Sentences with phrase «more traditional case»

If a more traditional case is what you crave, we like this option from ACEABOVE.

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And in the case of financial institution a relevant place to apply it would be where it's important for a particular product or service to have either more trust from third parties or to engage third parties in building a network without a traditional intermediary.
In many cases, it becomes the onramp to other more traditional models of financing.
«The gap for ETFs vs. TIFs (as Bogle calls traditional index funds) is no doubt wider, given that the ETF investor base is much different and the use cases for ETFs are far more varied (hedging, shorting, arb trades, etc.) than those for TIFs (buy, hold, rebalance).
The case for content creation boils down to the fact that content that people find on their own can be more persuasive than any ad for people who have become jaded to traditional ads.
The case for content marketing boils down to the fact that more and more consumers are avoiding traditional advertising vectors.
Corey Rosen, executive director at the National Center for Employee Ownership, in Oakland, Calif., suggests reminding employees that a stock - option grant rarely replaces more traditional benefits such as a pension plan and therefore should be viewed as a bonus — one that in some cases may never be worth a dime.
In the case of more traditional financial institutions, creditors have to abide by the Credit Practices Rule, which states that any financial institution, auto dealer, retailer or credit union must advise consumers about their legal obligations and more.
In many cases, the BDC's terms are more flexible than a traditional lender.
He should be asked to make the case for its existence — not only why targeted advertising is more beneficial than traditional advertising, but why he thinks the associated dangers are worth the risk.
This is quite a different to mentioned above project because it allows to sell bitcoins for cash using the existing infrastructure, which is a network of more than 6000 traditional bank ATMs in this case.
I'd love to hear, as you construct your traditional distribution arrangements, especially for ESPN but your general Cable Networks, would you be willing to talk about what type of protections or options you generally might look for in the case that subscriber losses accelerate or are more than you expected?
Experiences, solutions and answers that are developed through traditional classroom platforms, case studies, etc. can now pivot towards a more effective and meaningful learning experience in educational entrepreneurship.
Two notable cases were Macy's and Sears, traditional anchor tenants of US shopping malls, which each announced the closure of more than 100 stores.
A good first step in the Roth IRA shopping process is deciding whether you want to take a hands - off approach to investing — in which case a robo - advisor and its automated investment process might be appealing — or a more active approach to choosing your investments, which might make a traditional broker more attractive.
Crowdfunding has been used to fund activities that range from social enterprises1, creative arts2 and more traditional inventions (see Appendix for case studies).
The traditional Christian message is probably far from the truth, and the more one learns about the Gnostic Gospels, the more one begins to feel this has to be the case.
If, in the latter case, these followers begin to become a more traditional congregation, then there is a «routinization» and the prophet becomes more like a priest or gives way to a priest.
In the denomination to which I once belonged, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), more traditional pastors are beginning to wake up to the fact that, even if the civil government does exercise some restraint in compelling pastors to act against conscience, it is hardly the case that their denomination itself will.
Not a practical reality - a) more women than men (always been the case), b) women's traditional role as child - bearers, c) men's traditional role as protectors and bread - winners.
«Not a practical reality — a) more women than men (always been the case), b) women's traditional role as child - bearers, c) men's traditional role as protectors and bread - winners.»
All that has been demonstrated is that on Suarez's more traditional view of substance, Leclerc can not hold such are the case, and certain non-demonstrative arguments have been given in favor of the traditional view.
Hasker's third proposition is that for the problem of divine non-intervention to be a real problem, «we must be able to identify specific kinds of cases in which God morally ought to intervene but does not» Many critics of (traditional) theism probably already have a more or less vague list of such cases, which might include genocidal events, such as the Nazi holocaust and the Rwandan massacre; wars; large - scale natural disasters; conditions of chronic poverty, in which millions of children die from starvation or are permanently stunted because of inadequate protein; the sexual molestation of children, which often leaves them psychologically scarred for the rest of their lives; death preceded by long, painful illnesses, such as cancer or AIDS, or by mind - destroying conditions, such as Alzheimer's disease; and the kinds of events described by Dostoyevski, such as the soldier using his pistol to get a mother's baby to giggle with delight and then blowing its brains out.
Leaving aside the evidence that arrives each day from Eastern Europe which seems to show that the opposite is the case, that socialism there has in some sense «frozen» traditional ways of life, there is a more important issue: one wonders if tradition, when purchased and consumed like a commodity, can really play the role which some conservatives believe it must in any healthy society.
