Sentences with phrase «most ancient»

Most ancient texts discuss yoga as a practice to control the senses and ultimately, the mind.
Most ancient grains are gluten - free too, which is why they are gaining in popularity across the foodie world.
Blue green algae is the very first protein and most ancient food on our planet.
In most ancient societies, rest days followed lunar phases.
The reality is that most ancient history is unreliable!
Most ancient fossils display a suite of «primitive» features, consistent with their early evolution and allowing them to be distinguished from their modern descendants.
Natural diamonds are among the hardest and most ancient substances on earth — some specimens were formed three billion years ago.
One of the world's most ancient tales, it is also vastly misunderstood.
Ritual life formed the basis of most ancient cultures as a codification of memory and the transmission of cultural values, yet few people today understand the meaning and origins behind most ceremonies.
The goal of the project was to «minimize unwanted catches in commercial fishing,» the researchers told SIC Noticisas TV, as the BBC noted, but the team unknowingly unearthed one of the rarest and most ancient animals on the planet.
In the Qur» an it is made clear that from most ancient times the word Islam has been used by all divine messengers and their followers as the name for their religion.
Boost Memory, Regenerate Neurons with this Ancient Plant The world's most ancient tree has something to teach us, and give to us, as far as...
Because the brain can't distinguish between what the body is experiencing in reality and what it's seeing through the drone's sensors, the pilots, for a moment, experience that most ancient human desire: to fly.
many paleontologists think that these animals arose 65 million years ago, this new work suggests that the two most ancient groups appeared a little more than 100 million years ago during the breakup of the giant southern continent called Gondwana.
The series incorporates contemporary Bible study with the church's most ancient way of reading Scripture, lectio divina, and moves the reader from study (lectio), to reflection (meditatio), to prayer (oratio), to discernment (contemplatio), and action (operatio).
Lead author, Dr. Cameron Petrie of the Division of Archaeology, University of Cambridge notes that «for most ancient complex societies, water was a critical factor, and the availability of water and the way that it was managed and used provide critical insight into human adaptation and the resilience of subsistence practices.»
This section of the Daintree rainforest, is where the worlds most ancient rainforest, meets the reef.
In the understanding of most ancient people and, thus, in the Bible, the sun orbits the Earth.
Because hydrothermal systems house life's most ancient lineages, many biologists think that the first organisms arose there.
Batik textiles?ornate canvases for painterly art?are one of Indonesia?s most ancient traditions.
It is one of the top ten drives in Africa following Barberton's Greenstone belt, an incredible mountain range with some of the best - preserved examples of Archaean Earth rock that hold some of the world's most ancient rock sediments.
A wider reading of the New Testament, especially John and Paul, suggests that such injunctions are only a moment of eschatological delay within a wider promotion of gift - exchange beyond the fetishized limits upon such exchange imposed by most ancient societies.
The first and most ancient method is to use iron oxide impurities to produce green tones in glass.
Rhythm - induced trance is common in shamanism, humanity's most ancient healing tradition.
Distinct differences were also found within regions of the brain, even in the cerebellum, one of the evolutionarily most ancient regions of the brain, and therefore most likely to share similarities across species.
Belief in an afterlife, for example, is common to most ancient civilisations, but it would be strange for a single fruit to be so regularly singled out if it wasn't particularly healthy.
Most ancient civilizations, including the Greeks, Romans, Persians and Indians, applied the Aloe Vera extract as «first aid» for wounds, burns and other skin conditions because of its antiseptic properties.
Like I stated before, because we build so close to water sources, flood stories are a regular canon in most ancient books, same with fire and rain.
IntlPol101 — no, most ancient believes talk about energy....
Scientific analysis of past climates shows that greenhouse gasses, principally CO2, have controlled most ancient climate changes.
Greenhouse gasses, principally CO2, have controlled most ancient climate changes.
The sun had risen fully over the Wai`anae Mountains and climbed high into the wide, blue sky, its heat baking the already parched dirt path — just as it has since west O`ahu's most ancient days.
worth a visit to see artifacts from Maltas most ancient sites dating back.
Most ancient interpreters understood the Timaeus» arche to regard a metaphysical, not a temporal, principle: Wallis, 20, 65, 68, 77,102 f [19] For the metaphysical grounding of these statements cf. J. McDermott, S.J., «Faith, Reason, and Freedom,» Irish Theological Quarterly 67 (2002), 307 - 332.
For that reason most ancient pagan philosophers rejected the Christian Creator.
The third chapter is an imitation of Israel's most ancient war poetry, in which the Divine Warrior comes forth in anger to trample the nations that have oppressed Israel.
In most ancient near Eastern cultures, including Israel, unmarried women were considered the property of their fathers (or the male head - of - house), and under biblical law could either be sold into slavery to pay off debt or married for a bride price (Exodus 21:7, Nehemiah 5:5; Genesis 29:1 - 10).
While some may have wondered what was the most adequate way of attempting to portray the Holy Trinity, the risen Lord Jesus is described by the two most ancient creeds as sitting on the right hand of God the Father, and so it naturally led to a mental picture in which the three «persons» of the Trinity were pictured as individual forms though acting in unison.
The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, a solemn feast day and a holy day of obligation that we celebrate each year on August 15th, is the Church's most ancient Marian feast.
His «anti-life» budget, they wrote, ignores the «most ancient moral teachings» of the Catholic Church on the duty of the powerful to care for the powerless.
«These three texts are among Earth's most ancient documents, created over 3000 years ago.
Living in the midst of one of the world's most ancient agricultural systems, and one of the richest, changed Russell's outlook on how Americans live and opened her eyes to some alternatives.
During that period, the central regions of Australia dried out and created some of the world's most ancient deserts.
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