Sentences with phrase «more typical meals»

The results from my more typical meals rich in protein, fats, fibre and with low in carbohydrate were all as expected.

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But it's more of an adventure than a typical sit - down meal.
I would particularly like to discover whether any of my more typical evening meals result in a blood glucose rise that is sustained until my typical bedtime and whether this is turn is reflected in my fasted glucose the following morning.
This isn't typical of him at all because he rarely, if ever, orders the same meal more than once.
Our price point is far higher than the typical school lunch (most of our full meals cost in the mid - $ 4 range), and as a result, we have more money to spend on ingredients and making meals from scratch.
Every now and then, an article will appear somewhere touting a «school food miracle worker» who is able to serve what appears to be healthier, higher quality food than what is typically found in school lunch programs, and sometimes the claim is made that the meals cost no more than what a typical school district spends on a less healthy meal.
Here's some food for thought: A typical restaurant meal contains more than 1,100 calories.
Lia says what she does is much more than your typical RD appointment: «It's part nutrition, but it combines much more than that — your mind - set, being mindful around meals, getting comfortable in the kitchen, your mental state and emotions.
Chips made from Sunflower meal have 3x more Protein, 2x more Fiber and 3x less Fat per serving than typical potato chips.
Many people do not realize that they are overeating, since they have become accustomed to restaurant - sized portions being the norm, when said portions can be up to three or more times larger than necessary for a typical meal.
Eating a minimum of five healthy meals a day may keep you more satisfied, allowing you to maintain better control over your calorie intake more efficiently than a person who only eats your typical three meals.
A typical day for me (I eat throughout the day, no meal format) would be this: -3 clementines — 1/2 cup raw unsalted trail mix (cashew, walnut, macadamia nut, mulberry, goji, cacao)- banana with walnut butter -1 cup mixed fruit (like berries, melon, grapes, depends)-1 avocado -2-3 brown rice cakes -1 / 3 cup carrots -1 / 3 cup hummus - another banana - postworkout I'd eat either a protein smoothie with more banana, greens, superfoods OR whatever I feel like making, most likely salmon with broccoli or lentil stew etc
It also decreases the relative portion of carbs and fats in meals, which contribute more to fat storage and are the more typical sources of excess calories.
For maximum performance and an optimal lean mass gain to body fat mass gain ratio, meals must have more than just lots of calories; they must have optimal macros, which for the typical hardgainer is going to be high carbohydrate, moderately - high protein, and moderately - high fat.
The preparing your recipe of a meals or more typical and many single dating sites.
I'm not your typical «diamonds are a girl's best friend» Baby, I'm a bit more partial toward tasty meals and visiting new places.
In a study, puppies that were fed meals enhanced with DHA actually outperformed others given more typical foods in a maze test over a 30 — day period.
Depending on their body mass, puppies need more calories and essential nutrients than adult dogs, so three or four meals a day is typical when pups are less than six months old.
It was much more similar to an Economy meal than a Business Class meal, but the food on Singapore Airlines is always a cut above typical airline food.
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