Sentences with phrase «more words»

It is no more the word of god than this comment section.
A toddler who has a vocabulary of about 50 words may add about 50 more words in just a matter of months!
Here, you can share a few more words about yourself such as hobbies or interests and anything that makes you stand out.
Sure, photos can be larger, but for the most part you just get more words on the page.
By contrast, the dads with sons used more words associated with competition, like «win» and «top».
The teacher chooses 24 or more words for the 5 × 5 card and displays them for all players to see.
For your second and third 90 - day books, you may even consider trying to shorten the first draft period with more words per day to get the book out even faster.
It's no secret that women speak thousands of more words per day then men do.
A few more words about the coffee mentioned above.
Of course, there is no guarantee that any parrot will learn to talk, but a bird that is already talking at the store should be able to learn more words at home.
Print this out, laminate and use by adding more words and pictures.
For your first book, a clear map or direction can help get more words down on the page.
It's well known that affluent toddlers hear millions more words from their parents than do their low - income peers.
Their increasing attention spans and ability to understand more words make picture books with more complicated plots a good choice.
Kids whose parents frequently talk / read to them know more words by age 2 than children who have not been read to.
Your toddler often understands far more words than she can say.
The students asked to plan a camping trip recalled more words than the others.
At this age, babies tend to understand a lot more words than they actually say.
Glad to see your back with the same post, just more words!
I didn't need more words to get the job done.
And students in all groups remembered more words by the sixth round than they had in the first.
If I had more words at my disposal, I'd call it «classic with a twist».
That's been a spot of selling... 86 more words left in this article.
I can't find more words to express how much I love this operating system.
I will update this post periodically with more words as requests from my readers come.
Help students understand that a contraction is a word made by running two or more words together and leaving out some of the letters or sounds.
It's perfectly hard to describe this movie in one or more words without getting affected by the 150 character limit so I'll just say this as a phrase.
People who read more tend to write better and spell better because they see more words and see words in writing more often.
Although some infants are saying more words before 12 months of age, try not to compare your baby with other children.
I will be grateful if you can share more words about things with we can improve.
A simple example is that you will remember many more words when they are presented in a meaningful way rather than at random.
Your hate list probably contains more words than that work of christian fiction you call a bible.
There are more words out there than any of us could think of in a year, let alone that window of time you have to name your puppy.
I guess there's some logic to thinking that smarter people know more words so they use bigger ones.
For traditional book - lovers, more screen real estate means more words per page, and therefore fewer page turns.
Want to squeeze more words onto your screen when texting, or is the standard font size just too small for you?
Researchers agree that babies who engage in longer periods of shared attention with their caregivers at this phase of development will understand and use more words later on when they are talking.
Sharing the whole story would take more words than I can fit into this post, so I have been sharing my experience in a series on career transitions.
Some of the players put more words on their tweets than the entirety of a single game.
It also seemed to completely miss more words, even though we used the same wired headset with both phones.
They usually use a keyword or key phrase — two or more words related to real estate.
I could write 300 more words simply listing the number of jeans available in the market.
I honestly think that more words coming from me will do it a disservice, the best thing you can do is take a look at the trailer and take your own conclusions.
This way you can enjoy more words on one page even when using a larger font size.
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z