Sentences with phrase «more than a doctrine»

But again it doesn't really matter as celibacy is a practice, more than a doctrine.
Thanks to them, Whitehead's philosophy is more than a doctrine of causation; it is a doctrine of objectification.
The idea of the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven is not just picture language, any more than the doctrine of Christ's pre-existence.
Again, the difference is one of language and emphasis more than doctrine, but language and emphasis are important, and I prefer Whitehead's.

Not exact matches

For instance, in a similar step - transaction - doctrine issue with partial 1035 annuity exchanges and subsequent liquidations (which allowed annuity owners to get more favorable treatment in the multi-step process than could have been obtained if treated as a whole), the IRS ultimately declared in Revenue Procedure 2008 - 24 that as long as the taxpayer waited at least 12 months between the 1035 exchange and the subsequent liquidation, it would be allowed.
Christian doctrines are more realistic than any ideology in existence regarding human nature.
Except, again, that the doctrines you are espousing are built more on doctrines developed by men over the last 2000 years than on what the bible actually says.
Christianity's doctrine about «the law» teaches that G - d is like Pharoh, demanding more than we can deliver.
«There is no doctrine which I would more willingly remove from Christianity than the doctrine of hell, if it lay in my power.
You can continue to spew out your immoral doctrine until you die, that doesn't make it true, and that doesn't make you any more pious even though you really want to feel better than everyone else because of it.
More than fifty years ago a young man in his twenties spouted an evil doctrine.
If we thought that, then we may be able to fit creation as a doctrine more easily into our theological systems, rather than reducing it to the relationship between science and the Bible or us and the environment.
The discipline of place teaches that it is more than enough to care skillfully and lovingly for oneâ $ ™ s own little circle, and this is the model for the good life, not the limitless jurisdiction of the ego, granted by a doctrine of choice, that is ever seeking its own fulfillment, pleasure, and satiation.
Jaroslav Pelikan (1923 - 2006) was the greatest historian of Christian doctrine since Adolf von Harnack, and he was both more comprehensive and more sympathetic to the tradition he studied than was the great scion of German liberal Protestantism.
How about all you «magic underwear» bashing, «Not Christian» branding, cult calling, people that profess to know more about Mormon doctrine than Mormons do.
And especially after the Noachian Flood, did false religion take a leap, with false religious doctrines and practices such as the trinity, immortality of the soul, that God torments people in a «hellfire», the establishment of a clergy class, the teaching of «personal salvation» as more important than the sanctification of God's name of Jehovah (Matt 6:9), the sitting in a church while a religious leader preaches a sermon, but the «flock» is not required to do anything more, except put money when the basket is passed.
Elsewhere, I have indicated how this field - approach to Whiteheadian societies allows for a trinitarian understanding of God in which the three divine persons of traditional Christian doctrine by their dynamic interrelatedness from moment to moment constitute a structured field of activity for the whole of creation.6 Here I would only emphasize that thinking of Whiteheadian societies as aggregates of mini-entities with one entity providing the necessary unity for the entire group is reductively much more impersonal and materialistic than the approach sketched in these pages.
If experience is more important than doctrine, and no doctrine is immune to revision» both of which are conclusions of Olson's postconservatives» how do we know that our fresh readings are not derived as much from our experience as from the biblical text?
I think it means that we need to hold onto our doctrines a little more loosely than we do.
More sustained than his vision of judgment is his statement of Christian faith and doctrine in verse.
In general they seem to accept it as far more cousinly to their own doctrines than anything else Protestantism has produced since the days of the Reformation.
At least, Grandmere, you're acknowledging that, within the doctrine «free will», humans are more powerful than God.
Why else would there be more than 300,000 churches in the US... each one certain that it possesses the truth, right belief / doctrine, and the «one and only way?»
That doctrine will be more thoroughly trinitarian than any example I know of.
But I am infinitely more fulfilled in my solitary search than I ever was inside those church buildings and doctrine.
So here is my question, more for the religious than anyone else: If you know you will go to heaven because the doctrine your foliow says you will (i.e. christians declaring jesus is their lord and savior, or muslims believing in Allah and Muhammed) then why is there any sadness at a wake or a funeral at all?
What is more important, the earlier critics did less than justice to the fact that the Bible has its own doctrine about the nature of history, which deserves to be understood and appreciated in itself.
Conservatives who fear that President Trump may be more like the decadent Belshazzar, feasting while the kingdom falls, than like the liberating Cyrus must pray that Lutherans remember the Two Kingdoms Doctrine.
I allowed the Word of Faith preachers to teach me their unsound doctrine and I held them in more esteem than Jesus.
According to the classical doctrine, divine justice must be more fundamental than divine mercy, because justice is essential to God and mercy is not.
More important than the mere fact that Whitehead too could not understand the world apart from God, is the particular form that his doctrine of God takes.
The doctrine of Incarnation is far more crucial for the Hegelian than is the historical reconstruction of the authentic sayings of Jesus.
Hence in his presentation, the consequent nature of God appears more as a speculative extension of the doctrine than as an essential part.
But in the story of Jesus we are dealing with more than just doctrine.
The discussion will be somewhat more extensive than otherwise appropriate to this context because this doctrine is crucial to other theological positions as well as to that of Thomism.
He must learn more than ever before to bear his own responsibility within the concrete Church and not in a basic, though secret opposition to her, and to cope also with the historical conditions of her doctrine and practice in freely given obedience.
He sees far more deeply into Christian doctrine than that.
If the Church is cautious in questions of doctrine and discipline, perhaps even more so than in the past, if she waits for more information, carrying on a dialogue, perhaps even leaves much to the conscience of the individual, all this does not mean that the authorities have grown cowardly, they have not, for this reason, given up their responsibility and their power.
I would imagine that «correct doctrine» has done more damage in the world than most anything else.
This issue is more directly about the doctrine of God than strictly Christology, but it deeply affects Christology as well.
Either way, it would appear that doctrine matters quite a bit more than your post suggests, no?
That's because Piper and many in the fundamentalist neo-Reformed movement are working off of a perversion of the doctrine of total depravity that not only teaches that human beings are depraved — that is, that our humanity is marred by sin — but that this depravity renders the world's men, women, and children into valueless objects of god's wrath, worthy of nothing more than eternal torture, pain, violence, and abuse.
Though he denied having much knowledge of religious doctrines and affairs, he nevertheless displayed a deeply human sensitivity that made of his comic artistry something considerably more than an occasional tickle on the periphery of our existence.
Even as early as his 1845 Essay on the Development of Doctrine, written while he was still an Anglican but already more than halfway out the door (he became a Catholic while the book was still in the printery), he was defending the idea of infallibility, and precisely as a bulwark against infidelity in all its forms:
But if we could unite, if we could love one another, if we could agree that love for others was more important than being right about the rapture, then maybe the church would stop dividing over doctrine, and start showing the world what the love of God really looks like.
Indeed, it is striking that those attracted to Whitehead in the West often resist this doctrine of no continuing self more than anything else in his philosophy.
We believe that the trouble is not that religious questions are inescapably involved in obscurity but that adherence to traditional doctrines is regarded as more important than clarity and universal intelligibility.
By the doctrine of the Trinity Christians have, however, wanted to say more than that God's activity is known in three ways.
That is an ancient doctrine of the faith, but too often today people shy away from it and try to mitigate the revealed truth that a religious vocation is more perfect than any secular life can be.
It is nowadays widely recognized that what became the orthodox Christian doctrine of the soul owes more to Platonic philosophy than to any other source.
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