Sentences with phrase «morning after pill»

They are used as morning after pills to trigger abortions and in birth control pills.
As soon as we have a registry of everyone that has an abortion or takes morning after pills.
Below are some of the best morning after pills for use when you're breastfeeding.
The effectiveness of morning after pills like Plan B One Step is liable to be much lower for women who weigh more than 165, with effectiveness dropping close to zero for anyone over 176.
We've chosen a few of the best morning after pills as well as some of the best condoms on the market to help you find just what you're looking for.
As a Catholic I do not stand by President Obama and push to have contraceptives and morning after pills distributed through private and religious based health care providers like their simple sweet jelly beans, especially when they must be paid for with tax dollars.
As a business owner I fail to see why it is MY responsibility to pay for my employees morning after pill or their contraceptives.
Actually sallie, morning after pills block a «possible» pregnancy and along with the other contraceptives out there, blocking is the key word
This was the first morning after pill to be approved by the FDA for sale over the counter and it continues to be one of the most popular of these pills available on the market today.
The AfterPill Emergency Contraceptive Pill is a newer version of morning after pill that works much like the My Way and many others you may encounter.
There would be two in every block and four in every airport, and the morning after pill would come in different flavors like sea salt and cool ranch.»
While you rally around Todd Akin because of your faith and convictions, you continue to deny that the morning after pill is birth control.
If you want to reduce the number of abortions stop fighting the use of the morning after pill (which is a birth control pill).
The morning after pill can also cause hemorrhaging.
The morning after pill prevents conception and therefore abortion.
I believe the pill and morning after pill are called abortifacients because they can have the effect of preventing a fertilized egg (a child) from implanting in the uterus.
the morning after pill - is pretty much the gateway drug to an abortion!
According to this girl in her own words she has killed her own child by the morning after pill.
Earlier this fall, the Connecticut Catholic bishops decided to comply with a state law requiring all hospitals to administer the morning after pill — Plan B.
The only intelligent solution is the «morning after pill», which can be sold a readily as aspirin.
The morning after pill prevents a fertilized egg from implanting on the uterus... it does not prevent the egg from being fertilized.
Birth control pills and the morning after pill should be OTC.
And the morning after pill is categorized as an Emergency Contraceptive.
They say they don't want to pay for the morning after pill because «they believe it causes abortions.»
The morning after pill prevents a newly conceived child from being implanted in the uterus.
You really ought to look into the physiology of the pill and the morning after pill, and then comment.
Sorry chad but a woman isn't considered pregnant under after the egg has embedded itself in the uterus, and as the morning after pill stops the process from occurring it is not terminating a pregnancy.
What the morning after pill actually does is prevent ovulation for 5 - days.
Only the morning after pill.
He isn't posting his belief he pointing out that it is the belief of the Hobby Lobby CEOs on how the morning after pill works.
I don't support abortion, but from what I've read, the «morning after pill» actually prevents an egg from being fertilized, thereby preventing a pregnancy in the first place.
They're saying they don't want to pay for the morning after pill.
The morning after pill prevents a pregnancy from ever occurring.
You don't want to use the morning after pill DO NT USE IT — but you have NO right to force your views on your employees!
you talking about the morning after pill?
The morning after pill has nothing to do with any attachment to the uterus or anything else.
If I were an employer, I believe the morning after pill would end up being more cost efficient than providing maternity costs and another dependant.
covering the morning after pill is taxpayer funded abortion, which the Obama administration said they wouldnt do.
However, I'm a little confused about the issue of the morning after pill.
By the way, dimbulb, did you look up the difference between RU486 and the «morning after pill»?
Second, you may believe that morning after pills are a legitimate part of womens» health, but the Catholic Church does not.
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