Sentences with phrase «more waves»

You can dive into an endless mode after that, but having more waves of enemies to kill doesn't make this mode any more fun.
Catch more waves in one week than you could catch all year.
Ok folks thanks again for tuning in and hang in there cause tomorrow we've got more wave hunting going on.
Less people in the water will mean more waves for you, but with only 45 passes available at any one time, you must act now.
The hybrid category of smartwatches isn't anything new, but it has been making more waves as of late.
More wave action can also cause more coastline erosion, adding more terrestrial sediment into the ocean.
After that moment, I went on to catch many more waves before finally going in.
I guarantee you will catch more waves as you improve your surf fitness.
The breaks and beaches are also often empty this time of year, meaning more waves for us.
As such, there are always a lot more wave riders than wave makers.
A diver jumping into the pool the next day will create more waves, but the water level (aka the climate) will be higher as more water flows into the pool.
Ok so we have been covering more miles to score more waves and get you guys plenty of variety instead of the same old same old ok.
There are really more wave makers than you might think.
Where a reef is broken, more waves reach the shore, leading to more sand erosion and further damage to the reef.
I still wear it down but now I do more waves and curls and the occasional straight look.
Enter a level, build defenses, fight a wave, build more defenses, fight more waves, etc..
As a recent former leadership contender, however, his views make more waves.
You will catch more waves with good conditioning, and you will be able to stay out longer and have much more fun surfing too.
This one - on - one surf setting enables the instructor to focus completely on you, which allows more direct feedback and the chance to catch many more waves.
Using the right board for your surfing level will help you improve much faster and you have much more fun because you will be catching a lot more waves!
Tomorrow is looking good for more waves so if your not here in Bali or getting on a plane for Bali make sure you stay tuned into the one and only original baliwaves (since» 99)
Because I don't use a holding spray, the curls fall and I get that more waved look.
Just south of the main break are a few more waves at K - 38.5 in front of the exclusive Club Marena.
They're in the lead in the console wars with Microsoft (and before you call me a fanboy, I own both consoles and play both regularly... I'm referring to the numbers, only), so do they want to continue what they're doing or change it up and make even more waves in the video game world?
However, we expect more waves moving forward and think investors face a choppier ride.
Others moved forward on the waves Minsky made, and helped make more waves by releasing funds for organizational efforts.
The Raleigh News & Observer has been on top of the North Carolina academic scandal since Day 1, and is causing even more waves this week.
Renowned for surfing locally and internationally, Batu Karas is a great spot to hit the waves whether you are an absolute beginner or have a few more waves under your belt.
It's a good option when Arporador is busy, you might get more waves here.
Since then, researchers have picked up more waves from black hole mergers and even colliding neutron stars.
Find one with gentle waves if you've got little ones who aren't steady in the water, or venture to a beach with more wave action if you have older kids who want to try boogie boarding.
Interference explores the physical phenomena of the superposition of two or more waves resulting in a new wave pattern.
To do this whilst assessing how the wave is beginning to form gives you a big advantage over other surfers in your vicinity who are still sitting on their boards, increasing your chances of being the closest to the peak and gaining priority over more waves.
I propose that this mentality led to the initial militaristic overreaction of the police to the Ferguson protesters — overreactions that provoked more waves of anger that became its own vicious cycle.
«Having a long and slender body allows the snake to bend its body with greater amplitude while generating more waves on its body, making it a more efficient sand swimmer.»
Physicists hope more waves detected in the next few years will help them explain what is going on.
The good ol' US of A isn't often thought of as a «surf destination» but the reality is within these shores lies more surfing opportunities and more wave types than almost any other place on Earth.
Whether you are all business or just catching... Read more some waves, the Surf Shack is perfect for you.
Since this beach is located on the eastern coast of Cancun, it experiences more waves than the beaches in the north of the resort, making it perfect for water sports, including jet skiing and parasailing.
I got up and I'll be back for more waves now I have my style sorted thank you Dan for your unwavering patience!
So, somehow, my second time in the Moliets surf camp turned out to be an unforgettable surfing summer AGAIN, with more waves surfed, more baguettes and beers in my belly and new and old surfer friends that made the whole experience so wonderful.
Ok plenty more waves coming our way and we'll be back out there again tomorrow on the wave hunt.
And you will have way more fun and catching so many more waves too!!
Victory over King Pug will simply see you having to endure more waves, more enemies and more battles against King Pug, as there is no end to Play, there is just doing what you can to secure as high a score as you can, before losing your final life and handing the controller over to someone else who wants to play, if there is a someone else present.
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