Sentences with phrase «more young women»

Having a successful mentor in the field can go a long way into encouraging more young women to pursue careers in technical fields.
But it still killed more young women than did breast cancer.
So this is the reason why more and more younger women love building some relationships with rich men.
I am filled with gratitude for what I have achieved and determination to do what I can to make this career a reality for more young women.
Jaguar Land Rover is constantly striving to encourage more young women into the industry and through programmes such as the Range Rover Evoque WISE Scholarship we hope to maintain the UK's reputation as a centre of excellence for engineering for a long time to come.»
Perhaps if young ladies were not concerned about having to wrestle young men, there would be more young women interested in the sport.
The feminists have become thier worst nightmare and more young women now Grandchildren of messed up Boomer women, are figuring this out therefore trying to lift men's spirits up again.
It's important to note, however, that despite chromosomal abnormalities increasing with age, they are more likely to be present in younger women, simply because there are more younger women who become pregnant.
Days after rolling out a $ 20 million plan to recruit more young women into city agencies and civic life, the speaker appeared on the Brian Lehrer show to lament underrepresentation of her gender in government.
A change in the rules to start smear tests at 25, rather than 20, could be leaving more young women without treatment
It is particularly an issue for those of us who would like to see more young women involved in political activity and debate in the wider society.»
Long before educators and policymakers fretted publicly about how to get more young women into science, a little girl in rural Minnesota used her physicist father's laboratory as her playground.
We should warn more young women about the dangers of the birth control pill, including things like blood clots.
«Pregnancy counselors report more young women relying on it as a regular form of birth control — even though the drug has not been tested to discover what happens when it is used multiple times.»
Rachel Wang can wear the boldest things in the most laid - back way, Annina Mislin has a chic easiness that is never boring, Christene Barberich is always beaming and consistently fabulous, Reese Blutstein is just adorable and I wish more young women would take a page from her book when they get dressed.
There are 10 percent more young women than young men going to college each year, and while the average pay of a woman is still lower than her male counterpart, there have never been so many power women at the top of their prospective industries.
She commented: «I felt honoured to be awarded the Range Rover Evoque WISE Scholarship in 2014 and it is great to see it open again for 2015, giving a helping hand to more young women like me.
This led to a contract with traditional publisher Zondervan, which has given her a bigger platform and a greater opportunity to reach even more young women.
Minter also knows a lot more young women artists simply because she goes to them and tells them how great she thinks they are.
North East businessman and Ford Engineering chairman, Geoff Ford MBE, will also discuss how his partnership with the college is encouraging more young women into the sector through traineeships and apprenticeships.
Cardiovascular disease is still the most common cause of death among women, and kills more young women than breast cancer, the figures show.
She continued: «The work we're doing now will allow us to continue to reach these voters in future election cycles and hopefully encourage more young women to get involved.»
«Your government is working hard to encourage more young women to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering and math, which are predominantly occupied by men.
As more and more young women, freed of the social censure of those bleak days of yester - year, opt to keep and raise their babies, a once lucrative market is suffering from a dearth of product.
Whether sweatshop workers in Dhaka, bar girls in Bangkok, office workers in Shanghai, students in Delhi or maids in Caracas, there are more young women than men in almost every city in the world.
Expanding the notion of the «helping professions» to include those that make discoveries and create technologies that increase human welfare may be a way to encourage more young women to join their ranks.
Emerging research on the health and environmental concerns of tampons and pads is causing more and more young women to look to alternative period products.
It's been covered by news outlets around the world, and more and more young women and older women, are getting involved.
In this modern age, more and more young women are turning to online dating sites to meet hot, single men.
According to a study by Ofsted in 2011 on girls» career aspirations, more and more young women are turning to gender stereotypical and often lower paid careers including hairdressing, beauty therapy and social work due to «weak» careers advice in schools.
The Testronic 50 % Initiative aims to «encourage more young women to consider a career in the games industry»
One great point from this year's awards is that three quarters of the winners were female, which hopefully means that more young women are learning and may be inspired enter the games industry.
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