Sentences with phrase «more time dreaming»

But don't think your love life is over just because you spend more time dreaming of the perfect house than the person you'd like to sit across from at a candlelit table.
Were I a consumer looking for a Realtor to assist me with the largest financial transaction of my life, especially if I were a thinking consumer, I would look for a high quality Realtor, one with an acknowledged track record, one with experience, one with the patience to take hs / her time with my particular excentricities, one with both eyes and ears open to my words and non verbal communications etc., vs one who is constantly texting, pushing buttons, flipping screens on a computer and spending more time dreaming up slick marketing logos and phrases to be quickly uploaded on the net as the case may be instead of actually interfacing with ME.
Don't spend any more time dreaming about tattooing or sketching tattoo ideas on bar napkins.
Children spend more time dreaming than adults do, so they have many more dreams — both good and bad.
Children spend more time dreaming than adults do, so they have more dreams — both good and bad.
Why don't you spend some more time dreaming up all the possible combinations, and then write a book about it?

Not exact matches

The more time you spend bogged down in day - to - day stuff, the more you're working in your business, and failing to plan for the growth you dream about.
Realize, now matters more than any other time, and the «someday isle» mentality is killing so many dreams.
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In the process, you may save yourself considerable re-work and money, or even decide that your dream needs more time to mature, before you commit your limited resources, or sign up with investors to a painful and unsatisfying plan.
My dreams of being more organized and having more time on my hands crumbled on the first day.
Read more from Financial Times: Dyson should never say never in quest for electric dream Musk's mega-bucks don't require mega profits Musk reaches for the stars but investors grow impatient
The dream of starting your own business is more within reach today than any other time in history.
But at the time, I was more impressed with the concept of creating a «Dream List.»
Look at your list of dreams and decide that it's worth cancelling the cable to pay for a housecleaning service if it means being able to spend more time accomplishing something that matters to you more than dusting.
The business itself is just a way for a family to spend more time together, to help each other succeed, to help each other achieve their goals and live out their dreams...
Without these humanizing activities outside of work and time to focus on them, engineers are little more than hired guns used to propel other people's dreams.
My book, Virtual Freedom: How to Work with Virtual Staff to Buy More Time, Become More Productive and Build Your Dream Business is the culmination of over a decade in the outsourcing industry and the result of working with thousands of entrepreneurs on their virtual team building strategies.
If you want to salvage your retirement dreams, retire even earlier than you thought you could, or just live a more luxurious life than you ever thought possible — then there's no better opportunity to gain access to so much expertise... in one place, at the same time.
I would love to move to a state with enough land and a warmer climate for my sons to ride their race bikes, my daughter to have the horse she dreams of and me to finally be at peace, I also believe that there should be someone home with the kids no matter what their ages are and as a single Mom with no family support or father involvement being at home for me is even more important, especially now that they are teenagers, There are no more nap times or time outs and the things you worry about during this age are so much more dangerous than falling down and hitting their heads as toddlers.
Virtual Freedom: How to Work with Virtual Staff to Buy More Time, Become More Productive, and Build Your Dream Business
Unlike traditional lenders, our entire process makes getting business loans easy — so you spend less time applying, and more time realising your dreams.
I had in my heart and tongue the Name of Allah when ever I had fears, troubles or depression of any kind but from Jan 05 1995 when had lost my father and second brother in a car accident, it was the time I really felt am alone at age of 33 to face all the challenges my father has left upon me to run and manage among other partners therefore had been investigating the Quran as to understanding every word of it rather than to memorize it, have been did a lot of reciting verses of prayers begging God to look upon me and give me strength... am sure through such difficult times if I had no faith in God I would have perished and lost every thing long ago... Another thing my heart always gave me signs and my mind gave me logic of what to believe although have read many books abroad in my youth of many beliefs out of curiosity but could not belief in other than that God is one and Muhammed is his last prophet in all belief of the Quran he brought upon me / us in all that it says... Should mention at times had experienced dreams seeing signs and warnings long in advance of things going to happen A year or more before losing my father in a car accident I had seen him in my dream good bye wearing white cloth and going to board a tourist ship all crew dressed in white uniform rolling a red carpet on front of him and when was on the top of the stairs weaver smiling good bye... seen in another dream how or wealth will be stolen and what I will hold... so many things like that..
I suffered a terrible car accident... during 3 weeks I almost died «many times»... Now I can read a beautiful article like this one and agree with it... Believe me... no matter your faith, your fortune or whatever you may be involved with... on the face of death if you are human you will only care about your loved ones... you will remember about the moments you were happy together and dream they happen again... you will remember your childhood like you were 7 again... you will ask forgiveness and try to show your love, no matter how hard you are... In the face of death we realize that nothing more then our family matters... For the professor, once his life of arrogance reaches an end, he will then understand what is the meaning of family...
