Sentences with phrase «more systematic data»

A tested methodology that can facilitate more systematic data - gathering on urban agriculture in other cities in the future.
More systematic data collection and organization could provide districts with important information on the characteristics, experiences, and supports provided to their most effective principals — and help inform recruitment, selection, and professional development efforts.

Not exact matches

But those are more anecdotes than systematic data
Bomzer takes a more systematic approach: Where to start, what you might ask, and how to analyze the data you get from the interview.
They will outline systematic approaches to illustrate how microscope users can get greater benefit and more consistent results from big image data experiments, and will present examples of successful workflows.
«In contrast, changes in society, such as more leisure time, higher environmental awareness and better education only comparatively recently brought about a situation where biodiversity data is being collected in a systematic way,» the researcher explains.
The MFA relies on open source data from the AIS which, while not suitable for a systematic control of potentially illegal fishing, is more accessible and offers new possibilities for research.
Other data have cast the whole Linnaean structure into doubt (which is why there is now a competing branch of systematics, called cladistics, that tries to chart relationships in a much more precise, if cumbersome, way).
«The study has to be done in a lot more systematic manner,» says Kulvinder Gill, a crop geneticist at Washington State University in Pullman, who faults the paltry data and statistics presented.
The systematic literature reviews analyzed data from around the world and found that organic milk and meat have more desirable fat profiles than conventional milk and meat.
More specifically, we use large - scale data acquisition and quantitative modelling of phenotypes and molecular profiles, systematic perturbations (such as drugs or high - throughput genetics) and computational analysis of non-linear, epistatic interaction networks.
Design features of studies synthesised in the systematic review to inform online dating (data presented as 100 % stacked bars; figures in the stacks represent the number of studies; some studies contributed information to more than one step of online dating).
Additional results of the WIDE program included more collegial staff relationships, specific strategies for improving instruction, and systematic analysis of student performance data to inform instruction.
From a heritage point of view, the James review contained some welcome recommendations — including those on the importance of a much more systematic approach to the collection and upkeep of robust condition data (and the way that this should inform future funding allocations) and maintenance of existing buildings.
Through the systematic use of data, educators can promote more effective prevention and intervention services, while better understanding the root causes of these student issues.
Second, state and local officials must become more systematic in how data on ELs are collected and used, by tracking students» progress over longer time periods and by including all students who were ever ELs in accountability metrics.
In addition to collecting more data, organizing the data in a systematic way or focusing in on parts of the system could have helped the observers in identifying the rule.
Major efforts are under way to come up with methods for doing that, many of them combining the use of data to measure student performance with other ways of measuring classroom performance, including more systematic evaluations by principals.
The report calls for more fully articulated parent involvement programs, systematic data collection, and rigorous study designs to provide evidence of what works to engage parents of adolescents in their children's education.
As teacher educators and teachers, we are well aware of the importance of accountability for our students» literacy learning, and while we were convinced of our students» success based on observational and descriptive data from our pilot studies, we knew that a systematic study evaluating students» progress in reading, writing, discussion, and content learning — using experimental methods — would be potentially more convincing to others.
Only recently the traditional mutual fund definitions have changed and have been re-defined and further organized to be made more systematic with more important linked data, information and insight.
The 2014 Advanced Swing Trading Summit, which will be conducted on April 5, will be your final opportunity to learn how to swing trade, directly from Larry Connors, using a professional, systematic, data - driven approach to trading that... [Read More]
Still, the study's large sample size and systematic, controlled approach will yield data that could fuel research on questions that go well beyond cancer, he said - such as whether goldens in some geographic regions or with certain traits, like size or coat color, are more or less likely to have particular conditions.
In my current incarnation as a radiation engineer, I often find issues with electronics and rush to the satellite design engineer and say, «Did you know...» More often than not, they say, «Yeah, and this is what we did to mitigate that...» Orbiting observatories like Hubble are a devils playground for radiation effects, which can corrupt data and cause systematic drifts over time as radiation dose mounts.
Whether it converges to a true value depends on whether there are systematic variations affecting the whole data set, but given a random component more measurements will converge to a more precise value.
But research conducted by the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), based on a systematic appraisal of the economic and social impacts of chainsaw milling in the Congo Basin — the informal lumber sector — indicates it is much more important than suggested in regulatory frameworks and official data.
The contrast is all the more marked when we switch to the solid line of systematic global thermometer measurements, and for the first time we start to see a little bit of that wiggly data (still smoothed out considerably by the artist, I should add).
Systematic examination of the Gaspé - restricted reconstructions using 2 - 5 proxy PCs derived from MM - centered, but unstandardized data demonstrates changes in reconstruction as more PCs are added, indicating a significant change in information provided by the PC series.
What is needed is a more systematic way of integrating data on the thickness distribution of this ice into models that forecast regional ice conditions and their impact on ice ocean interaction.
Set aside the totally unjustified systematic cooling of older observations & warming of more recent «data».
We need more widespread and systematic training of young scientists on legal and ethical aspects of scientific work — intellectual property, privacy, ethics of authorship and of data exchange, and so on.
If two or more eligible intervention groups are compared to an eligible control, we will consider combining the data, providing that each meets all inclusion criteria, using the methods documented in the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions (Higgins 2011b).
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