Sentences with phrase «more than a simple»

Marketing your small business in the online world requires more than a simple website loaded with the right keywords.
«I wrote down in 1975, when I started the company,» he explained, casting his extraordinary foresight as nothing more than a simple vocalization of what should have been obvious to everyone, «that there were two focuses of technology in terms of building computers.
It's this sort of perspective — more than simple numbers and dollar signs — that will ultimately permeate sites like Glassdoor,, and LinkedIn.
If you've ever had any health issue that required more than a simple doctor visit, you will know that it precipitates a seemingly never - ending series of forms, bills, and letters.
CardControl is more than a simple on / off switch.
Rather than simply focus on the bottom line, these wise lessons emphasize the things that truly shape it, and in more than a simple 12 - month cycle.
But how you give a handshake matters more than the simple act of offering your hand to someone you meet.
This means more than a simple «Thanks for the order.»
This is more than a simple inconvenience.
This kind of behaviour is more than a simple wrong being committed against a single entrepreneur, a mere victimization of David by Goliath's over-zealous lawyers.
It's more than a simple disagreement over marketing strategies.
Shifts in tax law will affect things like Roth IRAs more than SIMPLE IRAs.
These are techniques that force users to enter more than simple passwords to get into their corporate networks.
More than simple fun - in - the - sun rewards, these trips are designed to engage employees in their work by familiarizing them with new destinations and checking up on popular locales — all based on itineraries the company offers clients.
Today, ivi's site is nothing more than a simple blog detailing the company's appeals process.
So it could be argued that the market over-reacted to the impact of the tax cut, and that this past week has been no more than a simple correction of that exuberance.
Your presentation should be more than a simple recitation of the points on each slide.
By forward guidance I mean more than simple boilerplate language a central bank might use to indicate the expected direction of the next interest rate move.
Some altcoins are more than simple coins and tweak the fundamental blockchain technology to reinvent website services and apps and tackle the crises of centralization.
Charlie Munger often talks about «Lollapalooza» effects where a number of forces combine to greatly amplify a positive outcome - more than simple addition.
«The business schools reward difficult complex behaviour more than simple behaviour, but simple behaviour is more effective.
They are something more than the simple description: they can be set to contain an evaluation by users, technical information on a product, or details about an event (since more than one year already, Google has removed authorship from its results).
We have a growing network of fans and work with advertisers on long term campaigns as well for those who want more than a simple blog post or product review.
That type of immediate change (in the face of immediate rejection by the power structure — pharisees and Rome) reflects something more than simple discontent with the status quo.
After killing all the Mountain People, the victors move the stone and find nothing more than a simple message: «Peace on Earth.»
Your belief in God is based on nothing more than a simple desire to believe a comforting narrative because the alternative is to believe harsh realities about your existence.
Here again the technology has a cjaracteristic of something more than a simple extension of human agency.
The word translated fear, yare, means more than simple fright.
You can not deny there is more than the simple materialistic side of life and to limit oneself usually has a deep reason that is often lodged in sin as Christians would call it.
David Griffin, on the other hand, agrees with Leclerc that complex physical organisms are more than simple aggregates of actual entities, but maintains at the same time that such a view is altogether consistent with Whitehead's philosophy.
Purity is a condition of the heart, of the mind, and of the spirit more than a simple definition of what sexual acts someone has or has not done.
But I would insist that imagination is in any case inevitable in any interpretive process that is more than simple reiteration, and that faithful imagination is characteristically not autonomous fantasy but good - faith extrapolation.
«Theistic evolution» is possible when you have a definition of God where you insist that he had a hand in things even though there isn't any evidence that he did, and even when his involvement would complicate things more than a simple, natural explanation.
No, our God is more than that: he's a strong helper, a warrior, an ever present help in times of trouble, bringing more than simple might or power.
It requires more than a simple revival of a golden past.
The justice in this seems to be more than simple retribution; it is a corrective to the way the man and the woman had despised the good things of God.
More than simple bonding may occur in gossip.
And yet what the pope did on Pentecost Sunday in St. Peter's Square was more than a simple prayer for someone to get better.
Mr Perce i more than a simple Athiest.
The peyote case, Employment Division v. Smith, is much more than a simple example of the state's power to regulate controlled substances.
Whether this is anything more than a simple rhetorical device needs a thorough inquiry at the present time.
Beyond a doubt, the image of Moses in these pages of the Bible is much more than a simple, «unretouched photograph.»
More than a simple majority of the country identifies with religion.
Our faith in Jesus therefore is more than simple trust; it is also made up of the fear of the Lord and of obedience.
That it's nothing more than a simple transaction.
But the truth is that the liver is SO much more than a simple filter that accumulates toxins.
But I am pretty sure this mess of ingredients threw things more than a simpler cookie would have.
To accomplish this requires something much more than a simple, standalone filling machine; a multifunction machine described as a «monoblock» can perform all required functions.
It needs nothing more than a simple green salad as an accompaniment.
I enjoy chocolate cake, but this dessert is so much more than a simple chocolate cake.
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