Sentences with phrase «more than rational»

All three of these boast reasons to own that are more than rational justifications.
We all use them when meeting someone for the first time, and research shows that interviewers rely on these more than rational analysis when assessing a candidate.
Unlike some sort of weird belief system, or «atheists» that many christians want to make it out to be, «science» is nothing more than the rational, logical observation and study of the world around us.
If it turns out that we are more than rational beings with interests, and that we make claims (sometimes angrily) based on honor and the need for recognition, then consent and deliberation that ignores more poignant spurs to action than mere interest will often fall short.
Greider, a senior journalist at the Nation, and Wight, an economist at the University of Richmond, understand that capitalism is more than a technical economic system and that it is supported by more than rational argument.
There is the anxious self which is something more than a rational soul dealing with a recalcitrant body.
To obey Paul's command for your children means giving them more than a rational faith — it means also giving them a well - formed Christian imagination that can look at a starry night sky and see more than the infinite reach of empty space and the eternal stretch of endless time, that can «keep seeking the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God» (3:1).

Not exact matches

This recommendation comes from finance professor Anat Admati, who says: «Economists tend to think that beliefs and behavior are guided by incentives and rational processing of information, but I know that there is more to it than this simple model, and that other disciplines have much to say.
Pedego store owners «are more mature and, I think, more rational» than younger business owners, says CEO DiCostanzo, an electric - vehicle zealot who is on his third Tesla.
Which doesn't make it any more rational or sensible, because whether you're in Paris, Tokyo or Tashkent, you are more more liable to be killed by a car than to be victimized by terrorism.
While it doesn't always make strictly rational financial sense — if you have a 3.5 percent mortgage but can earn 7 or 8 percent from investing, putting extra money towards your mortgage does result in opportunity cost — the emotional impact could more than offset that «loss.»
«In my experience people who assert statements like that are often immune to evidence or rational argument, and envision themselves as superior beings who are more enlightened than the rest of us.»
Matt Ridley, for example, in his recent book, The Rational Optimist, argues that the oil sands are a much more sane solution to current energy needs than things like wind (too unreliable and too little output) and biofuels (wasteful use of land).
Investing is more of an emotional than intellectual exercise, and it becomes very hard to stay on an even keel and to make rational, unbiased judgements if you're making them based on someone else's information.
Although the valuation of the market is not as stretched today as it was in the late 1990s, investors» exuberance is also arguably more rational than it was then.»
For BtoB startups — cost reduction or increasing the sales are the only two most important reasons why customers buy product as their decision are more rational than individuals who may buy the product for variety of other reasons.
If the company is sold for $ 10M to $ 20M, the holders of Series A would still receive $ 1.00 / share as a rational Series A holder would never convert his / her shares to common as the Series A holder would receive more from the Series A liquidation preference than as a holder of common.
With a more levelheaded approach to precious metal investing than the traditional «gold bug,» Luke Burgess has proven that rational thinking in a largely emotional market can be incredibly profitable.
Liu He, a Chinese vice premier and economic adviser to President Xi Jinping, told Steven Mnuchin, the American Treasury secretary, in a phone call just more than a week ago that the two countries should «stay rational and work together to maintain the overall stability of their economic and trade relations.»
However, after spending time reading your articles for about more than a month, I am quite happy to say that your advices are rational and not coloured.
If there was no volatility, and we knew stocks went up 8 % every year, the only rational response would be to pay more for them, until they were expensive enough to return less than 8 %.
The loudest factions of Christianity and atheism aren't the largest, which presents the occasion for mutual understanding: open, honest, introspective and rational discussion between groups of people who share more in common than not.
Your opinion that it's a «rational» way to see the world is just that — nothing more than you're opinion.
Humans, more rationalizing than rational, have devolved modernity into rationalized lust.
Consider this: supposedly, something like 35 % of us have had transcendental experiences and these experiences resonate «Truth» in a way that is far more intimate than our rational / sensory - based experiences.
Also, both can be rational thinkers, but one may have more information than the other, so their conclusion will not be the same.
No I do not accept that women as a whole are more vindictive than men, nor do I accept that men as a whole are more level - headed and rational than women.
If you wish to convince any rational person of the validity of your bible, you'll have to come up with a little bit more than what you've got.
That proof probably wouldn't be enough for those who believe that they are more «rational» than everyone else.
that's probably the most reasonable and rational thing ever said on these blogs, however clearly more «christians» (i'm laughing at those who call themselves christians) concern themselves more about the lives of others than leading their own moral life.
Agnosticism is inherently more rational than Atheist «Specific Non-Belief».
For example, there are more irrational numbers than rational numbers.
It's more than something logic can not explain, it's something there simply is no rational reason to believe.
You have always sounded fairly rational to me William, though anyone pretending to be William is showing themselves to be no more mature than a 5th grader.
I'm sure you can type a long and boring argument that shows you think it is, but there is more to life than being rational.
If you think that pink unicorns are more irrational than your god, there may be little hope for a rational discussion.
But — nobody in that church leadership group said anything at all after the comment about men being more reasonable than women and women being emotional and not rational
Based on his long collaboration with Hans Urs von Balthasar, Joseph Ratzinger was able to capture the essence of his friend's theological aesthetics in this single, lapidary line: «Being overcome by the beauty of Christ is a more real, more profound knowledge than mere rational deduction.»
a more honest and rational answer than «God did it.»?
I'm not saying the unnecessary suffering of animals is good, or moral, but rather pointing out that your perspective on the subject is no more rational, no more based on fact, than that of the people you are arguing against.
The rational conclusion seems to be that we are more than just bodies, more than just animals.
«Lewis wrote in a time when, among the educated British public if not among their professional philosophers, there was considerably more agreement than there is now about what constitutes a valid and rational argument for a given case.»
Even if, in some sense, I exist, I don't know what I am — and it turns out, so some modern materialists have begun to argue — that nothing I do or even say and think is more than the motion of material parts (and so subvert even the notion of rational argument itself).
Christ is both Icon of the Father (who is thus revealed as being far more than a merely rational super-being) and true Man, the real peak and summit of all creation, and exemplar of man, who will one day gather up all the diverse workings of the Holy Spirit and present them as a glorious symphony in the presence of Our Father in heaven.
If you would like to, I for one would be more than willing to wipe the slate clean and have a calm rational discussion with you either here, or if you can ask David for my email address if you would prefer to talk privately.
The followers of Whitehead who take his imagery literally without pondering this important insight are inclined to be more rationalistic than Whitehead intended, and than the method of rational empiricism requires.
It is tempting simply to show where Luke has got it wrong, but there is more than reason at work and simply winning a rational argument is not enough.
Your beliefs are no more rational than those of a five year old in the Tooth Fairy.
As you remember, the seventeenth - century genius Blaise Pascal proposed that it is more rational, in view of the benefits to be gained, to believe that God exists than to believe he does not exist.
He was the bishop of Myra around 300CE (so a 5 year old has a more rational belief than christians do).
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