Sentences with phrase «more undigested food»

You have more undigested food proteins that can get through the walls that are created by the BT toxin but the gut bacteria also creates Zonulin which creates gaps in between the cells of the walls in the intestines, the traditional form of leaky gut and so now you have gastrointestinal disorders and Round Up also damages the micro villi and also suppresses digestive enzymes.
What this means is that each time the food is consumed, more undigested food particles build up in the body causing additional problems with our digestion and absorption and add to the additional burden we already have on our immune system.

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When your gut is leaky, things like toxins, microbes, undigested food particles, and more can escape from your intestines and travel throughout your body via your bloodstream.
This is why it can be helpful to reduce the phytic acid content of seeds and nuts and make the nutrients more available and this step is especially important for young children who are still developing the enzymes to break down these plant foods (ever seen undigested nuts, grains or seeds in a toddler's stool?
Eliminating undigested food particles, debris, excess mucus, gas and more can play an essential part in the digestive process.
These cells, along with dendritic cells, recognize the incoming undigested food particles, toxic agents, and bacterial components as foreign invaders, and present them to cells of the adaptive immune system called T and B lymphocytes, leading to clonal expansion (proliferation or multiplication of specific subsets of T and B cells) and recruitment of more pro-inflammatory immune cells to the gut through a process called leukocyte homing.
The liver eventually becomes overworked as the intestinal lining gets consistently weaker over time, and more and more toxins and undigested food progressively enter into the bloodstream.
As the intestinal lining of the small bowel becomes more damaged over time, substances larger than particle size such as disease causing bacteria and fungus, potentially toxic molecules and undigested food particles pass through these weakened and «leaky» cell membranes.
One may still suffer from gut inflammation, poor absorption of nutrients due to damage of the intestinal lining, and leaky gut (leaky gut allows undigested food and pathogens to escape into the bloodstream, where they cause more inflammation).
If undigested foods seep into the gut, it can cause many health problems like autoimmune conditions, leaky gut, allergies, inflammation, and much more.
Raw foods are healthy, however, most goes undigested through your colon and serves more as a fibrous cleanse.
Lectins are three to four times more likely to move into the bloodstream through the «leaky gut» than other food proteins, 56 a fact that shows why maintaining the integrity of the gut lining is crucial to keeping undigested and partially digested food proteins, lectins and environmental toxins out of the bloodstream.
This allows undigested foods, bacteria, and other pathogens into the bloodstream, where they trigger more inflammation.
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