Sentences with phrase «morning pee»

The phrase "morning pee" refers to the act of urinating in the morning when you wake up from sleep. Full definition
Run a home pregnancy test next Sunday first morning pee and repeat a week later for confirmation.
WILLIE: Saturday morning I nestled in bed while Jim took the dogs outside for their early morning pee.
Run a home pregnancy test on first morning pee some time this week.
I am catching the morning pee (and poo if I'm...
Every morning she pees and poops on the potty right after she wakes up.
Once we got settled in, I started again with just the morning pee.
That morning she peed in her brother's room, on her bed and in the living room.
We're starting with EC, usually able to catch the morning pee and poop, and sometimes pees during the day, and we're doing these in the big potty.
If you're only committed to doing the morning pee, only do that.
For example, catching the morning pee, skipping the next, and getting that post-breakfast pee?
Wait a week and take another test using first morning pee.
Who am I kidding, this is what outside looks like right this minute... Caleb looked like the abominable snowman when he came back in after his morning pee.
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