Sentences with phrase «more than ideology»

Defenders of the existing system castigated it as little more than ideology dressed up as social science, and it became the book they loved to hate.
There is something more than ideology or leadership appeal here — if the pro-Corbyn faction are left in control of the Labour party they get 21 % compared to the rebels on 13 %; if Corbyn's opponents win control of the Labour party they get 19 % compared to the Corbyn faction's 14 %.

Not exact matches

By attacking thousands of troops, @realDonaldTrump makes clear that he cares more about extreme ideology than military readiness.
That's one of the many unanswered questions raised by Giuliani's stance, which seems more grounded in ideology than practice.
The Congress is more about ideology than policy, but it still charts the future direction for China and offers a glimpse into its opaque politics.
It's hard to come up with a model for a more laissez - faire, go - it - your - own ideology than Rand's.
Some hard - core open - source advocates disapprove of Ubuntu's compromise with the closed - source world, but end users who care more about usability than ideology will find this arrangement a boon.
One of those who find in the discipline more ideology than science, Orrell argues against 10 principles of economic orthodoxy, including the rationality and predictability of the market and its potential to provide happiness.
We're at a line in the sand here, where we can continue blindly marching over the cliff, or we can get a grip: ramp down fossil fuel use immediately, get an economic system geared to fixing up the mess we've made instead of enriching the few who already have far more than enough, nourish an ideology of cooperation instead of competition, and put the technology to more intelligent uses than convenience and mindless diversion.
If out - group hostility is more important to party identification than support for particular policies or ideologies, we may not actually place very many ideological demands...
Abacus Data polling last month said Canadians are more likely to think the NDP will «promise anything to win votes» than the Liberals are, an unusual spot for a party so rooted in principle and ideology.
Christian doctrines are more realistic than any ideology in existence regarding human nature.
I know you are pretty much supporting my comment, and I don't mean to be rude, but I think Baden's exclusion of the Islamic approach is much more egregious than his non-mention of the Christian approach — seeing as half of the conflict he is discussing is driven mainly by Islamic people and Islamically - oriented ideology.
The final piece of the puzzle for Arendt was the conflation of Hitler's vision of Jewish world domination as a cause of the animus he held for Western democracy and the Stalinist ideology of cosmopolitanism, which she tells us is the «fictitious world conspiracy that provided a more suitable background for totalitarian claims to world rule than Wall Street, capitalism, and imperialism.»
I personally think that Obama's election was more about his left wing ideology than his «skin color» because if it had only been about «skin color» then the POTUS candidates on the right who were black, would have had just as good a chance to become the POTUS, as Obama did.
Religion is responsible for more mass murder than any other ideology in human history.
I'm not necessarily claiming that Christianity is wonderful (I'm an atheist), but that Christianity as it is known and experienced today is much, much more mellow an ideology both in theory and practice than Islam.
Although it would be foolish to demarcate too rigidly cultic and other depictions of the emperor, as in some way all imperial ideology was pervaded by religious conceptualizations of the imperial figure, the emperor was more than the cult, and imperial ideology was embodied in other forms and practices, many of which still require extensive examination (for example, its significance in the ideological construction of gender in the empire, and particularly of the body, is only just becoming visible).
They do not respect atheists any more than they respect Christians if we do not worship their ideology.
Women pastors who are concerned more for their people than for any ideology are less suspect and therefore probably better able to help us around the grave theological and liturgical hazards in God - language changes.
@Troy in Austin - more people were killed in the 20th century by atheistically - driven ideology than by all religious - driven killings in all of history.
The Crisis of Modernityby augusto del nocetranslated by carlo lancellottimcgill - queens, 336 pages, $ 110 There is no greater ideologue, nor any more earnest in his self - delusion, than the pragmatist who thinks he is free of ideology.
And that is a purely faith based ideology, no more or less so than Christianity or any other of the world's religions.
Complaints about the cultural «imposition» of ideas about universal human rights are, more often than not, in the service of nationalism, racism, ideology, or power politics - or all of these in combination.
Socialism no more than capitalism need be a substitute for theistic religion, and it is worth noting that capitalist ideology, for all its alleged «realism,» just as easily succumbs to this danger.
