Sentences with phrase «most ancient teachings»

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One of the phenomena most difficult for the Catholic Church to understand, as Gilfeather O'Brien points out, is how the Guatemalan cofradias (religious fratemities based on the syncretism of Roman Catholic and ancient Mayan teachings) have been unable to compete with Pentecostal groups that offer «personal transformation of the kind the Catholic Church has desired but never achieved over the centuries.»
The ancient core of Christianity relied on teachings from many sources beyond the Bible, most of which promote equality amongst the genders.
It is a limitation of New Thought that, like most traditions that trace their evolutionary roots in terms of the ancient Greek philosophers, it does not acknowledge the African (Kemetic) contributions to the Greek wisdom teachings.
Abinadi, Odds are that you are a Mormon because your parents were Mormons and you were taught as a child that it was the correct religion by adult authority figures and most people you knew held the same beliefs, just as ancient Greek children were taught that the source lightening was Zeus hurling bolts of lightning from Mt. Olympus.
BTW, Catholics are taught that the Eastern Churches are the schismatics; but if were five ancient patriarchs at the time of the schism and four of them are still in communion with each other which one is most likely to be the schismatic?
Msgr. Jaeger expanded upon that theme, noting that «while often presented as if it were absolutely new,» the teaching of Nostra Aetate «perfectly corresponds to the most ancient intuitions of Christian theology» when it affirms there can be, and in some cases are, «elements of truth and holiness» in other religions, particularly Judaism, as explained by St. Paul in the Epistle to the Romans.
His «anti-life» budget, they wrote, ignores the «most ancient moral teachings» of the Catholic Church on the duty of the powerful to care for the powerless.
While Duhig herself is entirely freelance for both ancient and forensic anthropology and teaching (she has a one - person company called Gone to Earth), most forensic anthropologists have university posts or work for archaeological field units and are called out when necessary.
I enjoy sharing these teaching through ritual and creativity, as these are some of the most ancient tools used to explore the depth of our soul.
Boost Memory, Regenerate Neurons with this Ancient Plant The world's most ancient tree has something to teach us, and give to us, as faAncient Plant The world's most ancient tree has something to teach us, and give to us, as faancient tree has something to teach us, and give to us, as far as...
«Since ancient times benign microorganisms, sometimes referred to as «old friends,» have taught your immune system how to tolerate other harmless microorganisms, and in the process, reduce inflammatory responses that have been linked to the development of most modern illnesses, from cancer to depression.»
The civilizations of ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome are among the most engaging of teaching themes.
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