Sentences with phrase «more than the religious people»

I personally hear the atheists I know complain more than the religious people about others talking about their beliefs, could just be the people I know though.
But, yes, some pretty much are prostelyzing and defending their belief system (or their non-belief systems) as much and in some cases even more than religious people do.
It is little wonder that atheists know more than religious people.
Evidence points to theories and they're reputable and so I trust those more than a religious person using the bible as the only source of proof for history, science, philosophy, ect...
Also, atheism does use faith, you have faith that there is no god (s), you can't prove your point more than religious people can prove theirs, so there is no facts, no proof either way.
Atheists preach more than religious people do here.
But, you're assuming that people who associate as spiritual, not religious act poorly or sin more than religious people.

Not exact matches

In Turkey, more than 32,000 people were put in jail and 100,000 have been dismissed from jobs in the security and civil services for their alleged links to a religious network the government says staged the July 15 military coup.
As social scientist Arthur Brooks has documented, religious people give far more to all manner of do - gooding than do secular people.
That implies that religious people are somehow more caring or generous than others.
A million times more people have been kiIIed by religious zealots in the name of their relgion than an atheist in the name of atheism.
By the way religious people are also happier, and more generous than the non-religious.
In reality, the religious person has far more freedom of thought than an athiest.
Just as ridiculous as being an extreme religious person or being an atheist which both have more in common with each other than they let on.
I know people who are not affiliated with any religion (agnostic, not atheist) that are far more humane in action than any number of «religious» people.
LinCA «That implies that religious people are somehow more caring or generous than others.
So one group of radicals whom I doubt represent more than 1 / 10th of 1 % of the world's religious folks, and all religious people are radical nuts.
They've got courage more than other religious people I know and apparently see on here.
Keeping in mind that believing a dead man came back to life and ascended bodily into heaven is no more plausible than anything Mormons believe, you have to wonder what Barnum would say about all religious people.
Indeed, they do not, any more than religious folks, experience emptiness, lack of purpose, lack of pleasure or such negativity generally stereotyped to religion - free people.
Numerous studies have shown that religious people donate more time, more money, and donate more blood than any other group of people.
«Religious people think Atheists are people who have been subtly convinced by the devil to believe in themselves more than believing in God...»
As it lifts, we're seeing that this country is more religious than people think, and a million times more than secularists would like.
Community of the kind Christ desires can only occur with another when He is shared as more necessary than breath amidst all persons present, whether they be the person «giving» or the one receiving — Christ must not be fore - fitted to some other monstrous conceit that is paraded as «communion» and «fellowship» — the common bane of our religious activity.
I will not have the religious right tell me Gay people are an abomination no more than I will have an Athiest tell me I am deluded or unintelligent.
«A study in the United States, published in the Social Forces journal and conducted by Sociology researcher Lisa A. Keister while she was at the Ohio State University, found that adherents of Judaism attained the most wealth, believers of Catholicism and mainline Protestants were in the middle, while conservative Protestants accu - mulated the least wealth, while in general people who attend religious services achieved more wealth than those who do not (taking into account variations of education and other factors).
Some people are more religious than others... and most hospitals ask if you want religious services to stop by.
You sound like a wonderful person (if you were religious or not)... the professor you had obviously thought more of himself than he did of anyone else.
Science and the scientific method is universal and consistent all over the World whereas religion is regional and a person's religious conviction, no matter how deeply held, is clearly nothing more than an accident of birth
He cared about people more than His own reputation with the religious establishment.
According to the work produced by David B. Barrett's religious statistics organisation (FYI, the man was a Christian no less) atheists number more than Jews, Sikh's, Shintos, Baha'is, Jains, combined, and if you want to consider all «non - religious / secular / agnostic / atheist» together, since the whole «non-religion» movement is kinda riddled with people who find conontations of words like «atheist» to be bad enough to not want to declare themselves atheist, you'll find the number of that non-religious group also amounts more than those religions plus buddhism, and taoism or even Confucianism.
Religious people are terrifying and usually more than willing to inflict their way of belief on the rest of the people.
I am for the elimination of hate, fear and control, religion is just the catalyst that people use to hate, fear and control, getting rid of religion won't solve the problem, its like putting a band aid on a severe cut, its temporary, and it just hits the surface, instead we need to go deeper than that to the root cause, I know lots of religious people who don't hate, fear or control, there are also many beliefs such as paganism, Buddism, Taoism, which doesn't use hate fear, and self righteousness to condemn others, I think if maybe more of the most major religions followed there teachings then we wouldn't have as much problems as we do.
Put some food in people's stomach that act of charity is more in line with a religious act than erecting that statue
And these people have been taught for so long to take their religious leaders at their word and that their religion means more than anything that they don't care whether the person is lying or not.
WE all know that ideas and truth mean more to Atheists than to religious people (who are happy with fairytales).
Atheists simply have their natural instincts of empathy less - adjusted than religious people and so, generally are more moral.
Perhaps an indication that the religious are far more concerned with regulating people's se - x lives than in what people actually believe?
@Maani: «it does not change the fact that more people have died under atheist - led regimes than under religious - led ones.»
And especially after the Noachian Flood, did false religion take a leap, with false religious doctrines and practices such as the trinity, immortality of the soul, that God torments people in a «hellfire», the establishment of a clergy class, the teaching of «personal salvation» as more important than the sanctification of God's name of Jehovah (Matt 6:9), the sitting in a church while a religious leader preaches a sermon, but the «flock» is not required to do anything more, except put money when the basket is passed.
A very high percentage of people here are religious, but you can look at the demographics of a great many European countries and see that overall, Western Europe is far less religious and more Atheistic than America.
Underscoring this point, they note that religious switchers adhere even more closely to the dominant moral ethos of their new groups than do people raised in those groups.
Reasoning with people of faith is more tricky than the happiness one finds by abandoning their own faith in religious delusion.
So... why are these people not saying what really needs to be said... some of these Presidents were no more than DEISTS and had no religious affiliation...
While you may or may not be correct re the «reasoning» you cite, it does not change the fact that more people have died under atheist - led regimes than under religious - led ones.
@Troy in Austin - more people were killed in the 20th century by atheistically - driven ideology than by all religious - driven killings in all of history.
Reading the comments... couldn't help but notice the atheists getting even more far out there than the so called religious persons ie:
It wasn't the summer that brought an end to my doubt, but it was the summer I encountered a different Jesus, a Jesus who requires more from me than intellectual assent and emotional allegiance; a Jesus who associated with sinners and infuriated the religious; a Jesus who broke the rules and refused to cast the first stone; a Jesus who gravitated toward sick people and crazy people, homeless people and hopeless people; a Jesus who preferred story to exposition and metaphor to syllogism; a Jesus who answered questions with more questions, and demands for proof with demands for faith... a Jesus who healed each person differently and saved each person differently; a Jesus who had no list of beliefs to check off, no doctrinal statements to sign, no surefire way to tell who was «in» and who was «out»; a Jesus who loved after being betrayed, healed after being hurt, and forgave while being nailed to a tree; a Jesus who asked his disciples to do the same...
To paraphrase Jesus» comment, people who are concerned only with the affairs of this world often show more ingenuity in seeking their ends than religious people do in trying to accomplish God's will.
Can you back up your implication that atheists are more attached to money than religious people with any kind of facts?
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