Sentences with phrase «more tailored feedback»

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Throughout the buying journey, continue to ask for feedback so you can provide more tailored solutions.
The large - scale study, which incorporated data from more than 40,000 unique flights, found significant savings in carbon emissions and monetary costs when airline captains were provided with tailored monthly information on fuel efficiency, along with targets and individualized feedback.
It is very mixed ability as I have only one group of students with FFTd grades ranging from F to A in a school where languages are compulsory so it will be up to you to fit in extra practice from textbooks or tailor your feedback to stretch the more able in the mini tasks.
The digital learning tools flooding schools come with a tantalizing promise: real - time feedback on what children know, combined with fingertip access to a dizzying array of tailored instructional materials, resulting in more customized instruction from teachers and a more personalized learning experience for each student.
We provide you with all the surf kit, lessons and tailored feedback to help you perfect your surfing technique, becoming a stronger and more confident surfer.
It will compare your resume with the job description of your choice and give you instant feedback, including steps you can take to tailor your resume more effectively.
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