Sentences with phrase «more underhanded»

This actually leads to more underhanded behavior among agents — which is an acceptable byproduct because of the fines involved.
I was also surprised to see that both men and women are comically undressed & humiliated, removing some of the more underhanded elements that could be perceived.
As his tasks become more and more underhanded and quite possibly illegal, and as he finds himself doing the very things that were done to him in order to get the money to get his house back, Dennis must decide how far he is willing to go to help his family.
While this particular message may look benign, there are legions of people coming up with far more underhanded and clever ways to scam you — and those threats are not all online.
«The problem is the more underhand activity, whether it is employed by consultants, think tanks, law firms, in - house lobbyists or private individuals.
The more underhand their mechanisms become to spread their gospel, the greater they will be loathed.

Not exact matches

Considering how poorly so many basketball players continue to shoot from the free - throw line, it remains something of a mystery that more players haven't adopted the underhanded shot.
The apparel start - up Everlane, for instance, is betting that it can capitalize on consumer backlash to retailers» ever more vaguely underhanded tactics.
(For more on the subprime market, read Subprime Lending: Helping Hand Or Underhanded?
And shall not memory be able to remind him of that time when he sneaked away by underhanded means, in order to avoid a decision; of that time when he gave the matter another turn, in order to please men; of that time that he deserted his post, in order to let the storm pass over; of that time he knuckled under, in order to secure an easing off of his painful position; of that time he sought refuge and association with others — perhaps, as it is called, in order to work all the more effectively for the Good's victory, that is, in order to make his own position a little less difficult than as though at the midnight hour, somewhat terror - stricken, one stood all alone «with heavily loaded weapons at his dangerous post.»
Coppy involved in backdoor, behind the scenes, underhanded, shady, nefarious, illegal (meh... possibly... depends how it is perceived & / or defined as such... more on this later), etc. dealings.....
These underhand tactics, Balogun confirmed, has created more panic in the system than «the media hysteria» the operators of the scheme usually allude to.
The team found that while underhand throws are best for reaching a target close by and above the shoulder, overhand throws are more accurate for targets below the shoulder — like a wastepaper basket — and are more forgiving to errors over long distances.
This variation activates the biceps more than any other pull - up because it uses a supinated (underhand) grip, and your elbows are kept closer to your body.
Studies show that lifters using a staggered grip (one side overhand, the other underhand), which provides the mechanical advantage of reverse torsion, completed an average of two more reps within their six - rep max than when using a standard overhand grip.
The mixed grip is the most widely and commonly used and enables you to pull a lot more weight, although both overhand and underhand grip can be used too.
If the overhand grip is more transferable to your sport than an underhand grip, stick to the classic pull - ups.
From the underhand, overhand and neutral grips, the underhand is usually the one that most people find easier and more natural to use.
The underhand grip emphasizes the biceps and lats a little more than the overhand grip.
Underhand grip simply engages the lower lats and biceps more than the overhand grip.
But that's more the fault of Konami's underhanded betrayal, rather than Kojima — who put immense effort into the closing chapter of his epic saga.
Accusations mount, but the more she is certain of Mara's underhanded activities, the more people begin to think she has become mentally unstable, and even her husband has begun to distance himself — right into Mara's waiting arms, Sophie suspects.
Even so, Cameron Diaz, whose sleek, ostentatious attire and spotted tattoos evoke the same dangerous beauty of the pet cheetahs, with Malkina's desire to chase and devour dumber, slower people like little jackrabbits, plays the role in too obvious, conniving a way to ever see her as much more than an underhanded «Medea» from the get go.
While the controversy around Battlefront 2 is more than legitimate, as the original approach was utterly underhanded and botched, increasing the scope of said controversy to unreleased games, the economies of which we know nothing about, is needless.
Although the Democratic Party has consistently claimed that all the money it raises is used to beat Republicans, in an unethical, inappropriate and underhanded move, the Chair of the Democratic State Central Committee, along with the help of Malloy's campaign operatives, used more than $ 50,000 in Democratic State Central funds to directly bank - roll the anti-public education slate in Bridgeport against the pro-public education Democratic challenge slate.
According to Leonie Haimson, Executive Director of Class Size Matters and a public school parent in NYC, «The Parent Trigger was devised as an underhanded trick by the charter lobby to manipulate parents into letting them privatize more public schools.
Instead of blog posts about the retail giant's underhanded ways or entire three - day conferences devoted to how publishers can bring down the largest online retailer their... [Read more...]
There must be at least one inquisitive reporter out there with the nose for a good story, and more importantly, with the balls to investigate and expose the current underhand practices of Goodreads.
In this more specific matter involving Reynolds, Hamilton was aware that whatever Monroe learned, Jefferson would soon know; and whatever the underhanded Secretary of State wanted done, his henchman Monroe would do.
[E] xperts say the real reason China underreported the amount of coal it's burning is probably more a matter of bureaucratic inefficiency than underhanded plotting.
That the company resorted to fake graffiti suggests it certainly wasn't above using underhanded tactics, though the misbehavior it is accused of in the U.S. — inappropriately harvesting 50 million Facebook profiles to beef up its political - data efforts in 2014 — are a great deal more complicated.
But that's more the fault of Konami's underhanded betrayal, rather than Kojima — who put immense effort into the closing chapter of his epic saga.
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