It is interesting to see that under both Democratic and Republican leadership, the ideology has been more determinative than these groups.
For the FBI, religion remains a much too sensitive subject, much more so than the threatening ideologies of yesteryear.
Exploring their guilt, we find it deeper in one crucial regard than that of the tools and thralls of ideologies more manifestly political than abortion.
Also, being more interested in science and facts than ideology, we don't like to take things at face value based on what some impassioned but unbalanced individuals may think.
Christianity in that sense is more than the nemesis of slavery; it is the nemesis, on the right, of hereditary privilege and natural entitlement, and, on the left, of ideologies of power and state absolutization.
With such major centers of the new evangelicalism as Fuller Seminary now showing a good deal more affinity to neo-orthodoxy than to fundamentalism (see Gerald T. Sheppard, «Biblical Hermeneutics: The Academic Language of Evangelical Identity,» Union Seminary Quarterly Review 32 [Winter 1977, pp. 81 - 94]-RRB-, surely we must be cautious both about assuming flatly a «decline» of classic liberalism and about implying a one - to - one relation between the liberal ideologies, whatever their current condition, and the oldline denominational structures.
I take seriously my co-responsibility — moral, political, and intellectual — for causing and tolerating the oppressive consequences of systems and ideologies from which I benefit much more, and much more often, than I suffer.
For never did laws / regime / ideology degrade mores more than in the communist countries.
These papal priorities, implicitly or explicitly, strike a contrast with Kirill, whose nationalistic - ecclesial ideology of the «Russian World» bolsters Putin's military aggression, whose ministry has been more than susceptible to the power politics of deep church - state entanglement.
It appears to them and it appears to me that many churches, ministries are more influenced by culture, more influenced by political ideology, more influenced by American nationalism than by the radical demands by Jesus to live as exiles and sojourners and refugees in this alien world called America.
This is a far more beautiful vision than the limited ideology of Our Faith Story.
Regrettably, she does little more than provide us with a reminder of a textbook example of eisegesis (reading «into» the biblical text one's own ideology) rather than exegesis (reading «out of» Scripture with attentiveness to historical and literary context, even if it conflicts with one's own personal views).
Politically pragmatic liberalism may be practically necessary in pluralistic societies, but as an individualistic secular ideology it is no more viable in the long run than its illiberal counterparts.
Some background: Rachel Held Evans has made a career out of undermining fidelity to the teachings of Scripture by ridiculing simplistic or non-existent notions of biblical interpretation (hermeneutics), while practicing a flawed hermeneutic of her own that often seems to be little more than an extension of her own ideology.
We know today, much more vividly than did our philosophical and theological predecessors, how important economic arrangements are in shaping the values, ideologies and cultures of various states.
The use of and appeal to religious communalism is effective (at least in the short run) precisely because increasingly more people are finding a greater sense of common purpose in traditional religions than in political parties or secular ideologies.
He quotes Reul Marc Gerecht saying: For the FBI, religion remains a much too sensitive subject, much more so than the threatening ideologies of yesteryear.
Through all the contortions of causes and ideologies that hijacked the civil rights movement, we have, after more than thirty years, moved from talking about «colored people» to talking about «people of color.»
Like modern folk with more money than joy, he has a cafeteria of ideologies from which to choose.
I think that kind of perspective, willfully separating that «force» from the flawed characteristics and limitations of man, is more «faithful» than blind allegiance to ideologies KNOWN to have been manipulated by man.
And since people who are accused of Nazi thinking don't appear threatening — they don't wear «SS» insignia on tailored black leather coats or boast funny mustaches, and they haven't swallowed the poisonous ideology of fascism — the Nazi epithet is more likely to undermine the accuser's credibility than persuade his audience.
Indeed, a faith in revelation may release our desire to know and reinforce the spirit of criticism in a much more radical fashion than rationalism, scientism, or adherence to other ideologies would by themselves allow.
It suggests that all religion is little more than a covering up of childish desires or oppressive ideology.
But this ideology does not allow us to consider that perhaps private business decisions are in fact making some political decisions more or less inevitable, or that the media themselves may be controlled more by economic considerations than by a devotion to democratic principles of free expression.
Truth is people like Obama have done more harm to Islam than any other living being with their methods and ideology.
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