Sentences with phrase «mortality at»

In effect, after controlling for severity of infarction and age, depression was not an independent predictor of mortality at 24 years.
In addition to changing larval size and form, ocean acidification has a negative effect on survivorship of echinoplutei, with a 10 — 20 % increase in mortality at pCO2 1000 + µatm [42].
ABC believes this number will be exceeded significantly, especially because these estimates do not include mortality at associated power lines and towers, which are also undergoing massive expansion and currently kill over 6.8 million birds annually.
Estimates of bird collision mortality at wind facilities in the contiguous United States Loss, Scott; Will, Tom; and Marra, Peter
I downloaded data for the following parameters in the attached spreadsheet (Tab reference lists descriptive data from the downloads): • Life 2009 — Life expectancy at birth indicates the number of years a newborn infant would live if prevailing patterns of mortality at the time of its birth (2009) were to stay the same throughout its life.
Minimizing wildlife mortality at wind farms is a major goal of conservation, although research on how best to do that is in short supply.
20 and 21), data on key processes such as mortality at large scales are rare.
The wind industry is actively engaged in leading - edge research to mitigate bat mortality at wind farms.
The British public is being misinformed regarding bird mortality at wind farms, denounce Save the Eagles International (STEI) and the World Council for Nature (WCFN).
(2) Duchamp has always maintained that earlier studies, made when bird mortality at windfarms wasn't such a hot potatoe, were more credible than recent ones.
Pinyon pine, an iconic and dominant species in the West, has suffered nearly 100 percent mortality at sites in Colorado and Arizona, where climate change has made trees more susceptible to bark beetle outbreaks that in turn result in increased wildfires.
Observations of shrub expansion in tundra, increased tree growth at the tundra - forest transition, and tree mortality at the southern extent of the boreal forest in recent decades are consistent with model projections.
Mortality at times seems to overwhelm her art, as does the fear, allure, and stink of sex.
This frequency has kept mortality at the forefront of my consciousness which I use the emotional toll as fuel for my making and research.
Installation view, I'm Mortality at Invisible Exports, New York, 2011.
Your paintings are a synthesis of abstract and figurative, romantic in appearance, that might belie the confrontation of mortality at such a young age.
French buldogs are pricey because breeding frenchies is hard and costs a lot of money (c - section can be done only twice in a life of a bitch, anesthesia can kill a frenchie, puppy mortality at birth and in the first few weeks is higher then other breeds, bitches have little mother instinct because of c - section and the breeder has to keep puppies separeted from the mother and bring the puppies to suck every 2 hours the first week, then every 3 hours, 4 hours and so on, etc., etc.).
(15) Studies Cast Doubts The J - Lit study actually showed higher mortality at the lowest serum cholesterol (both total and LDL - C), a paradox called the J - Shaped Curve.
To add insult to (lack of ability to repair) injury, statins haven't actually been shown to reduce risk of cardiovascular problem or mortality at all!
«It's a strange thing to realise and accept your mortality at 26 years young,» she wrote.
A bit of life advice from Hol: It's a strange thing to realise and accept your mortality at 26 years young.
It's not just the rustic seaside setting that keeps Crete's coronary disease mortality at the bottom of the ladder.
Harris's team examined the primary outcome for these patients, which was mortality at 30 days after the randomisation.
Preclinical diabetic cardiomyopathy was associated with adverse cardiac outcomes and higher mortality at follow - up.
Also, my understanding is that a 25 % increase in median life span would bring us up to 100, which would mean a reduction of mortality at very old ages too.
@Ham: maybe they could look at mortality at each age.
The fact that there is no increased risk of mortality at night raises further doubt about whether the presence of senior doctors and rapid access to diagnostic services is a key determinant of mortality rates.
«I strongly believe there's a way to show the birds that the PV panels are solid surfaces, not water,» said Ileene Anderson, a scientist at the Center for Biological Diversity, which is preparing to sue over Yuma clapper rail mortality at solar power plants.
Primary outcome: prostate cancer — specific mortality at a median follow - up of 10 years.
First ever comprehensive studies of life expectancy, causes of death, and child mortality at provincial level in China suggest that localisation of policies will be crucial to government health reforms
«Understanding the risk of mortality at an early time point is fundamental for clinical practice and clinical research.
A significant strength of the study was the ability to document the associations between prejudice and mortality at the community level.
«These findings can be used to inform the prioritization of strategies within the new infant mortality Collaborative Improvement and Innovation Network (CoIIN) that originated in the South and through other public and private efforts to improve birth outcomes and reduce infant mortality at local and national levels.»
While findings for U.S. and European populations differed somewhat, the data found the steepest rise in mortality at the smallest increases of intake of total red meat.
And although there was only a small uptick in the maternal mortality at the hospital during that time (roughly 4 percent instead of 1 percent) the drop in the number of pregnant patients led caregivers to wonder if women were attempting home births and perhaps dying doing so, she says.
Mortality at one - year post-fracture is approximately 20 per cent.»
A reduction in overall mortality at these hospitals could dramatically reduce black - white disparities in healthcare outcomes.»
Their work among over 45,000 military recruits revealed that famine exposure in the first pregnancy trimester was associated with a 10 - percent increase in mortality at age 63 years.
However, the study finds about a 5 percentage - point increase in mortality at hospitals that have relatively high rates of spending on «downstream» nursing facilities.
Pinyon pine, an iconic and dominant species in the West, has suffered nearly 100 % mortality at sites in Colorado and Arizona, where climate change has made trees more susceptible to bark beetle outbreaks that in turn result in increased wildfires.
Let us therefore be conscious of our mortality at all times.
Similarly, it's hard to look at the statistics on risk of increased perinatal mortality at home birth and not have an opinion on it.
desire to minimize neonatal mortality at all costs, it makes sense to choose a hospital birth over a home birth.
8x higher neonatal mortality at Oregon homebirth:
That «remarkably robust finding» (as I am wont to say) of the three - times increase in mortality at home birth.....
Faced with his own mortality at 69, that is how he responded.
The paper by USGS research ecologist Jeffrey Lovich, to be published this month in the journal Western Birds, describes eagle mortalities at the Mesa Wind Project Site, which is part of the larger San Gorgonio Pass wind area near Palm Springs.
The company must implement a migratory bird compliance plan containing specific measures to avoid and minimize golden eagle and other avian wildlife mortalities at company's four commercial wind projects in Wyoming.
The paper, «Bald Eagle and Golden Eagle Mortalities At Wind Energy Facilities In The Contiguous United States,» was published in September in the Journal of Raptor Research.

Not exact matches

And an exhaustive look at Canadian experience in the peer - reviewed international public - health journal the Millbank Quarterly reported «no association between income inequality and mortality in Canada.»
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