However, the social democratic countries of Europe or even Canada meet more of their citizens needs more of the time whilel the US sells the dream of opportunity while it is one of the least upwardly socially mobile countries in the world.
'' Thomas Jefferson omitted it (Revelation) along with most of the Biblical canon, from the Jefferson Bible, and wrote that at one time, he considered it (Revelation) as «merely the ravings of a maniac, no more worthy nor capable of explanation than the incoherences of our own nightly dreams
[30] Thomas Jefferson omitted it along with most of the Biblical canon, from the Jefferson Bible, and wrote that at one time, he «considered it as merely the ravings of a maniac, no more worthy nor capable of explanation than the incoherences of our own nightly dreams
The very appetite proceeding from labor and peace of mind is gone: we eat just enough to keep us alive: our sleep is disturbed by the most frightful dreams; sometimes I start awake, as if the great hour of danger was come; at other times the howling of our dogs seems to announce the arrival of the enemy: we leap out of bed and run to arms; my poor wife with panting bosom and silent tears takes leave of me, as if we were to see each other no more; she snatches the youngest children from their beds, who, suddenly awakened, increase with their innocent questions the horror of the dreadful moment.
When the most significant psychological thinker of our time, Sigmund Freud, points out that words are very often a cover - up and that more truth is to be learned from dreams or even slips of the tongue than from controlled speech, those who preach the Word are going to speak to ever - dwindling audiences.
Thomas Jefferson omitted it (Revelation) along with most of the Biblical canon, from the Jefferson Bible, and wrote that at one time, he «considered it as merely the ravings of a maniac, no more worthy nor capable of explanation than the incoherences of our own nightly dreams
I've never really spent much time thinking about my dreams (they seem so random and bizarre most of the time) but your post has convinced me that there may be more to them than meets the mind's eye.
[30] Thomas Jefferson omitted it along with most of the Biblical canon, from the Jefferson Bible, and wrote that at one time, he «considered it as merely the ravings of a ma - niac, no more worthy nor capable of explanation than the inc - oherences of our own nightly dreams
It is a state that is more imaginary than heaven itself and we see this life as more real than heaven sometimes because we experience this life as a dream that only lasts a minute or two, but at the time it seems real.
Courage is the same grit needed to work full time and enroll in graduate school when you realize your dreams will take more education.
Examining his subjects with reference to their hypnotic sensibility and to such automatisms as hypnagogic hallucinations, odd impulses, religious dreams about the time of their conversion, etc., he found these relatively much more frequent in the group of converts whose transformation had been «striking,» «striking» transformation being defined as a change which, though not necessarily instantaneous, seems to the subject of it to be distinctly different from a process of growth, however rapid.»
Yes, we all need to wake up, but some dreams are more dangerous than others, and in times of great social change and insecurity, there's nothing more dangerous than apocalyptic beliefs.
Now that I am in my late sixties and have had many more dreams and visions given to me, I realise that that dream was God reaching out to me at a time when I was lonely and confused.
I so do understand the questions of «why» and «what's the point» and and and... It's still a struggle at times to pick myself up and serve the «churched» as I've been doing for more than a decade now in two different countries to three different cultures, in three different languages... yet I'm also grateful that it's providing me with platform to promote a bigger vision and dream God might have for us as we find in the life of Jesus.
But there is more: you will find your own soul in the attic of crushed dreams - this beautiful Phoenix that has been waiting there, all this time, simply needing the tears of your own rejoicing to revive it.
Dream Ultimate Almond is a new line of almond beverages made with four times more California almonds, and it shows.
So while we're dreaming about racing and enjoying time away from school hopefully I can get into the kitchen a bit more.
In this interview, Jessica tells us about how much changed for her when she switched to a plant - based diet, from her health to her mindset, as well as about using alone time as a way of dealing with stress, a really fun form of exercise that she does five times a week, the importance of simplicity in skincare, her dream morning routine, and much more.
At that time every portion of the ox would be thoroughly done to the bone; not baked and burned and dried, but made more juicy and tender and sweet than any one has ever once dreamed that the best of beef could be who has not eaten it cooked in this manner.
I moved to SF from the east coast this past October and my timing couldn't have been more perfect... I HATE the cold and snow and it's a dream to be able to be outside basically every day.
I've been blogging for nearly 7 years and it's become more than I ever dreamed of but taking a little time away now and then is good for the mind, body and soul.
There is nothing wrong with these flavours, I enjoy them all immensely but its time to get creative and dream something more imaginative and exciting.
Your dream Hawaiian vacation just got a thousand times more luxurious.
I also want to hear more about the homesick Texan group, as my husband and I moved to Oregon five years ago (to fulfill a long - time dream), from Houston.
This is the time of year when I'm dreaming of... [Read more...]
And if down the stretch we're in it but need more pitching, we've got one of the minors best pitchers (Luzardo) as a possible reinforcement (I know, I know, he's almost certainly not coming up this year, but I can dream — as a side note, I really think teams like the A's should be more aggressive with promoting pitchers who have shown they can pitch and have stuff that seems like it can get out major leaguers — why wait when they'll probably just blow out their elbow anyway — might as well get some quality innings out of them in the majors — yeah, I'm salty about Puk, but whatever, I've held this belief for a long time).
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