Sentences with phrase «more units»

Nest sold more units in 2017 than it did during the previous two years combined.
If you wanted to use that money to buy more units of the same ETF, you would ordinarily be hit with a broker's commission of $ 29 — nearly half your dividend.
While previously the company had said that shipments would cease at the end of this year, now the company is planning on shipping more units in 2018.
The cost averaging principle allows investors to buy more units in bear markets and fewer units in bull markets.
When the price is high, you end up buying less units whereas when the price is low you get more units for the same amount.
These stages feature bigger maps, allow more units on the field, and also include bases to add strategic value to certain points.
This should garner enough revenue to produce more units at once and have them shipped quickly.
You feel happy that you have got more units for your investment.
Dollar cost averaging results in the purchase of more units when the unit value is low, and fewer units when the unit value is high.
This price cut should move a few more units than usual this long weekend though.
Meanwhile, even more units are coming on the market as builders finish the projects they started in better times.
I think they've already fallen a little bit but there are so many more units coming online in the next year or so.
The cost per unit of term is considerably lower than the cost of permanent life insurance, allowing individuals to purchase more units of coverage and higher death benefits while remaining within their budget.
If you target the mass market with a lower - priced product, you'll be making less per transaction but selling a lot more units.
Certainly, you can expect an even higher price tag for adding more units into the system.
If we were going to do it again we would buy more units by financing.
I would not be surprised to see the services get cut, and the condo fee reduced as more unit owners move in and vote out amenities.
Although the highest ROI comes when the closing total is 7 or less, there's a larger sample size and more units won when the closing total is 7.5 or less.
Even though developers continue to build more units than expected, demand for rentals is also beating expectations.
She points out that wind power is actually more labour intensive than coal, and requires 2.5 time more units of labour for every MW of electricity produced.
Changes in culture could mean more units (singles vs. families) or impact home size (preference for smaller or larger homes).
I will need to save up some more $ so we can buy 2 more units so that I can move the rest of my dresses into our bedroom.
«This will generally translate into more units of affordable senior housing,» he said.
If they actually put out some party games and lowered the price then we may see more units sold.
Sure I'm shifting more units but at much less profit.
Price the book instead at $ 2.99 and you'll probably earn more, AND sell more units if your book performs near the average.
Market makers can offset an increase in demand by creating more units.
A multi family property is anything with 2 or more units under one roof.
It could simply be that the company ordered more units to ensure availability.
The good deals have been much harder to come by in the last few months and I think finding 21 more units like the ones I have will take a lot of effort.
Last I checked millions more units are selling on PS4.
Bring more units to a battle and you will win.
I was focusing to acquire more units and collecting dividends, but forgot to diversify my portfolio.
This was for both 4 and under and 5 or more unit properties.
It will require some time for the product to be ready for harvesting, and more units continue to accumulate until the box is full.
When the market conditions become adverse, you are able to accumulate more units and vice versa.
How's it that fund house can issue more units?
The process describes the efforts undertaken to unlock more units of a digital currency.
After acquiring several more units, you more or less have everything under control.
On a year - over-year basis, starts of multifamily units in properties with five or more units remain up 35 percent.
This applies to properties with 5 or more units only.
Excellent investment opportunity with a total of 66 units and possibility of up to 26 more unit expansion.
We're going to deliver more units in the next 12 months than we have, to date, of any 12 - month period before.
I have two more units installing in other areas of the house.
The following cues help measure business impact: productivity gain, impact on quality measures, getting higher number of customer subscriptions, selling more units etc..
You can also scale it to trade more units, depending on your risk tolerance.
In turn the volatility is our friend that helps us to generate more wealth as we get more units during downtime.
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