Sentences with phrase «most autistic children»

Not only can most autistic children grow up to participate fully in adult life, many are also blessed with exceptional abilities that outstrip their peers.

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«Some of the most important applications have been to the training of retarded children, to the elimination of sexual disorders, to the large - scale amelioration of adult psychotic behavior, to the training of autistic children, to the re-education of delinquent adolescents... to marriage counseling, to weight control and to
Like most parents of autistic children, I cherish my daughter.
One of the most difficult aspects of having an Autistic child is how consuming it is.
The most severely autistic children were those whose heads grew the fastest.
Working with the brains of six normal children and seven autistic children ages 2 to 16, most of whom died of drowning, Courchesne has studied neurons under the microscope and even counted the number of neural cells in different tissue samples.
Most children with AS exhibit developmental delay, movement disorders, speech impairment, and often autistic features.
Most commonly used with children on the autistic spectrum This card helps to: Set a classroom entry routine Inform TAs of what will happen in the lesson Provide students with expectations of the lesson A reward / sanction system students can manage themselves.
Applied Behavior Analysis is a time - tested strategy for teaching children with disabilities, most often children with autistic spectrum disorders.
One of the most challenging issues for parents raising an autistic child is finding and securing services for that child.
Keeping in mind that every specific situation requires it's own very specific tools, has created The Autism Store — a one - stop shop with the most valuable and fun tools available for play therapy with autistic children.
Parenting stress has been one of the most frequently researched aspects of family life among parents of children with autistic disorder [41].
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