Sentences with phrase «more than anything»

There are many forms and degrees of grief, from a brief temporary sadness that is more than anything else a matter of self - pity and ruffled nerves, to the deepest and most soul - shaking bereavement.
I think that to a large degree, I am writing the book for myself more than anything else.
The chemically sensitive are in a sense physically handicapped, and what they need more than anything else is for others to accept this fact and cooperate by helping to provide a pure environment.
What God wants from us, more than anything else, is to make the Bible's great drama of restoration and new life the story of our lives too.
Pro-life Christians never will, and it is abortion, more than anything else, that has shaken their faith in America as «one nation under God.»
Doctrine mattered more than anything else, and of course that doctrine had to be «sound».
I love a good novel more than anything, I admit.
What is needed more than anything is for Americans to show leadership not just in destroying, but also in rebuilding.
Moreover, religious teachings that warn believers against such temptations as greed and envy provide a strong rationale for believing that it is these moral failings more than anything else to which poverty and economic injustice must be attributed.
Religious privatism saps the liberal churches of their strength perhaps more than anything else in modern society.
If you believe your soul will end in heaven or hell, then the question of whether your soul itself is good or evil matters — matters, in fact, more than anything in the world.
People who fear social, political, and technological change more than anything would literally rather be dead than go through it.
But a lot of it is just trying to create a platform and invite people to share parts of their story and more than anything to know they're not alone in their struggle and to know if they need help it's okay to ask for help.
I think it's a conversation about power more than anything else.
Jesus spoke about the Kingdom of God more than anything else — with the Kingdom of God being at hand.
On this more than anything else, the whole community must stand together for we are in danger of perishing together.
History tells me that Dostoevsky's Grand Inquisitor was spot - on: people hate freedom more than anything else.
This book presented a non-violent reading of Scripture in light of Girard's mimetic theory, but more than anything, this book was a defense of how the Catholic Mass could still be practiced and not be viewed as a perpetual sacrifice.
More than anything else, He wants our hearts.
Religion should be a vehicle to spread these values more than anything else.
More than anything, the trial exposed how Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, the Vatican's former secretary of state, bent rules to get his retirement apartment ready after Pope Francis was elected in 2013 and named a new secretary of state.
We had already been dabbling in Buddhism and ACIM for quite some time which deepened our Christian understanding more than anything.
For me it's about awareness more than anything else.
A common criticism of Willow is that it's a show more than anything and that its studied nonuse of Christian symbols or liturgical gestures is a too - easy accommodation to modernity, the market and individualistic Christianity.
if any of these things going on in my life actually help take me somewhere and help me to become a self supporting, productive person, I guess I'd have to say it was more luck and sheer will power more than anything?
More than anything Jes and I are intentional about guarding our time together.
And more than anything, I hope that when you put this book down, you'll gather the people you love around your table to eat and drink, to tell stories, to be heard and fed and nourished on every level.»
«What a nation needs more than anything else,» writes social critic Martyn Eden, «is not a Christian ruler in the palace but a prophetic church within earshot.»
Doctrinal statements, while helpful in many ways, have hindered the spread of the Gospel and harmed the advance of the Kingdom almost more than anything else in the history of Christianity.
I think more than anything, my post was intended to get people to stop using arrogant and condescending labels.
If there is one thing more than anything else which could be referred to as the catalyst which enabled the Easter faith to become a reality, it would be the experiences of those apostles, beginning with Peter, which made them convinced that Jesus had appeared to them.
It's obvious you're too far gone... I'm very sorry and I hope, more than anything, that your everlasting kingdom exists..
It is that commitment and that style, perhaps more than anything else, that is sadly lacking in the present era.
The founders of the nation feared more than anything else a return to «aristocracy» — to concentrated and monolithic power.
These ideals were inextricably bound up in his mind with a heightening and refining of the emotions, inextricably bound up with a sense of life governed more than anything by a sense of the measure of things.
most do and they give everyone else a bad rep but every «religion» does as well, i don't have any religion i just try to do what is right and help others i think these simple practices would help the world out more than anything else.
And for the most part, human brambles just impede the traveler and get in the way of the pilgrim more than anything else.
Common sense, if Jesus suffered what no one will never suffer then He has proven to humanity that it can be done and that He was willing to sacrifice himself in flesh, He did it to prove that he loves us more than anything and love is the only reason to exist.
But as a non-atheist you must know what scares you more than anything, right?
Like him, people scare me more than anything.
In fact, physics now resembles metaphysics more than anything else, with its theories to explain how realities unobservable by us produce the visible world.
I think it has more to do with where the church is more than anything else.
More than anything else, this «Kingdom movement» challenged the Churches and society of the 1890's.
What do people want more than anything else?
Airplanes and passports and new songs and old songs, but people more than anything else.
I think what I want more than anything is for people to be confident in God's original intent and his original desire for us, the original dream.
Christ accepted everyone and believed more than anything that we should love one another, so stop using religion to shut out an entire group of people in what is really a civil matter.
The failure to find an adequate solution has more than anything else prevented for a long time a fruitful cooperation between students of sociology and of religion.
He's the one that really brought the concept to the bible much more than anything in the old testament where there's verses that say that the dead know nothing and that sort of thing.
The petition (Mt 6:13; Lk 11:4), «And lead us not into temptation,» has troubled sincere Christians perhaps more than anything else in the Lord's Prayer.
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