in common law countries only] explicitly extends to sworn testimony (more so than in other circumstances, but let's not get into that).
must be filed, which is a document that contains a physician's sworn testimony that, in their opinion, negligent more likely than not occurred).
An attorney will also consult with medical experts who can provide an opinion on whether or not the doctor acted negligently (in fact, to even file a malpractice claim in Pennsylvania, a Certificate of Merit must be filed, which is a document that contains a physician's sworn testimony that, in their opinion, negligent more likely than not occurred).
The sworn testimony of a single landlord may do little, however, the sworn testimony of two or more likely will.
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