Sentences with phrase «more than any other reason»

More than any other reason, Klein and Avella face challenges because in the legislative session just ended the two did not lend their votes to giving the Democrats control of the Senate.
This, more than any other reason, is why you should exercise more if you think you have low testosterone — reducing fat may lead to increased levels of testosterone.
In fact, all genders said they used online dating for «entertainment» purposes more than any other reason — 34.1 % of women, 29.7 % of men and 33.3 % of those who identified as «other» ranked entertainment as their main reason.
Most ask the question so they can apply discounts more than any other reason.
Dogs are taken to the veterinarian for skin problems more than any other reason.
Most ask the question so they can apply discounts more than any other reason.

Not exact matches

If for no other reason, fasting will help you appreciate that we have more in this country than 95 percent of the world.
The Conservatives have more money than the other parties, for a variety of reasons, so longer is better for them.
Confidants report that Bezos spends more time in Washington than in any other city outside of Seattle — ten trips a year, give or take — and for good reason.
Put simply the reason that some project managers are more successful than others is that they possess greater skills in the areas of communication and organization, bring a wealth of experience to the table and are committed to their work.
But the reason they're expecting to do well this year has more to do with their marketing efforts, rather than the recovering economy or other factors like low oil prices, according to a small business holiday survey from Constant Contact, an online marketing firm in Waltham, Massachusetts.
You may not have realized it, but there's a reason some designs and font combinations are more pleasing than others.
If one child decides not to go to school, goes to a cheaper school than expected, gets a full scholarship (more on that in a minute), or for some other reason doesn't use all of the money, you can simply change the beneficiary on the account and give those funds to another child... or even to yourself, if you'd like to go back to school.
The reason, according to Burkus, is information asymmetry, which is a situation where one party in a negotiation has a lot more information than the other.
One of the reasons some companies seem to excel more than others is that they break from this notion that we should remain loyal to something for a long period of time.
I would argue that the willingness to seek out bad news and take remedial action is a great reason to pay a leader more than others in an organization.
«We sell tons of headphones in Houston,» said Brinker, «And for some reason we sell more pink headphones in Texas than in any other place in the country.»
One other Berkshire purchase in 2010 — Munich Re — deserves mention for one unusual reason: Buffett personally bought 100,000 shares of that stock while Berkshire was loading up with more than 19 million shares and making itself a 10 % owner of Munich.
The reason, he says, is because «we can fake it far more convincingly than in other areas...» They're not the only ones.
There's little reason to get any other device unless you absolutely have to have the latest Android updates immediately — or you enjoy spending more money than you need to.
Since the early 2000s, splitting the Chair / CEO roles has become the norm in Canada, and with good reason: more than any other individual governance best practice, Chair / CEO split with an independent chair is highly correlated with adoption of other good governance practices and disclosure.
«It's fear that when people find out that different people get paid differently, they're not going to be able to have the maturity and make the mental leap to see that there are reasons why a certain person is paid more than the other,» Burkus said.
Other reasons modern shoppers flock to mobile vary; for example, mobile applications are often faster and more convenient than traditional websites accessed from a computer.
You may think you're in control and everything happens for a reason, but more often than not, things that matter are influenced by others.
The other reason is that the revolution in America is much more likely to come from the native - born Americans of Yankee and Nordic stock in the agricultural regions of the Midwest and Northwest than from the Americans of Jewish stock in New York City.
Most startups fail for a variety of reasons, but one is far more common than others — running out of money.
It is a manual about getting money from those who have it and are, given reason and their interests met, very willing to spend it — on just about everything, and more of it, at higher average prices than any other consumers.
I'm still pro entrepreneurship in everything I do, and it's the reason I started a Facebook group of now more than 10,000 other entrepreneurs (including the crowd favorite Noah Kagan) to chat, ask questions and learn from one another.
For me, I like real estate more than stocks because it's tangible, and many other reasons I've already mentioned.
Consumers will have more reasons to watch entertainment from sources other than their cable or satellite company, potentially motivating a greater fraction of them to cancel those monthly subscriptions.
Their business model is a digital advertising business model, and the reason why Facebook and Google had more than a 90 percent share of growth in the digital advertising space last year is that they can target advertising in a way that no other site can because they have a 360 - degree view of user activity, meaning they're tracking users across the web and therefore know much more about their users than anyone else.
It seems to me that you are invoking concepts of noblesse oblige, chivalry and grace from us in an attempt to get us to sacrifice yet more of our assets for the common good, without giving us any compelling reasons other than «it would be more fair».
It's the reason why I'm so much more comfortable investing in physical real estate than any other investment.
But this is also about a mind - set: although we think there are powerful civic and commercial reasons for allowing very extensive free access to Times journalism — our pay model is far more porous than others — we believe that every story we do should be worth paying for.
The entire Groove blog is a content hack in itself (like several other startups, they've begun to publicize their metrics in a compellingly transparent way) but this call to action was a part of the reason they grew their blog's email list to more than 5,000 subscribers in just five weeks.
Perhaps more important than other reasons, we pay a lot of attention to China because: — We are likely to make more money there than the US in the next few years.
For BtoB startups — cost reduction or increasing the sales are the only two most important reasons why customers buy product as their decision are more rational than individuals who may buy the product for variety of other reasons.
The prices there are a bit higher than the average exchange for some reason, but it seemed more Euro - friendly than other options.
Now it is my belief that Bitcoin Cash matters more than any other cryptocurrency out there, but it matters for a more fundamental reason than transaction fees and speed.
There is no one single reason why some sales performers close so many more deals than others.
Sign - up bonus of $ 500 plus the card is more aesthetically pleasing than any other I've seen - that's enough reason for me!
So how do you go from that reasoning to «Since it wasn't accidental then it must have been this ancient male diety named (fill in blank depending on religion) who loves me and knows me and cares for me and wants me to perform rituals that have nothing to do with morality like prayer, not eating certain things, sabaath and many more just because he said so, even though we have no record of him saying anything, just records of humans who wrote things down that they claim he said, but I want to believe it all so badly I will base my beliefs on no other evidence than «it just can't be accident».
makes more sense than «there was just one microscopic atom in all of «non-creation» and for an unknown reason, this one atom exploded and from this atom, all other atoms came to be.
The 2 no's were for totally different reasons and the yes reason had more in common with 1 of the no's than the 2 no's had in common with each other.
More mormons outside of the United States than in it... there is a reason why they focus so much in other countries... and prefer the less educated ones.
I see no more reason to spend my life placating your vengeful god than I do any other vengeful god (and there have been so very many created by humans).
Pfau is much more appreciative of much of Gregory's work («a book whose courage and ambition I applaud, if for no other reason than that it exemplifies what an engaged form of historiography [and humanistic inquiry more generally] can and should do»); what makes his piece especially worthwhile is its trenchant engagement with critics of Gregory's work and their often uncritical allegiance to the modernity of the modern academy.
A number of reasons suggest themselves, some more plausible than others.
Religion is responsible for more hate and killing in the world than any other reason.
Many people do not marry in a church, even more (billions) do not celebrate the birth of Jesus, probably even more do not cry out to any gods, or may to other gods other than (yours), and many people consider life elsewhere in the universe because science and reason points to that possibility.
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