Sentences with phrase «more workers suffer»

In fact, more workers suffer injury in the healthcare sector than any other.

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The longer Europe refuses to debate honestly about debt and the euro, and the the longer it suffers from stagnation and unemployment, the more credible the Front National becomes in denouncing centrist parties for sacrificing workers and the middle class to protect the interest of bankers.
I guess our President has forgotten that if Hobby Lobby closes due to having to pay fines that it is the American worker that will suffer and then we will have more unemployed with no insurance, no 401k, but you have to be American to understand that.
They speak of freedom and arrest the people; they speak of the rights of workers while persecuting them; they talk about «humanizing the conflict» while inflicting more and more suffering.
Britain's biggest earners benefit from pension subsidies worth more than # 10bn a year while shopfloor workers are suffering steep cuts in their retirement incomes, according to the TUC.
And while, on average, the construction workers earn more than their union brethren in the public sector, they have the rankling perception that government unions have not shared in their recent suffering.
That will mean that lower paid workers will suffer and experience more pay cuts in real terms and more pay freezes.
However, most in the technical community backed the act because they were convinced that shortages in many fields of science and engineering were real, that foreign workers were paid as well as anyone, and that the economy would suffer unless more foreign professionals were let into the U.S. to work.
Every year thousands of farm workers die of pesticide poisoning and millions more suffer severe effects, mainly in developing countries.
Although some workers have bonded with their colleagues over political discussions this election season, with almost a quarter reporting they feel more connected to coworkers (24 percent) and have a more positive view of them (23 percent), a small but significant number of employees reported a more negative view of coworkers, and said they feel more isolated from them, perceive more workplace hostility and that team cohesiveness has suffered (13 percent each).
«We know that night time shift workers are more likely to suffer health problems due to disruption of their circadian clock, and the mismatch between the timing of the clock and their sleep - wake cycle.
Sleep experts estimate that 2 — 5 % of all shift workers suffer from a sleep disorder characterized by excessive sleepiness or disrupted sleep over a period of one month or more (26).
June 28, 2017 • «Our clinic space being compromised will directly lead to more suffering and more death in this desert,» one aid worker said.
What can we do as educational and cultural workers, at this crucial moment in history, when corporate revenue expands as the job market shrinks, when there is such a callous disregard for human suffering and human life, when the indomitable human spirit gasps for air in an atmosphere of intellectual paralysis, social amnesia, and political quiescence, when the translucent hues of hope seem ever more ethereal, when thinking about the future seems anachronistic, when the concept of utopia has become irretrievably Disneyfied, when our social roles as citizens have become increasingly corporatized and instrumentalized in a world which hides necessity in the name of consumer desire, when media analyses of military invasions is just another infomercial for the US military industrial complex with its huge global arms industry, and when teachers and students alike wallow in absurdity, waiting for the junkyard of consumer life to vomit up yet another panacea for despair?
Since they are based on prevented hospital visits, 55 and above are more likely to take the time off to pay a visit while the younger workers tend to suffer through it to pay bills.
Based on estimates from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), businesses shell out more than $ 130,000 for single amputations, notwithstanding ER visits, rehabilitation, surgery, and the pain that workers suffer as a result of the accident.
When you suffer brain damage on the jobsite, you might be able to recover more money than what workers comp offers.
In fact, nearly 5,000 workers are killed on - the - job each year and millions more suffer serious injuries.
For more than 30 years, April 28th has been observed in Ontario as the Day of Mourning: a day to honour workers who have died, been injured, or suffer an illness due to their workplace.
If workers compensation is an option, by all means consider it, although it sometimes makes more sense to file a personal injury suit against the site's owner or your employer if you've suffered serious harm.
Texas workers suffer serious injuries and are killed on the job every year more often than almost every other state in the country, and deserve experienced and dedicated legal representation to help them secure the compensation they need to cover any medical bills or damages caused by the accident.
In 2017 more than 6,400 American workers suffered fatal injuries.
Of more general applicability was the EAT's finding that a worker suffers a detriment where the 48 - hour week is exceeded, even if the worker is paid.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), more than 50,000 workers suffer an arm injury every year.
The BLS estimates that more than 137,000 workers suffer a hand injury annually.
``... the Losing It group — the most highly stressed workers — had 1,794 respondents, and this is what their profile looked like: • 9 per cent were senior managers or executives • 75 per cent had a university degree or higher • 40 per cent made $ 79,000 or more annually • 52 per cent said they put in 80 per cent or more effort into their job each day • 24 per cent said they had no job flexibility • 4 per cent reported they suffered from a mental health issue • 48 per cent said they called in sick more than four days a year • 80 per cent said they would come to work even when feeling ill more than twice a year.»
Franklin High School sophomore Andrew West said more school guidance counselors and social workers are needed to help students suffering from mental illness, but it was guns in the hands of disturbed individuals that killed people.
Countries suffering from an underperforming economy such as Spain are no more likely to be able to provide workers with the skills necessary than economies which are performing strongly.
In 2015, an Edith Cowan University report showed FIFO workers in the resources sector suffered depression at more than twice the rate of the general community.
In other words, security workers who were directly and actively confronted with a critical incident were significantly more insecurely attached and suffered significantly more from PTSD symptoms than the groups who had no or indirect experience of a critical incident.
Workers are more productive and suffer fewer health problems in green buildings.
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