Sentences with phrase «more young children»

Only 60 percent of respondents indicate that a single person with one or more young children needs coverage, versus 80 percent of respondents who say the same of a married person.
A new national state - by - state report shows more young children enrolled in public Pre-K programs nationwide, with Maine investing more in Pre-K, serving nearly 40 percent of 4 year olds in high - quality pre-K.
Diarrhoea kills more young children around the world than Malaria, AIDS and TB combined.
San Antonio (April 26, 2018)-- A new state - by - state report shows more young children enrolled in public pre-K programs nationwide, with Texas expanding access to preschool for 4 - year - olds but falling short on policies to support high - quality classroom practices.
It's exciting for us to collaborate with Partners HealthCare, the Boston Public Health Commission, and Boston Public Schools to ensure that this work reaches more young children, teachers, and communities in the city.»
As I gained more younger children on my books (plus I'm due another baby in August), the need to get a double has become a pressing issue.
The evidence - based home visiting model positively impacts more young children and their parents each year than any other home visiting program in the United States.
Public Schools and Head Start Programs Have Enrolled More Young Children Experiencing Homelessness in Recent Years.
It kills more young children than AIDS, malaria and measles combined.
More young children should have such belief in them selves to not give into peer pressures that get them into big trouble.
Whether you are a proud parent to twins, or have two or more younger children, buying one of the best tandem strollers is a life changer.
More young children have to be fed every three hours around the clock.
For unknown reasons, more young children are bitten by dogs in the summer.
More and more young children have been illegally entering the country alone as they flee violence in their home countries, sparking controversy here about how to handle their arrival.
Walking onto the jet way with the little bundle of noise were the parents and 2 more young children.
More young children than ever before are entering kindergarten with prior experience in group situations (nursery school, day care center, or day care homes, etc.).
In a world with 1 billion teenagers and 1 billion more younger children, you can't build schools fast enough, or train teachers fast enough, to keep up.
Educare shares the early education community's commitment to ensure that more young children can attend high - quality early learning programs.
This is of special concern given the long hours more and more young children are spending in child care, and the potentially low quality and instability of child care available for very young children.
Regardless of the explanations, the fact remains that child anxiety is on the rise and we now see more and more young children — often as young as 5 - 6 years old — with clinical levels of anxiety.
In particular, women who had experienced a stressful life event but did not have supportive relationships, had three or more young children and / or were not employed outside the home were more likely to become depressed after a stress event.
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