Sentences with phrase «most accepted theory»

The most accepted theory is the muscle growth energetic theory.
The most accepted theory establishes that the orbits of these objects, which travel beyond Neptune, should be distributed randomly, and by an observational bias, their paths must fulfil a series of characteristics: have a semi-major axis with a value close to 150 AU (astronomical units or times the distance between the Earth and the Sun), an inclination of almost 0 ° and an argument or angle of perihelion (closest point of the orbit to our Sun) also close to 0 ° or 180 °.
The most accepted theory is that one or more rogue waves hit the MS München and damaged her.
The most accepted theory is that coconuts are classified as drupes (more specifically «dry drupes»).

Not exact matches

Peoples» attention has been distracted into speculation about of how they might get rich in a parallel universe that might exist in theory — if one accepts the narrow - minded assumptions that are being taught — but whose most important real - world consequence is to impose a debt spiral on America and other nations.
In much the same way that most Christians would not like to see their pastors discuss «tooth fairy theory» as being a possible path to salvation that's just as good as accepting christ.
The scientific community, for the most part, accepted Copernicus» theory, but the church took a long time to come around.
The theory ABOUT evolution most widely accepted is an updating of Charles Darwin's hypothesis that all of today's species descended from common ancestors due to natural selection based on best current fitness for constantly changing environmental circmmstances.
Most people who dispute an almighty power have no trouble accepting the Big Bang theory.
We concede that not all who doubt the existence of a personal God do so because they accept the theory of evolution, whether the word be restricted to biology or enlarged to its cosmic significance, but we do say, and from experience know, that most modern agnosticism is bound up with those non-theistic philosophies of evolution that stream off from Hegel as their modern fountain - head.
But it is so open to be all - inclusive, all - consuming, like a unifying theory that applies to everyone from atheist to believer in any religious or spiritual tradition, that most wouldn't accept me as a part of their club.
As a result of this intense scrutiny It has been honed and modified and become one of most widely supported and accepted theories in the scientific community.
Vast majority of in Big Bang and most now accept String Theory which proposes there are many universes.
It appears to be only a matter of time before the militias accept the «fatal embrace» of the Manichaean ZOG theory and of its most radical proponents in the U.S.radical right.
Even look at the big bang theory accepted by most scientist today.
Inflation is the hot topic in media but it is not even the most widely accepted theory among scientist, and certainly no particular inflation theory is accepted enough to promote the Big Bang to a principle, even with all the media attention it gets.
If we accept this understanding of Quantum Theory, we can see our universe as capricious, where on the most fundamental level everyday laws of cause and effect do not apply.
The present most widely accepted theory of the origin of the universe — that of the hot big bang — claims that most of the helium is the product of the big bang itself and occurred within the very first minute of the existence of the expanding universe, and that the background radiation which is now being studied so intensively provides some evidence of the date of this initial explosion.
Possibly most of the «socialists» within the Labour Party — like even Tony Benn and Jeremy Corbyn — not being Socialist Workers Party style socialists, did not leave the Party and instead grudgingly accepted our dilution to social democracy for the main reason that pure socialism sans in - govt would remain a mere theory and would be worse than practical social democratic reforms / reliefs whilst in power -LRB--- and particularly bebeficial / necessary after a prolonged Thatcherite damage to our society!
Their proposal, which is at odds with the currently most widely accepted theory in the scientific community, provides new insight into this key process during genome evolution and the origins of species.
Currently the most widely accepted theory is long - term potentiation (LTP)-- the lasting communication established between two neurons when they are stimulated simultaneously.
The most widely accepted theory today suggests people are born with a «sense of numbers,» an innate ability to recognize different quantities, like the number of items in a shopping cart, and that this ability improves with age.
Most researchers accept what's called the magma ocean theory — that soon after its formation the moon was so hot that it was covered with a deep ocean of molten rock that cooled to form the surface we see today.
He rejected his own theory, even before most physicists had come to accept it, for reasons that only he cared about.
Climate change and imported disease may have killed them, but most paleontologists accept the theory Martin advocates: «When people got out of Africa and Asia and reached other parts of the world, all hell broke loose.»
These findings have overturned a widely accepted theory, and clarified that like most plants, A. elatior are pollinated mainly by flying insects.
While most linguists accept Chomsky's theory, his critics hold an alternate view: that we learn to speak merely by trial and error, building up from memory the information and associations we need to assemble words into meaningful sentences.
The most widely accepted theory of the origin of the Moon speculates that a giant object smashed into the proto - Earth at just enough velocity that part of both bodies broke off and formed the moon.
Most physicists accept these peculiar restrictions as part and parcel of the theory.
About three years ago they and another research team working independently at Princeton found a serious flaw in what has been the most widely accepted theory of galactic magnetic fields — a theory that with slight variations has also been used to explain the magnetic fields of individual stars such as the sun.
Of all Darwin's proposals, the one his contemporaries found most difficult to accept was that the theory of common descent applied to Man.
The most widely accepted theory of the beginning of the universe itself is called the Big Bang Ttheory of the beginning of the universe itself is called the Big Bang TheoryTheory.
Though many theories exist for the cause, the most widely - accepted is an impact on the Earth of an immense body from space.
The most commonly accepted current theory about the genesis of the PETM involves a sudden increase in volcanism spewing out tons of carbon over thousands of years.
The extinction asteroid theory, widely accepted as the most plausible explanation for the dinosaurs» disappearance, is the result of four decades of research.
This is the process that is thought to cause some of the most important mass gains that occur during exercise; the widely accepted theory is that muscles fragment as a form of stress compensation during heavy use.
The most commonly accepted theory among scientists as to why keto works for epileptic patients is that on the diet the number of ketones in the body spike.
And — of course — since we have accepted the theory that high fat diets clog our arteries, most scientists are unwilling to contemplate this type of diet as a treatment for anything — especially for something that can be handled with medication.
The most widely accepted idea for life extension is the free radical theory, which says that as you age, you begin to «self destruct,» courtesy of free radicals.
The most widely accepted theory is that cancer cells from a tumor inside the breast travel through the milk ducts to the nipple and areola.
Adults» generalscience knowledge hasn't improved since the 1990s — most have never heard of nanotechnology, and fewerthan half understand or accept the theory of evolution, according to research published by the NationalScience Foundation.
Most people don't: they either believe they can beat the market, or they accept the theory behind indexing but find it too hard emotionally.
There is certainly no widely accepted theory that says faster trading technology necessarily increases efficiency, and it is easy to think of algorithms that can make money (at least in the short run) but hurt most other investors, as well as the informational value of the market.
After being accepted into the group, our experienced trainers undergo one of the most complete and rounded training programs in the industry, consisting of a 360 hour curriculum that includes extensive study on canine learning theory and social development, as well as an intensive hands - on in - residence training component conducted in Dover, Delaware.
The most commonly accepted theory for stone formation is called the Precipitation - Crystallization Ttheory for stone formation is called the Precipitation - Crystallization TheoryTheory.
The most widely accepted theory is one that recognizes ancestral wolf behavior.
The most plausible and accepted theory for foxes crossing the water barrier of the Santa Barbara Channel is one of «rafting.»
Behind the most sophisticated investigations of great artists — more specifically, the art - historical monograph, which accepts the notion of the Great Artist as primary, and the social and institutional structures within which he lived and worked as mere secondary «influences» or «background» — lurks the golden - nugget theory of genius and the free - enterprise conception of individual achievement.
If you look at the history of new theories, most people come to eventually accept them, but there's often a small core group who remain in permanent denial.
Consider most people seem to accept einsteins theories and don't understand the maths.
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