Sentences with phrase «more vata»

Adding more vata - pacifying foods can help you not ruminate, and let thoughts be more fluid.
Although some people have more Vata Dosha, air, and wind in their constitution, we are all susceptible to an increase of Vata in fall.

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I'll write more on that later but you can google «post partum belly wrapping» and vata is an Ayurvedic term for wind and movement.
Because we intuitively gravitate towards foods that balance the vata element — warm, oilier, heavier foods — those who are used to the light and cold breakfast fare of green juices and smoothies might find themselves craving something more substantial.
You have a stronger body with more endurance than both Vata and Pitta and therefore you can do tougher physical exercises.
My approach might not be right for someone else, but it is closely congruent with the Vata teachings of Ayurveda and has allowed me to create more enjoyable fall / winter seasonal self - care rituals for myself.
pitta 18 Vata 16 Kapha 13 I'm really interested in more about combining the keto with Ayurvedic if you could send me in the right direction I would appreciate it!
Another reason why I love meals like this is because warm, cooked foods are particularly good for people with Vata dominant constitutions, who are more prone to irregular digestion, stress and anxiety.
But most approaches recommend dietary (and other) techniques that actually significantly aggravate Vata and cause our Agni / digestive fire to become more unbalanced.
A person with a predominant Vata Dosha needs to be grounded and so standing postures that ground and balance will be more beneficial to a Vata constitution.
It can be even worse for those of us with a Vata body type (if you're not familiar with Ayruvedic Dosha's, you can find out more about your body type here).
I thought I'd share these in case they inspire you to do similar for yourself, and if you happen to have vata tendencies too, check out this article for more ritual suggestions.
According to this ancient medicine, if you tend towards the vata dosha (or in other words, have a mind - body dominance of vata energy over the other two doshas), you're more likely to be cold frequently, sleep lightly and have sensitive digestion.
If you are Vata in nature, you may be more susceptible to constipation.
Following good food combinations is most beneficial for people with a weak digestion, Vata types, for those under severe stress, or those healing from a disease.If you are tired, sick, need more energy, it is good to use food combining.
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