The classical Christian center seems to me to involve, in any case, a far more just and dynamic view of eternal life than has so far been expressed in traditional formulations, a view which accepts and incorporates whatever is true in the first two.
For this recipe, which incorporates the less time - consuming one, I use sweet Italian sausage removed from its casing rather than the more traditional combination of hand - cut beef and ground pork shoulder.
Challenge Success also makes the case that project - based learning can be an antidote to the high - stakes, high - stress environment of some more traditional classrooms.
I generally gravitate toward the most unorthodox and progressive institutions, but it turns out that in T's case, he functions much better in a more structured and traditional environment.
There are also other homeopathic approaches, some as simple as increasing water intake to acupuncture that really seem to help... In more extreme cases there is also long term, low - dose traditional antibiotic use.
In many cases, they pursue less intensive and more traditional farming practices which are better for animal welfare and in other cases, their production processes are already informally regulated by minimum requirements set down by retailers in countries like the UK.
However, if you have a heavier pet, the shoulder strap's lack of padding and adjustability may be uncomfortable - in which case, getting a more traditional «duffel bag» style pet carrier might save you some aches and pains.
Concerns have been raised that cyberbullying has the potential to cause more harm than traditional bullying due to the relative anonymity of perpetrators in many cases, larger audiences, increasing prevalence, and permanence of posted messages.
The skills of physicians, medical and forensic scientists, and other health workers are uniquely valuable in human rights investigations and documentation, producing evidence of abuse more credible and less vulnerable to challenge than traditional methods of case reporting.
But in some cases (e.g., unmotivated undergraduates), laboratory agents may be excellent candidates for more traditional supervision.
Among his recent findings: When the sex ratio is low (too many women), women are more slender; when women are in short supply, as was the case in the United States in the 1950s, women are more curvaceous, perhaps because they are trying to look the part of traditional wife and mother.
Reactants can flow into the hollow structure through holes in the faces, interacting with more platinum atoms in the chemical reaction than would be the case on a flat sheet of platinum or traditional, nonhollowed nanoparticles.
Thus, «[if], as seems to be the case, those on permanent contracts are more satisfied... and are more productive..., the traditional and increasing trend towards less secure contracts needs to be examined as it is of benefit neither to science nor to society,» the report says.
Patients report satisfaction with VR - based therapy, and in some cases find it more acceptable than traditional therapy.
And with an expected life span of more than three years — six times longer than traditional refugee tents — these houses may out - survive the crisis, in which case they're designed to be disassembled and rebuilt on more permanent ground.
The authors present case studies in which difficult - to - express proteins are efficiently manufactured in perfusion hollow - fiber bioreactors, producing more concentrated protein product than could be achieved using traditional manufacturing platforms.
A new technique of robotic partial nephrectomy has the potential for better preservation of kidney function and better cancer control during partial nephrectomy by allowing surgeons more time to perform the procedure compared with traditional open surgery, according to the results of a recently published case series.
But if you go to places that still eat more traditional diets, out of over 1,000 people studied, not one single case of acne.
When Weston Price visited the Torres Strait Islands north of Austrailia, he spoke to a doctor who had suspected only one case of cancer and operated on none among more than 4,000 natives eating their traditional diet, but had operated on dozens of whites eating diets of refined foods living in the same area.
Before proceeding to make the case for a more focused investigation of fermented foods for mental health, it is important to discuss the available research on traditional dietary patterns and their ability to influence intestinal microbiota.
A keto diet makes you more likely to lose belly fat Exactly why this is the case is unclear, but this was the conclusion of a study which followed participants on a ketogenic diet versus those on a traditional low - fat diet.
Then choose an accent color, in this case I chose orange, a more traditional Halloween color, but I amped it up with a little neon hue.
We actually set up a more traditional gift list as well, in case some of our guests were not too happy about contributing to our honeymoon.
They saw that there were success stories but that further work would need to be done to ensure that more of the good charters flourished and fewer of the bad charters remained (just as the case with traditional public schools).
Particularly useful when exploiting authentic materials, it can equally be applied to more traditional texts and, once embedded, enables students of all ages to work successfully with more complex source materials than would otherwise have been the case.
In many cases, we do not discuss design thinking with regard to more traditional subjects such as mathematics, history and physics.
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