Sentences with phrase «more things now»

It make me want to solar power more things now:)
«There are more things now that you can do with ochre than we ever thought possible.»
Needless to say, I use them for many more things now than just making my house smell good!

Not exact matches

Against this improving fundamental backdrop, a geopolitically driven supply disruption will now have a much more outsized influence, and price spikes can no longer be dismissed as things of the past.
After you've gone through all of your stories from your past, and after you've talked about everything that you've dealt with, now you have to go live life and accumulate more things to talk about.
Now, it's more of technological wonder that when I visit Walmart's website, the first thing it does is ask me if I'm ready to reorder a slew of products I put into a real cart in a physical store, even though I've never ordered these things via the website.
«Now Mark, I am more than willing to give you my time and really work with you to find out exactly what the best solution for you and your specific situation is, I'm just going to ask for one thing in return... As we go through this, if you don't feel that what we have is a good fit, are you okay telling me that?
I just want to be able to do the same things I like doing now, only more of them.»
And one of the things I'm excited about — hopefully you'll have some more time now that you've turned over the CEO role — that people like you and me can sit in a room and say let's forget about what we believe and don't believe.
In an interview late last year, Patrick Nangle — who recently took the helm at Vancouver ride - sharing co-op Modo after years of running Purolator — said one of the best things about his new job is that he now gets to spend a lot more time talking to people on the front lines.
The last thing you want to do is look at more documents, but now is not the time to take a nap.
Eventually you'll see that these apps that initially, especially like Tinder was very much geared towards hookups, it will end up moving up market and really disrupt the whole traditional online dating area, which I think is the most interesting thing going on right now because as we get better and better at our recommendations, as more people get on the platform, I think people will find less and less a need or desire to use things like a or Okcupid.
Some net - neutrality experts wonder if Wheeler has taken things too far — saying the door is now open to more legal disputes as the parameters of net neutrality continue to get hammered out.
While graduates may find it a little more difficult to find work after graduation right now, she said, things tend to eventually work out for the students she deals with.
CF: Unfortunately I think all those choices are sort of being hidden, they're choices that are being made right now that we spend more and more on health care and less on education and social supports and all these other things.
«It's a good thing to get new businesses, but for mature mom - and - pops, I don't see it being any more stimulative than what is now in the economy.
«Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do, so throw off the bowlines, sail away from safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails.
Pew wants more regulations to protect the people who use these cards — the sorts of things now required for checking accounts: clear disclosure of terms and fees, an easy way to track transactions, FDIC insurance and protection from unauthorized transactions.
See how you like them, and if they are things you now want to do more of.
But now that things have grown and progressed and I've also grown as a person, I do a lot more research.
We buy things because we think they are worth more to us than we are paying for them and - more importantly - when we are convinced that they deliver something we don't now have, but definitely want.
In the U.S., we see more entrepreneurs who are doing things for fun, so whether you do it today, two days from now or a week from now, it doesn't matter — it's a marathon.
«This means that we now have the resources... to enable so many more people to make a living making things,» Kalin wrote.
At Dyn, our platform play has meant that we're now prepared to hunt down opportunities in business categories that are emerging as the big prospects of the future: automation, predictive analytics, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), full cloud adoption, mobile and ever more globalization and global growth.
But step by step things changed — you could be more and more immersed in different universes, and now [with Nintendo's Wii and Microsoft Kinect] you can use just your body with motion control to play.
«We've been doing these kinds of jokes for a few years now, and I think the key thing that we're learning is to trust our gut a little more than we usually do.
Frank Lee as the option - savvy employee may be a portent of things to come, but for now, what's more typical is the unsophisticated worker who knows little about options.
«Now there is more of a culture of people thinking, «Hey, you should talk about these things even if they are rumors,»» says Floodgate's other cofounder, Ann Miura - Ko.
Now share buybacks aren't necessarily a bad thing, and in fact are Warren Buffett's preferred method for returning cash to shareholders — as opposed to dividends — because they give management more flexibility.
Now is the time to think things through to become more efficient and effective in 2015.
It's as if his signature «one more thing» line now applies to him as well.
A recent redesign has made it look pretty slick, too: There are a good chunk of themes, and the whole thing now supports more than 100 languages.
«If we could solve the problem of getting to space more effectively than we do now, I think we would find ourselves doing more interesting, potentially game - changing things in low Earth orbit.»
The GGSC suggests a practice adopted from Buddhist meditation and now backed up by science: «treating thoughts, whether negative or positive, more like smells, sights, tastes and sounds: things that arrive in your awareness, rather than things that constitute the essence of who you are.
For one thing, consumers are now more likely to have figured out a brand by piecing together scraps of evidence they gathered on their own than to have learned about it from advertising.
Now things seem a bit more doable.
Otherwise, you will debate whether you should do it now or there were too many issues with doing it, or there are other more pleasurable and exciting things to do over this boring task.
2) More service revenue: If Apple were to buy Netflix, its service revenue would climb to 14 % of its overall revenue instead of the 11 % it's at now, Sacconaghi says, and that would be a good thing.
JOSH MORE: It's clear that even if we were to change things now, some of the effects are going to happen — there's nothing we can do about that.
According to SEC filings from May, Heins will make his base salary of $ 3 million for another two years, plus another $ 5 million cash and a stock portfolio that was at one time worth more than $ 16 million and is now worth more like $ 7 million, reports Arik Hesseldahl of All Things D. Related: BlackBerry Says, «Remain Calm.
The only thing Labott is guilty of is admitting that she is a human being, something that more journalists should try now and then.
While the proposal to spend more on things like education, sick leave and health care was sure to delight many members of Obama's own party, the Republicans now fully control Congress.
So, back to doing things the way everybody else does — or more accurately, with far more workers than the typical assembly line, because Tesla did things wrong to begin with and now has to ramp up the humans to avoid a catastrophe.
Right now, for instance, there are more opportunities in the commercial sector for self - driving cars — but that doesn't mean advances in autonomous technology aren't things the U.S. defense industry also wants a piece of.
«I think in the country, people said at where we are right now, we need to have some of these things in place, but now with a dynamic and robust economy and what we see happening right now with the tax cuts and job bill, it makes a lot of things more possible,» Kelly said.
Now the only thing left to do is to continue in every way to make the world a more stylish place!
Noting that Google's leadership greenlighted the autonomous idea «before a time when anybody thought this would be thing,» Krafcik — who now looks less like the auto executive he once was and more like the forever cool keyboard player in a 1970s progressive rock band, goateed and with styled gray hair and a trimly fitted blue suit — stressed that Google understood from the beginning the need to partner with car companies and early on sought to imagine how that collaboration might work.
Among those motivated to move now, before things get more expensive, is Ray Jess, 32.
Bill is now more clear on what he needs to do in order to shift things around to create the kind of success he wants.
One other thing: When you're looking at your budget, be aware that some media is going to cost more per customer than you are paying now.
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