Sentences with phrase «most sahms»

There is a marked difference between parenting styles of MOST SAHMs and MOST non SAHMs.
Also, maybe it's been a while since you had small children, but they do take naps and most SAHM's I know like to use that opportunity to take a break for a second before cracking into the housework and such.
I joined a moms group when the first was born and most the SAHM's in the group do nurse.

Not exact matches

And, yes, staying at home can be fraught with risk if the couple divorces and the SAHM suddenly has to find a job (I'm not being sexist, but I don't think most SAHDs would have as much trouble).
The «ahead» part of the meal could even be served in the car - most of her meal plans involve a fair amount of the work of making dinner to be done the night before (for working families) or after lunch (for SAHMs) or whatever works.
Frustration, fatigue and isolation are some of the most common emotions a stay at home mom (SAHM) can experience, and these feelings can be especially strong for new moms.
These articles about sahm's are not there to pretend we have it tougher than working moms, they are written for US, sahm's, to help us understand WHY we are so tired at the end of the day, because when we look back at most of our days, we took care of the kids, did a bit of laundry, a bit of dishes, a bit of cooking....
Of course being a SAHM, I change most of the diapers, however, I just want to say that my husband has been so awesome about Cloth Diapers!
When we spend most of our time with children under 4 feet tall, SAHMs do tend to talk in shorter sentences and have limited topics to talk about — we're not exactly spending our time watching the latest news on CNN or sitting around memorizing the Oxford English Dictionary for fun.
By no means would I consider teh women I know well - educated, at least not in the formal sense of the word (in fact not one had a degree), nor richer at all (in fact although some are SAHM's — most make huge cuts to do it, if they do it) and nothing to do with organic & the rest.
This is the most comprehensive list of best SAHM blogs on the internet and I'm honoured to have you as part of this!
She's a wife, SAHM and crafty blogger who spends most of her days trying to balance all three roles while still squeezing in time for crafting.
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