Sentences with phrase «morning after election day»

In November, the morning after Election Day, a conservative blogger in Georgia blasted an e-mail to 65,000 people.
Our experience has been that the morning after Election Day is often one of the most heavily trafficked days on a campaign's web site.
If campaign web sites had feelings, then on the morning after Election Day many would feel like a bride or groom left at the altar.
More than 20 % of Americans waking up the morning after Election Day did so in a state that has legalized recreational cannabis.
The morning after Election Day, she called the offices of her local congressional representatives, urging them to preserve the protections the ACA offers.

Not exact matches

On the morning of November 3, 2010, for example, the day after Election Dight, Facebook announced that 74 percent of House of candidates with the greatest number of Facebook fans on their ballots won their contests, while in the Senate 81 percent of candidates with the most Facebook fans won seats.
Many of the people who appeared before Syracuse Judges Donald Greenwood and Anthony Aloi in Election Day Court this morning after experiencing trouble at the polls thought they had registered to vote online through the state Department of Motor Vehicles.
New York - After a meeting with Governor David Paterson this morning, Assemblyman Dov Hikind told VIN News in an exclusive interview that Governor Paterson will announce tomorrow that he is calling the state legislature back into session after election day and is determined to get the TAP bill passed before the end of his After a meeting with Governor David Paterson this morning, Assemblyman Dov Hikind told VIN News in an exclusive interview that Governor Paterson will announce tomorrow that he is calling the state legislature back into session after election day and is determined to get the TAP bill passed before the end of his after election day and is determined to get the TAP bill passed before the end of his term.
The Liberal Democrats lost 48 of their 56 seats in May's general election, a result that triggered the resignation of the party's leader, Nick Clegg, the morning after polling day.
This morning, six days after the election, the highest vote - getting (and youngest) Green gubernatorial candidate in the state's history went back to his job loading trucks at the UPS hub in Syracuse.
The 2010 House election concluded more than a month after Election Day as Republican Randy Altschuler conceded this morning to Rep. Tim Bishop (D) in New York's 1st Delection concluded more than a month after Election Day as Republican Randy Altschuler conceded this morning to Rep. Tim Bishop (D) in New York's 1st DElection Day as Republican Randy Altschuler conceded this morning to Rep. Tim Bishop (D) in New York's 1st District.
The morning after the election, Philadelphia was fresh off a six - day public transit strike.
Mr. Heed was re-appointed to cabinet later that day, only to re-resign the next morning after the special prosecutor stepped down as a result of his law firm's $ 1,000 contribution to the Heed campaign shortly before the last provincial election.
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