Sentences with phrase «moron like someone»

One of the big reasons our educational system is doing so poorly in science is precisely because of morons like you, Tardver.
it's capitalism that keeps morons like limbaugh employed.
There is no space for morons like Mike Dean to decide or rule out.
this guy has always had a broken wheel, he's just starting to show his true colors more and more; why do morons like this seem to get all the air time?
Keep up the hateful work, all the basest elements of the church love morons like you who try to frighten as a way of bullying.
truthprevails... I seldom, if ever, pay any attention to morons like cosmos.
It is a travesty!!!! So instead of smart candidates we get this parade of total morons like Romney and the other weirdos.
So apparently anyone that disagrees with a bigoted moron like UrLost is automatically gay.
I am ashamed of him, but will continue to call myself a christian despite morons like Glen Beck
It just proves what most people think of self - aggrandizing, sanctimonious morons like the ones who populate this forum.
stupid racist morons like yourself are useless and a waste of time.
Until self - righteous morons like you try to make it one.
You mistook many of us who give a flying f *** about what morons like you have to say!
I love how morons like you resent having your imbecilic errors pointed out to them and immediately retreat from any substantive discussion right after you've been exposed as idiots.
Just keep repeating the same nonsense morons like you have been babbling about for centuries.
Romney is done for because he supports morons like Richard Mourdock and it shows why women shouldn't vote for him.
And by the way i never said i posted there, i just told people to go there and read the filthy comments made my Atheists morons like you.
Also, the Giants are fresh off a prime time victory on Monday night, so morons like me will really think they're starting to put it all together.
Face facts only complete morons like you see our players as better than they are the rest of us are realistic.
As Arsenal fans and Wenger (a man on a completely different planet to the «joe daddy's» of this world on an intellectual level), have been pointing out that the attitude from the media, the referees, FA, and gormless morons like «joe» are directly to blame for the fact that these teams go out there and hack the sh!t out of everyone with impunity because they are just too F$ ^ & % g thick to understand what the issue is.
We have the ability to pick the best from our population to hold public offices... it says a lot about our heart and spirit when we choose self - serving morons like Weiner.
But hey, I guess when you have morons like Lindsay Lohan and Paris Hilton and every other moron BB user out there, you can put out trash like this and still sell it.
Stay away from productive people, we don't like you and don't want to associate with morons like you.
With the idea of allowing morons like me who don't have the time nor the initiative to commit complicated combos to memory, «Infinite» has an «auto combo» system using the light and heavy attack buttons.
There's no goddamn way I'm letting morons like these shape the industry.
It was a fake account made by morons like you.
to Eva Carneiro means nothing to you smart guy, but for morons like me is not acceptable, probably for Hazard and others that is too much either.
Why do morons like you assume that contraception is used only by single women who want to get «boned»?
As for the Mormons, they are a bunch of morons like the rest of the religious.
We bash the youth for not having the courage to make the hard decisions and when one finally does, morons like you have to prove that adults can be idiots, too.
The only thing Im angry about is morons like you trying to make a god out of thin air then trying to make everyone beleive as you do.
Alien orifice - it's morons like you that make this country look bad.
To Stam M. Speaking about the damn laws, those laws were written way before you and i were even born, but it's moron like you that wanted it changed because it didn't fit your mental illness and not mine.
Morons like you, Jezebel, probably think that everything is just fine at Fukushima, too.
See if those morons like it.
As long as we have smarter people than you obviously are, I drather them take over this country rather than have a MORON like you have any saying in it.
Anyone surprised at a moron like Limbaugh being upset at statements made by the Pope who advacates for the poor.
Satan takes 95 % of Jesus» truth and adds 5 % of his lies so that morons like you question Jesus» truth.
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