Sentences with phrase «more warm water»

If you don't see a ball of dough starting to form, add a little more warm water until this happens.
A growing cavity beneath the ice shelf has allowed more warm water to melt the ice, the researchers say — a process that feeds back into the ongoing rise in global sea levels.
If they are still cool, add more warm water and do it again.
One interpretation is that the amount of warm water is so great that the normal change in winds and currents has just brought more warm water to the surface.
It feels so natural to me, to float in a pool and have my baby transition from a watery environment in my uterus to more warm water on the outside.
If the dough is too dry, add a little more warm water; if it's too wet, add more flour.
In turn, the resulting meltwater will produce an intensified overturning, which will suck even more warm water from the Weddell Gyre under the ice.
Working with 1 rice paper round at a time, dip in water, turning occasionally, until just pliable but not limp, about 20 seconds (replenish with more warm water as needed).
This seems like it's going to keep tropical waters hotter and thus promote more hurricanes (in agreement with what Gray says (if one interprets his statements as referring to the portion of the atlantic circulation — the subtropical gyre — that delivers more warm water to the tropics).
The induced overturning of the water column will bring still more warmer water back down to the sea floor, adding another energy source.
Relatively more warm water would remain at the equator and in the Southern hemisphere, which might increase the (lagged) temperature response in the Southern hemisphere.
This quasi-blocking effect causes more warm water to be re-circulated equator - ward and stored in the sub-Tropical gyre.
Water vapour rises in the western Pacific creating low pressure cells that strengthen the trade winds piling up yet more warm water in the western Pacific.
More warm water from the tropics flows at the surfce to the poles where it cools and sinks.
For best results, simply work a little more warm water into it each time you're re-rolling it if it seems dry.
The initial contraction of the SPG during the early negative NAO allows more warm water to enter the Arctic.
you might need to add more warm water to get the right consistency.
(the mix should be on the dryer side but not too dry — if necessary add a little more warm water.)
If necessary, add in a little more warm water.
You may need to add more warm water to the bathtub to keep it a comfortable temperature for your bearded dragon.
The more warm water there is, the more energy the tropical cyclone can get.
When the NAO first enters a negative phase the sub-Polar gyre contracts towards the west, allowing more warm water to enter the Irminger Sea.
If that stops, no more warm water from the equator means the temperatures will plummet in the regions of Northeast USA, Greenland, England, Ireland, etc..
The large floating ice shelves are susceptible to bottom melting but, except for Petermann Glacier, we have no observations of the process or that more warm water is penetrating under these ice shelves.
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